What kind of weird behavior is this from Obama?


Well-Known Member
hahaha..here we go again:mrgreen:
do you know what his kids names are?
In Arab culture and under Islamic law, if your father is a Muslim, so are you. And once a Muslim, always a Muslim. You cannot go back. In Islamic eyes, Obama is certainly a Muslim.
So what are the monickers of the Munchkins, Joe?


New Member
In Arab culture and under Islamic law, if your father is a Muslim, so are you. And once a Muslim, always a Muslim. You cannot go back. In Islamic eyes, Obama is certainly a Muslim.

Althouigh I vehemently disagree with this thesis, It could be a good thing if the rest of the islamic world thought Obama might have some islamic ties. After all, the Christian crusades don't seem to be working all that well.


Well-Known Member
In Arab culture and under Islamic law, if your father is a Muslim, so are you. And once a Muslim, always a Muslim. You cannot go back. In Islamic eyes, Obama is certainly a Muslim.

Althouigh I vehemently disagree with this thesis, It could be a good thing if the rest of the islamic world thought Obama might have some islamic ties. After all, the Christian crusades don't seem to be working all that well.

The Iraq war isn't a Christian crusade, it's an idiotic crusade, but not one that's based on religion.


It could be a good thing if the rest of the islamic world thought Obama might have some islamic ties.
Who gives a fuck what this medieval culture thinks about Obama?


New Member
The Iraq war isn't a Christian crusade, it's an idiotic crusade, but not one that's based on religion.


Who gives a fuck what this medieval culture thinks about Obama?
It's the fastest growing religion in the world, and, has more members than any other. Might be of a little concern, what say you besides fuck-em?


Well-Known Member
It's the fastest growing religion in the world, and, has more members than any other. Might be of a little concern, what say you besides fuck-em?

It spreads in prisons and where there are high birth rates, am I supposed to be impressed by that? It's like a fucking virus...


Well-Known Member
BTW, fix your avatar, I can't see it...I know it's a play on our progressive avatars, but you can't read the writing on yours...


Well-Known Member
it makes me laugh when ppl are clearly racist but seem to be ashamed of the fact and deny it and say,,,"no actually i dont like him coz",,,,,
well i personally aint racist and i never will be coz ignorance and hatred only leads to misery eventually!i hope obama is victorious!peace.


Well-Known Member
it makes me laugh when ppl are clearly racist but seem to be ashamed of the fact and deny it and say,,,"no actually i dont like him coz",,,,,
well i personally aint racist and i never will be coz ignorance and hatred only leads to misery eventually!i hope obama is victorious!peace.
So what you're saying is, anyone who dislikes Obama is clearly a racist, right?

Same for Hillary, anyone who hates her is clearly a woman hater.

If they don't like McCain it's painfully obvious they hate POW's.

I love your logic!


New Member
That's original. A real stinging slap in the face. Except, you don't see too many Canadians going out of their ways to crash your party. I wonder why that is?
Uhhh, just guessing here, but could it be because Canadians can't compete? Or maybe because our women are so much better looking than Canadian women and Canadian men have a confidence problem? Or perhaps its because Canadian weed growers are over confident in the quality of their buds? Hell man, I really don't know why Canadians won't join the party down here, unless its the peace they enjoy up in the attic while our military and the American taxpayer keeps them safe. :blsmoke:



Active Member
It's not your military that keeps us safe, it's our foreign policy. As for the rest, well I'm sure even you realize that's bullshit.


New Member
Well, at least you can take a joke. And I never said Canadians lack a sense of humor.

Oh yeah ... and the Salmon fishing is great up your way too. :)



New Member
Yeah, but you have to smoke it with those ugly women. :mrgreen:

Here's a shot I took of an average Southern California girl while strolling on the beach the other day: :blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
Uhhh, just guessing here, but could it be because Canadians can't compete? Or maybe because our women are so much better looking than Canadian women and Canadian men have a confidence problem? Or perhaps its because Canadian weed growers are over confident in the quality of their buds? Hell man, I really don't know why Canadians won't join the party down here, unless its the peace they enjoy up in the attic while our military and the American taxpayer keeps them safe. :blsmoke:

Vi, it is OBVIOUS why they like Canada so much. It's the weather, damnit!


New Member
Vi, it is OBVIOUS why they like Canada so much. It's the weather, damnit!
~lol~ ... I went Salmon fishing in the Queen Charlotte Strait a number of years back. Pacific Outback Resort, BC Salmon Fishing Lodge, Queen Charlotte Sound, British Columbia It was toward the end of June. I had on long johns, levis, wool socks, t-shirt, sweat shirt, a sweater, a coat ... AND a first class survival suit. I STILL froze my ass off. The Salmon fishing was incredible though. And every time I've visited Canada, the people were first class all the way. Bunk weed though. :mrgreen:




Well-Known Member
Wow where did the main idea of this thread go? Racist this, patriotic that, my religion this, my country that. I am going to vote for Obama because I feel that more people can tune into his frequency. I have heard speeches all my life of course but rarely paid attention because they all droned on like uninspired puppets of our current fascist state of government. People will take back the country if they are interested in whats happening and for me, he makes me interested. I pay attention. I can "tune" into his frequency.

I would also like to add a few quotes from Thomas Jefferson:

&#8220;Whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government...&#8221;

"Whenever the people are well-informed, they can be trusted with their own government.&#8221;

&#8220;On the dogmas of religion, as distinguished from moral principles, all mankind, from the beginning of the world to this day, have been quarreling, fighting, burning and torturing one another, for abstractions unintelligible to themselves and to all others, and absolutely beyond the comprehension of the human mind.&#8221;



New Member
happy fuzz ...

If you recognize our evolvement into a fascist state, why on earth would you vote for a man (Obama) who would have our momentum in that direction take on warp-speed?



New Member
happy fuzz ...

If you recognize our evolvement into a fascist state, why on earth would you vote for a man (Obama) who would have our momentum in that direction take on warp-speed?

I realize that with your closed mind, nothing I might say on this forum would cause you to actually think, but stop and think: Is Obama the best choice of the candidates that have a chance to win or not? And if not, please explain why the others would be better.


Well-Known Member
Like I said, he gets people involved. It's not so much what he can do as it is what WE can do. And if he is gettin people to listen and pay attention the better. You see we have lost our way, he is a representative of US not the other way around. WE own the government when WE all pay attention. And if he gets people to pay attention then WE won't fail in fixing our current condition. Even if he gets in and sucks, if WE pay attention then WE can change it. Everyone has sat on the sideline and let big brother run the show and just depended on that for to long. WE have to stand up and rejuvenate this nation. Whether it be Hillary, Barack or McCain - WE need to pay attention. I feel like most People are paying attention to Barack and actually open there ears to for Barack. Not just hearing him but actually listening to what he is saying.