Need Help Curing My Crop


Can you guys please help me with a curring process, I have grown 2 nice yield crops but the final product still has that green grass smell like i just cut the lawn. The buds smoke awesome and taste wonderful I just cant seem to get the weed to smell like weed. I normally let it hang upside down for 3 days to get it to 80% dry then i put it in mason jars for 2 weeks, I do burp the jars 5 times a day to let in new air but it still has that fresh cut grass smell. So if you have any links or video's that will give me some ideas on what I am doing wrong please help me out.


My favorite grow is Kandy Kush So far

After Looking at what a Hygrometer dose i will be picking up a few this weekend for my next yield.
I knew there had to be a device for showing my the moisture content of the jars. Feel free to post anyways but i think i have found a answer to my problem.


Well-Known Member
now taking bets on when Serapis will post his infamous hygrometer thread....
That thread has been supremely useful to me. I was never good at curing until I read that thread and bought a cheapo hydrometer to throw in the jars. Now I don't need to guess as to how long I should be opening/closing the jars. My ganja has definitely been taken to the next level thanks to Serapis' info.


Well-Known Member
Thanks, but the credit goes to RIU members and their contributions. As I stated in the article, it was a tip i picked up from another member.

People like KBO aren't here to learn, they are only here to start shit and show off their ignorance. while I appreciate the influx of new members we are getting with states going legal, unfortunately, asshats sneak in with the ones that are truly here to learn or contribute to those that are.

Thanks again Schmarm for the kind words.

That thread has been supremely useful to me. I was never good at curing until I read that thread and bought a cheapo hydrometer to throw in the jars. Now I don't need to guess as to how long I should be opening/closing the jars. My ganja has definitely been taken to the next level thanks to Serapis' info.

kbo ca

Active Member
Dude, do you ever shut the fuck up? Do you ever offer any fucking help to anyone on this site? All you do is run your fucking mouth and it's getting old. You are proof that most assholes live in California. I'll bet you also hold a medical card for the schizo thoughts that call your head their home....

Poster, if you need any help, hit me up... I actually have experience in this field, unlike one other that merely posted in your thread to be an asshole....
no need to get your panties in a bunch.