Uncle Ben
Well-Known Member
Uncle Ben, just a quick question for you. Iv been using your second node topping method religiously since I first tried it, and I made an observation I was wondering if you noticed too?
Do topped plants reach "sexual maturity" quicker than untopped plants?
Just last few grows Iv noticed that asymmetrical branching starts to occur around the 5th node on each of the new growth tip with preflowers shortly afterwards, whereas my observations of untopped plants it seems to be around the 10th-12th node.
Thanks in advance!
EDIT: Also, after I topped my plants I raised the light up to promote a small amount of stretch (give the new branches a bit of space) before lowering the light again to resume dense noding...is this a waste of time do you reckon?
I think there might be sexual maturity based on ruderalis genes. Last couple of times I've grown they showed alternating nodes before I topped, had to be the rudy influence. I say any plant that shows adult leaves is ready to flower.
Good luck,