Kottonmouth's Multi Strain Outdoor Grow

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
i put them in the cabinet,put on veg cycle18/6 and will see what happens.i know im confusing them,but man,if they were staying indoor id havta flower right now!they would stretch out my penatration range.these mamadudes and the pineapple thai are gonna be monsters bro! theyre tall already and its freakn may!!the chem dawg is tall too!ill update tonight. got a house guest.


Well-Known Member
looking forward to it brother, they'll be alright going back indoors..in my experience with veggies, its more of a struggle for them going from inside to outside so i wouldnt sweat it

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
this is first time doing my own begging like this. last time we bought clone 1 may29 and she was decent size.then 2more june 28th,they to were decent size.no cab to vegg them in.my whole indoor began by finding this site looking for help when my gf was killing my plants.then i saw someone growing with cfl&BING! lights started flashing!!! its been a heavy addiction since!

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
Thanx scar! How ya been man? Ill fersher get pix up today. Big changes! Few are big already! My lovlee space jill is a pc of art man! Beaut!


Well-Known Member
Fuck, I really wanted to grow some of Subcools strains this year...lol...You gonna take cuttings of anything?


Active Member
Not to jack your journal or anythign KMK... but i need some help bro !

Any one have any XP with party cup growing? I have a shit load of 16 Oz cups.. and to save space.. I'm thinking about just letting them grow in the cups... I don't really have anything else bigger that will fit more than a few plants at a time in my cab. and well, if i grow 4 bag seed in 4 nice sized pots...... then 3 of em become males..... then im down to 1 Fem for the duration of the grow. dind't know if any one had gotten good results off of 16 Oz cups before.

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
G/p~ post away bro! What ever gets u the help u need!I get root bound&transplant. But what if u grew till flower then cut bottom of cup off and set the cut cups inside more cups with soil in them. Giving more root space? Justa thot!itll work,just dont veg them.

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
okay,the spoons dont work well in pics when there to far awya to read1 naw,really tho-the mamadudes and the pineapple thai are big! bubba plat kusks and chem dawg not far behnd! a pic of after i topped my bagseed and then tied her over .theres aloooot of pix!!!



New Member
looking good bro

okay,the spoons dont work well in pics when there to far awya to read1 naw,really tho-the mamadudes and the pineapple thai are big! bubba plat kusks and chem dawg not far behnd! a pic of after i topped my bagseed and then tied her over .theres aloooot of pix!!!

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
hey man,these are all for outdoor!i cloned the md's and then transplanted them,then they drooped.i paniced when it started to rain so i removed cfls and stuk everything inside! theyll go back out next week. theyre gonna veg for cupl months! gonna be friken monsters!nice theyre 3 ft in may!!!!