Mothers are Starting to Flower under 24 Hour Light


Hello everyone and thanks for your help in advance. I have soem mothers that have been under a t5 and a moving light rail with a something watt bulb on it that moves back and forth. I have noticed little hairs starting to sprout from the tops of the plants that i recognize as the beggining stages of flowering. Why are they flowering? And how do i make them stop? I do recycle soil too, so could there be something in it from the lst flowering in the soil that's making them sprout flowers now?


Active Member
Hairs are forming at the top of bud sites? Or at branch nodes? Branch node white hairs are only Pre-flowers which is normal. If they are flowering at the top of bud sites, I would say your lights went out or something? Autoflowers can flower with 24 hours of light.


Well-Known Member
from what i have seen, alot of plants when they are matrue enough start to sprout pre-flowers or pre-balls either or from sex to sex but i wouldnt worry about it, i dought that you have anything to worry about just keep em under the light, and maybe use a different batch of soil just for the mothers :D


Well-Known Member
Hairs are forming at the top of bud sites? Or at branch nodes? Branch node white hairs are only Pre-flowers which is normal. If they are flowering at the top of bud sites, I would say your lights went out or something? Autoflowers can flower with 24 hours of light.
i got beat to it :0


Thanks for your replies. The hairs are growing from the very tops, and in armpits, and there are also horny like leaf things coming out of certain armpits. It was a pretty crowded room so maybe that's it? Also, is it safe for me to clone them?


Well-Known Member
yea their just preflowers mate, my buddies mothers all have these no worries, and yes that means it is mature enough to clone from, clone away my good sir!