Bill Clinton wants 'Internet Truth Agency' set up by Washington and the UN


New Member

Bill Clinton doesn't like all the misinformation and rumors floating on the Internet. And he thinks the United Nations or the U.S. government should create an agency to do something about it.

"It would be a legitimate thing to do," Clinton said in an interview airing Friday on CNBC.
The agency, Clinton said, would "have to be totally transparent about where the money came from" and would have to be "independent" because "if it's a government agency in a traditional sense, it would have no credibility whatever, particularly with a lot of the people who are most active on the internet."

"Let's say the U.S. did it, it would have to be an independent federal agency that no president could countermand or anything else because people wouldn't think you were just censoring the news and giving a different falsehood out," Clinton said.

"That is, it would be like, I don't know, National Public Radio or BBC or something like that, except it would have to be really independent and they would not express opinions, and their mandate would be narrowly confined to identifying relevant factual errors" he said. "And also, they would also have to have citations so that they could be checked in case they made a mistake. Somebody needs to be doing it, and maybe it's a worthy expenditure of taxpayer money."

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Nice thread..

Clinton aside there is Turkey as well..
Internet controls meet opposition in Turkey

People demand free internet in Turkey

By at 16 May, 2011, 11:45 am

Thousands of Turks have gathered on Sunday in the center of Istanbul to protest the government’s plan to implement an Internet-filtering system in August.
The protestors carried posters reading “Free banned links now” and “Hands off our Internet,” Hurriet informs. The crowd continually applauded to show their objection and held sit-down strikes during their two-hour march from Taksim Square to Tünel at the end of Istiklal Avenue.
The government tries to explain somehow the decision saying the filtering system will offer users the option of choosing between varying levels of access to the Internet with the main goal being to protect children from indecent content. Critics, however, have expressed doubt about the government’s intentions.
The group included writers from “Eksi sozluk” (Sour Dictionary) electronic platform. They said the Prime Ministry’s Information Technologies Board, or BTK, plans to restrict people’s right to reach unbiased information with the online-filtering system.
“For families who want to protect their children, there are plenty of filtering systems that are presently provided free of charge. Therefore I am against this system’s compulsory application. We do not want filtering systems tracing people 24 hours a week,” said protester Emre Halman, 25.
Internet users who were previously accessing forbidden websites through altering their DNS measures will no longer reach those sites under the new regulation, said Ece Öztürk, an Ek?i Sözlük writer, saying that people will not have a chance to know which websites are censored in the four packages: standard, family, children and domestic.
“Every user will be given a username when choosing one of those packages. However, as we do not know what is censored, we will be penalized,” said Ozturk.
On the other hand, some protesters said people should have the freedom to decide what is harmful for them and this application does not have any difference from wiretapping. “There are so many forbidden websites that people enter by pretending as if they were connecting from abroad. People’s freedom of choice will be lost. This will resemble wiretapping because people’s every move will be traced,” said protester Alper Hal?c?, 25.
Many protesters said conservative values of BTK have become widespread with the limitation of certain words. “A conservative part of society tries to examine the sites we enter. We are against restrictions in an atmosphere where there should be freedom instead,” said Serkan Okter, an IT counselor, 35.

Feel free to check out the censorship packages Turkey is imposing.

A really big site which employed 2 programmers and a doctor was taken off the internet by Turkey because one person wrote as a reply in one thread they liked cannabis.
Guess we should remind Mr. Clinton of this:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

How is making a government agency that has total power to abridge freedom of speech and press and is unaccountable and will be funded by the taxpayer going to help us?

Goebbels would be Proud.

Perhaps we could just educate people to be more critical thinkers? Naw that wouldn't work, we instead should just condition them to accept anything government says as fact.
Well by god that is just what we need. A lying mother fucker like clinton talking about the truth.

If odumbass gets reelected this country will be socialized. They are working on it real hard, coming into your house without warrants, busting people for selling real milk. Now they want to track every thing we do.
It is an issue that is bigger than Clinton and ilk.
They plan to route all internet traffic through Government routers.
US plans to police global web


By Stewart Mitchell
Posted on 17 May 2011 at 10:44
The US has called on its allies to follow a wide ranging set of standards aimed at improving global cyber security – and said it will take whatever means necessary to enforce a safer web.
In its International Strategy for Cyberspace, the US laid out ideals to spread an open and interoperable internet, but it also underlined its intention to act as global policeman on the web.
The United States will combine diplomacy, defence, and development to enhance prosperity, security, and openness so all can benefit from networked technology
“To realise this future and help promulgate positive norms, the United States will combine diplomacy, defence, and development to enhance prosperity, security, and openness so all can benefit from networked technology,” the White House paper said.
The document set out a framework for what it considered acceptable state behaviour on the internet, including protection of privacy and intellectual property, freedom of expression and a right to self defence.
Calling on its Nato allies for support, the US said it would push for other nations to fall into line with its vision for international behaviour online, and would enforce its goals through a wide-ranging set of sanctions.
“The US will, along with other nations, encourage responsible behaviour and oppose those who would seek to disrupt networks and systems, dissuading and deterring malicious actors, and reserving the right to defend these vital national assets as necessary and appropriate,” the strategy said.
“We reserve the right to use all necessary means — diplomatic, informational, military, and economic — as appropriate and consistent with applicable international law, in order to defend our nation, our allies, our partners, and our interests.
“In so doing, we will exhaust all options before military force whenever we can.”
The White House also called for a more unified approach to cyber security threats and better collaboration between Computer Emergency Response Teams around the world.

Let us not transit simply against old Bill it's bigger than that. World wide as well,
Turkey have a Cable TV type censorship package now.
Guess we should remind Mr. Clinton of this:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

How is making a government agency that has total power to abridge freedom of speech and press and is unaccountable and will be funded by the taxpayer going to help us?

Goebbels would be Proud.

Perhaps we could just educate people to be more critical thinkers? Naw that wouldn't work, we instead should just condition them to accept anything government says as fact.

Nowhere does it say that this organization would have the power to abridge speech.
All truth begins with rumors or seen as false in the beginning. The earth being round, how the solar system rotates...Those two things were debunked and fought against before it became to be seen as fact and truth.
They don't want to stop false rumors, they want to stop new truth from being seen by stopping it before it spreads.
Nowhere does it say that this organization would have the power to abridge speech.
Right, because saying what you want to say on the internet isn't Speech, its just sentences on a screen, therefore in need of regulation. If they have the power to shut down your site, then they have the power to shut you up, essentially the same thing as speech. Or did you understand the Constitution as being literally "speech" as in ONLY the spoken word?
Again Clinton aside NPR had a really good segment on this book.

We must assume we have no protections with our internet providers nor our firewalls on our computers

Mr. Clinton is not leading the way just picking a position.

These guys get the briefings daily. Bush 1&2 and Clinton, Carter and who else is alive?

They all know what is happening. The Internet is being routed in even in the USA.

Well, if they would be shutting people down that sounds like an infringement on free speech but if it was just like CSPAN style where they just sat there calling out misinformation and whatnot, something always available to the press and people like a huge Politifact... Than I could stand behind that NP. I understand Clinton's sentiment, and we all should really, in that there is a ton of misinformation on the internet and on TV that effects the well being of the country's electoral integrity. I didn't watch the video (can't atm) but I get a sense thats what it's about... I very much doubt Clinton is advocating for a "Ministry of Truth" ala 1984; He just wants to help foster a more truthful environment for the voter, who gets swindled by often purposefully deceitful groups.
If all internet traffic will route through the NSA computers which we will spend 70 million on the electric bill I'd be in favor of an oversight program.

This does make me uncomfortable like watching the Movie 1984.
If all internet traffic will route through the NSA computers which we will spend 70 million on the electric bill I'd be in favor of an oversight program.

This does make me uncomfortable like watching the Movie 1984.
what do you think all the comupters satilites phones drones robots cameras HAARP bunkers and guns are for?