Renes Random Rambles!

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Well-Known Member
I have this wonderful ability to remember EVERYthing that I 'hide' from myself, yet I forget where the fuck I put shit normally on a constant basis....... I've still got an 1/8 floating around here from bout 2mos ago that I've yet to give up on though.

Congrats for you though.... seeds I find all the time, money is an extreme rarity.
I never find seeds none my shit comes with seed I've found one in almost a year
I find toys, poptarts pieces, and other assorted, unrecognizable food items....... YAY KIDS :)
Haha kids are great!


Moderatrix of Journals
I find toys, poptarts pieces, and other assorted, unrecognizable food items....... YAY KIDS :)
mine has a "stash" somewhere for the faves.... you know when you turn around and they're casually eating a yogurt tube, say, when you haven't *had yogurt tubes in a week..... *right on*


Pickle Queen
mine has a "stash" somewhere for the faves.... you know when you turn around and they're casually eating a yogurt tube, say, when you haven't *had yogurt tubes in a week..... *right on*

LOL 2 cute! Only your kitten would have a secret stash , training them young without exposing, good job kitty "more tummy tickles" prrrrrrrrrrr


well i just checked mine and found a sour gummi worm not bad after i brushed all the dirt and crumbs off it
I shouldnt have even checked riu before I crawled into bed.... I'm sippin on a huge mug of milk, trying to keep my eyes open, now I gotta go find the kids candy stash.... I think he had some now n laters :D


Well-Known Member
Good shit Rene, congrats on the seeds. Now you can restart your crop when you get back on your feet.
I'm still lookin around RIU for someone willing to give up 3-4 real nice seeds in exchange for daily updates on their progress. Or perhaps a trade for a couple beans I've got already. But since they're not super strains (the ones I have) i'm hesitant to plant them, and it also reduces the chances that anyone will want to trade for it :-P.
But, there are ALWAYS people who are serious collectors, or need a strong hearty sativa strain, as it's not readily available where they live. Hopefully that'll be the case. I've got an open spot in my next grow and godda get a bean sprouted asap!! :-P

Wish me luck. ;-)
I'll be around tonight, took a nap earlier. BUUUUT, it's cigarette time, so i'll....brb


New Member
thats bad bro
what u going to tell him in the am
that insurgents sneaked into house and stole them?

I shouldnt have even checked riu before I crawled into bed.... I'm sippin on a huge mug of milk, trying to keep my eyes open, now I gotta go find the kids candy stash.... I think he had some now n laters :D


Well-Known Member
thats bad bro
what u going to tell him in the am
that insurgents sneaked into house and stole them?
Now and laters a awful anyway, they're bad now, and later....
Same with bit o honey, you'll be pickin bits o it outta your teeth for weeks...

Now and laters are like a hard unappetizing version of starbursts...


New Member
mmmmmmmmmmm yummy
i going to see what else i find n couch

Now and laters a awful anyway, they're bad now, and later....
Same with bit o honey, you'll be pickin bits o it outta your teeth for weeks...

Now and laters are like a hard unappetizing version of starbursts...


New Member
bro hate to play the bad guy but thats not allowed here

Good shit Rene, congrats on the seeds. Now you can restart your crop when you get back on your feet.
I'm still lookin around RIU for someone willing to give up 3-4 real nice seeds in exchange for daily updates on their progress. Or perhaps a trade for a couple beans I've got already. But since they're not super strains (the ones I have) i'm hesitant to plant them, and it also reduces the chances that anyone will want to trade for it :-P.
But, there are ALWAYS people who are serious collectors, or need a strong hearty sativa strain, as it's not readily available where they live. Hopefully that'll be the case. I've got an open spot in my next grow and godda get a bean sprouted asap!! :-P

Wish me luck. ;-)
I'll be around tonight, took a nap earlier. BUUUUT, it's cigarette time, so i'll....brb


Well-Known Member
You know we never really know what life will bring... The last month of my life has been fucking crazy! Life has been less than ideal and though I may not have liked it I've realized a lot! I have been working harder than ever thanks to the wonderful friends here on riu and met some rather interesting people in these last few weeks and days.... Most are friends of a particular friend of mine and turns out that they guy I said I don't trust my plants with is his brother and he laughed told me I was right not to trust him but not to worry at the same time lol these people have given me a different outlook on life and honestly they are so happy and content and my friend says he's just kinda a drifter saddens me but in all my chaos was able to help him...huh guess its true with every negative there's a positive..I'm just rambling now haven't slept its 4 am here minds going crazy! Maybe some sleep before the day ahead :)


Well-Known Member
I love living out in the woods, but man I miss Taco Bell...I found one like 1/2 hour away....hummmm, damn gas will cost more than 10 tacos....I guess it's Cap'n Crunch for tonights munchies


Well-Known Member
1/2 hour each way, in my'd probable spend 10 just in gas, but those tacos are sounding good...I might just just smoke this bowl and hit the road....I'll eat all 12 on the drive home


Well-Known Member
1/2 hour each way, in my'd probable spend 10 just in gas, but those tacos are sounding good...I might just just smoke this bowl and hit the road....I'll eat all 12 on the drive home
Lmao this sounds like a great idea! Taco bell best munchies ever haha I just had a similar discussion this morning about 3am :lol:

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
hey rene! what it is gerrrly? where ya been all taco bell duz sound good duznt it? myself and another friend are havin serious munchie issues! i think taco bell sounds great!
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