Bump If You're Baked!

Baked ^^ And I made a sign because I'm hyper <3


Aw too bad the flash killed the writing. Like my freaking massive lighter, though? X3
It's a precious and important idiom to both grasp and use! *nodnod*

Some social cues and figures of speech fly right over my head, but I make up for it in linguistic skills. Grammar, spelling and the theory of things like idioms and metaphors come under this, so that's one way I can help myself. Comprehension, however, is another thing entirely 0_o I know how these things work technically, but I don't always do a good job at interpreting them and have to work atit in practice. Like some people are amazing at music theory and can't play an instrument proficiently at all.

English Language finals grade: A+

English Literature finals grade: D+
