1ST GROW! 400w Mh/HPS Tent Grow (Nirvana Blackberry & White Castle)


Active Member
It really depends. People do it differently.

For mine i started my seeds in tree bark plugs under a 2' CFL sunblaze t5 on a 24 hour schedule. When i saw a few tiny fan leaves I switched it over to 18hours on 6 hours off and used that schedule throughout their vegetative phase. They are now on 12/12 for flowering which is the standard from what i've heard. Any more than 12 hours is bad for the plant and it can regress back into a vegetative growth phase and 1.) either hermie on you and/or 2.) Severe drop in quality

Check out the following forums on this site as they are where I started. I honestly was just like you about 5 months ago but started reading around on here, article on the web, gaining general botany knowledge along the way and watching videos upon videos on YouTube. Also it wouldn't hurt to pick up Jorge Cervantes' Guide to Indoor MJ horticulture. Consider it your bible.





Active Member
Just caught up with your grow, Discord. I have a very similar setup myself. Same size tent, lights, nutes, etc. Your grow is looking great so far. Can't wait to see how it turns out in the end. Def subscribed.
Are you doing Hydro or Soil?? What type of light are you running?

dr thomas

Thanks a lot for a quick response, cool, I wasn't clear on it. I'm planning on getting the same tent and HID (hps) lamp. We r moving to FL, this maybe off topic, but do you think it would make sense growing it outside? w r gonna have neigbors next door, but was wondering how the plants would like it outside, in the Tampa area.


Active Member
Thanks a lot for a quick response, cool, I wasn't clear on it. I'm planning on getting the same tent and HID (hps) lamp. We r moving to FL, this maybe off topic, but do you think it would make sense growing it outside? w r gonna have neigbors next door, but was wondering how the plants would like it outside, in the Tampa area.
Well in regards to Florida I can give you some good advice. It is much easier to do it inside as there are WAY to many stress factors around "that" area. Heat during the summer is next to unbearable as is the Humidity especially depending where in Tampa you will be living. I would honestly just do an indoor setup easier to control your factors.


dr thomas

ok, now I know, im moving from NYC and just had to ask about fl growing. Yeah, growing inside is a better bet. How long since I germinate the seeds, to harvest time does it usually take?


Active Member
Hah I used to live in Brooklyn :)

It depends you can pick up Autoflowers but I wouldn't try them as a first timer so I don't recommend that either. I would go with a Femminized (breeded to be a female). Mine have been in the ground since early February and they have about 3 more weeks in the ground then the time for drying and curing an additional 2-3 weeks.

dr thomas

Brooklyn, cool, small world, I'm in Queens now for about 3 yrs., wow, so it does take some time. I was hoping for a quicker result, lol I'm sure I'm not the only one. My biggest problem will be to figure out how to get some smoke in FL until Im ready to harvest, 4 months is a bit long to wait for a smoke lol.
So do you smell a strong marijuana smell in your grow room while using the grow tent?


Active Member
Brooklyn, cool, small world, I'm in Queens now for about 3 yrs., wow, so it does take some time. I was hoping for a quicker result, lol I'm sure I'm not the only one. My biggest problem will be to figure out how to get some smoke in FL until Im ready to harvest, 4 months is a bit long to wait for a smoke lol.
So do you smell a strong marijuana smell in your grow room while using the grow tent?
But in my mind I hope to provide myself with my own medication for the next 4 months when these girls are done until i get my perpetual garden going.
I just wanted to get my learning experience out of the way so I actually implement what I learned this round into something not bigger but of more intelligent design.

These strains are a bit stinky... When I was getting those pictures I had to lean in and put the camera between a gap in two of the plants and I brushed a branch and got blasted in the face by some pure funk. Made me cough a little bit :)) and tear up on the inside. The room that the tent is in gets a bit stinky at times but I have a ozonator coming and will hook it up to the exhaust of the fan. Outside of the room I have my tent you can't even notice it even at it's most stinky of times. Downstairs you would never even know.

I will say this though. Get ready to pay a lot of attention to something and learn an epic amount of patience (i know i have) but trust me as a first time grower everyone is right... It is worth it for every single drop of sweat, blood (yes i cut myself pretty badly one night while watering, don't ask. Why i hadnt posted for awhile too lol.) and energy.


Hey long time no speak. Stopped updating my grow regulary as interest wasnt there, but am gonna post end results and the Grow should be finishing next week, how about yours mate????


Well-Known Member
sucks man.... sorry 2 hear ur journal didnt get popular... its wierd how sum jounrals end up so popular.... and others fail miserably... ive had quite a few journals.. and sum are popular as hell.. 200+ pges.. and others.. like my current one... suck!


Active Member
Well it has been some time since i updated this journal and I will be bringing this one to an End with this post... Starting a new job and having to harvest took a lot of my time so updating was of last priority. But for those interested parties I yielded 8.5oz Dry from 5 plants.

And i will state this... If you are a new grower and just seeing this thread and having a hard time deciding what strain to go with I would highly ;) recommend the Blackberry from Nirvana. It was a very forgiving strain and dealt well with my newb mistakes and in the end the final product was absolutely amazing. Couch locks me so hard...

New journal to come soon with new strains and a brand new DWC system as i've concluded that Soil is too dirty >_<