Classic: 0 out of 100 Seeds Won't Germinate

Hey everybody,

Sorry for such a classic topic. In fact I've already been through all possible threads about this but there must be something I'm doing wrong.

I actually decided to start growing marijuana the cheap way. It all started when I bought myself a really bad seedy stash of weed, and believe it or not, ended up with more than a hundred seeds.

I selected them by their conditions. Rolled them up gently to see if they broke, and sticked with the ones that were strong regardless of the color. So finally I had light, brown and even darker seeds. I said to myself, if I germinate 5 seeds, I'm happy enough (I don't plan to have any more than that).

All good. I split them up in 4 disposable dishes, one paper towel + water + seeds + another paper towel + water + drain excess water by kinda waving the dishes. Then I cover the dishes with a plastic bag and leave it on my desk. Probably my first mistake, it wasn't dark at all! And temperature around 65 degrees. Three long days and some seeds showed a nano-cracks, but nothing exceptional.

Then I covered them with aluminium foil to make it darker for the seeds. After one more day, no movement. :wall:

I'm wondering how it can be possible that 0 seeds out of 100 just won't sprout. :cuss:Should I wait more? Should I change something in my method? Or should I just buy decent seeds online and do the right thing?

I appreciate your help!

kevin murphy

New Member
what i did was out of seventy odd seeds placed them in my pot tray with paper towels and covered them with water and then the seed tray over top and put them on top of my lights i got 64 out of seventy odd seeds anything between 6-24 hrs they all opened part from bout 10 i think...worked for me but each to there own..


Active Member
I think 2 things will help: higher temp and patience.

Also, are you planning on growing in water or dirt? If dirt, I suggest skipping these extra steps altogether and just place the seed in some moist soil. I use my pinky finger to create a divot, place the seed, lightly cover the seed with soil, and moisten. Foolproof


Well-Known Member
Or if you insist on pre-germinating them, drop em in a glass of water will you see a tiny white root bout 3/4 of a cm long, then throw em in moist soil :)
The problem of placing them directly on dirt is that I don't want to grow 100 seeds ^^. I was wishing some of them germinated to select a few and grow around 10 plants. I do wanna grow them on dirt though, and afterwards they'll be transfered to the woods in a hiding place.

As one of the seed-dishes is dating from THURSDAY, I think I'll throw their seeds on the water and see what happens. I just wanted to see even just 1/4 of a cm long root before I throw em in moist soil... but not even that.


Active Member
If you have excess water coming off your paper towel you're using way too much on it. Just my opinion. My paper towels are damp to moist at most.


Active Member
If you have excess water coming off your paper towel you're using way too much on it. Just my opinion. My paper towels are damp to moist at most.
That is a very common mistake, one which made on my first try. The paper towel should be moist, not wet. I tend to wet mine, then squeeze out the excess moisture. then use a spray bottle as needed.

As for the darkness, it's not needed I germ my seeds in my grow room, they don't receive direct light, but regardless it's fairly bright in there and I've had no problems.
That is a very common mistake, one which made on my first try. The paper towel should be moist, not wet. I tend to wet mine, then squeeze out the excess moisture. then use a spray bottle as needed.

As for the darkness, it's not needed I germ my seeds in my grow room, they don't receive direct light, but regardless it's fairly bright in there and I've had no problems.
I did squeeze out the excess moisture by waving the dishes. Actually as the paper towel was kinda glued to the plastic dish, I waved it until the last drop fell out. Now they are on the top of my light desk getting some heat. Temperature is probably around 85F, I hope tomorrow I'll see some roots!


Active Member
just buy some good seeds lol...prob wasteing time with those seeds any ways not knowing what they r and most will prob be males...ATTITUDE SEED BANK


Active Member
I did squeeze out the excess moisture by waving the dishes. Actually as the paper towel was kinda glued to the plastic dish, I waved it until the last drop fell out. Now they are on the top of my light desk getting some heat. Temperature is probably around 85F, I hope tomorrow I'll see some roots!
Temperature sounds a little high to me. I get a germ rate of about 18/20 in just normal room temps. Guess you could put them on top of a heating pad I guess but that's not necessary. It sounds like you got the paper way too wet. Just an opinion though. Go get a spray bottle and just squirt the paper towel that you are using, don't even drip water from a little water bottle on it or anything like that. Trust me, you over wetted it.
Hey I've been smokin for a while and want to grow my own plant for recreational purpose.. I'm tired of not having a good connection and want to grow the bud I want.. Any beginners tips for seeds where and where to get em. Also would like to know a good outdoor strain for south florida.Also would like to know the best method of germination.. Get back to me soon thanks



Well-Known Member
just buy some good seeds lol...prob wasteing time with those seeds any ways not knowing what they r and most will prob be males...ATTITUDE SEED BANK
THIS. I just bought 10 Dream Queen, 5 Romulan, 3 Romulan x Grapfruit, and one Barneys honey B they threw in for free. Old School paper towel germination and EVERY single one of them popped in 4 days! I lost one Romulan during the transplant, but the rest are doing well in cups 1 week later. Those seeds were probably done before you started. The light is not a huge factor either unless they are directly in it or drying your paper towels up. I also just got 16 critical mass seeds and they are starting to pop after 2 days. Word

Bobby Fuse

Active Member
throw them under the desk at least.. there is no where in your space with no light? and a little heat? i buy jiffy cubes (circles) from home depot $2.50 brings about 30 something add warm water pop them in and wait. after nothing dont give up you can do other things to try.. but man i bet if i threw 100 seeds behind my house at least one would fucking grow lol...

as a last hope cut the seeds very carefully with a sharp knife to penetrate the outershell. researsh it.. i have done this after a seed did not pop for almost 2 weeks and it poped by the time i was back home from work.


Active Member
I've had similar problems getting some a auto assassin an 2 super cail haze to pop. Found this thread and sounds like i had the paper too wet. Thanks guys, drained off now so hoping for some action in the next few days. Strange though as I got 2 to go no problem in the same dish !
How long have you had the seeds? if you've been holding on to them for over six months, they're probably just dead seeds, unless you used some sort of method to preserve them.