My First Grow: White Widow Harvest


Well-Known Member
This isn't much of a journal but more pics of my harvest 4 and a half months in the making. They were stunted in the beginning which put them behind quite a bit but they end result was DEFINATLELY worth it. The leaves got a bit fudged up at the end because I just didn't find it as pertinent to fix the defs. since I would be harvesting in a week or two. The buds look AWESOME though...

Roxxie (White Widow #1) 21" tall at harvest
Before the chop...

After the chop...

After trimming...

Rolled her over...

Amber (White Widow #2) 22" tall @ harvest

(Quarter for size reference on the cloth)

Before Trimming...

After Trimming...

Hangin in my fan box for drying


Well-Known Member
wooooow, im so jelly. if i grew this my first time, i think id have a heart attack. i still dont grow anything near this.......... god dude, enjoy every gram of that sticky icky


Well-Known Member
Don't quite know why I didn't mention this in the original post but this was the grow details...

2 Nirvana White Widows
400W HPS for vegging and flowering
like 2 months vegging and 8 weeks even on flowering
Fox Farms Nutes Trio
19/5 Vegging
12/12 for like 90% of flowering with a few variations
Closet grow with like mid to high 80s temps.
Water every 2 days (because my soil didn't retain water very well)

wOOOOOOOOOOO bud pornn.

give us a smoke report.
also where'd you get your seeds from?
Haha thanks man.
As for the smoke report, I'll def. give one once these get all dry but I did do an early bud pick 2 days ago when it wasn't completely finished, did a speed try and smoked it out of a joint. I just gotta say... damn... got pretty fucked up. Nice stoned feeling and it was a nice tasting smoke too. kinda reminded me of apples. I'm sorry if that's not a very helpful description but I'm still pretty new to smoking (and growing lol).

Great looking crop bud! Thumbs up!:weed:
Thanks dude!

wooooow, im so jelly. if i grew this my first time, i think id have a heart attack. i still dont grow anything near this.......... god dude, enjoy every gram of that sticky icky
Lol If you're jelly, i'm peanut butter (which is delicious btw). Well out of the 4 plants I started, these are the two I did right and I guess you reap what you sow. Thanks for the complements man. I will definatley be enjoying every gram. This summer will be "blazin".

Not bad mate what sort of weight u expecting ?
Thanks man, I never have been good with weights but like an oz. and a half maybe? 2 ounces?? I need to get a scale too...


Well-Known Member
Well I didn't say I COULDN'T, I just said I didn't have a scale. Doesn't mean I won't buy/borrow one.
Sounds cool, you should always have a friend with a scale lol :) had another look at the pics, they look really good, your whole place must stink while drying those buds :weed::weed:


Active Member
o_O apple tasting eh? sounds fancy haha.
Its always a good sign when speed drying still gives a good taste, now imagine how it'll taste after proper curing!

truly envious. I'll stick to my blueberry for now, its also pretty sick.

happy days! lata


Well-Known Member
Sounds cool, you should always have a friend with a scale lol :) had another look at the pics, they look really good, your whole place must stink while drying those buds :weed::weed:
Well like I said (or I think I did), I'm still pretty new to weed in general and this is my first grow. I'm still tryin to find my smoker friends who might have stuff like that.
and thanks dude lol. It made the entire level stink during the end of flowering. Drying isn't as bad because they're in a closet in an active-intake box so the smell is kinda dispersed and it stays in the closet.

o_O apple tasting eh? sounds fancy haha.
Its always a good sign when speed drying still gives a good taste, now imagine how it'll taste after proper curing!

truly envious. I'll stick to my blueberry for now, its also pretty sick.

happy days! lata
Haha ikr? it's gonna taste AUHMAZING
thanks dude. I'll bet it's awesome. Some one's on my want-to-smoke list: sour diesel, white rhino, green crack, and lemon haze. Wouldn't mind tryin that blueberry either lol.

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
you wont regret it, blueberry is a diamond in the rough, you get that right pheno, and you will have a new mother plant to keep cloning from. my roomate grew a sick blueberry clon and made it his mother plant, till this day i think it was the best tasting cured weed id ever had.