Almost busted, need info


Well-Known Member
man that fucking sucks he wouldnt even of known you were growing was in the dark period right?
No, the lights were on but I turned them out when the cop showed up. Also, we had smoked some chronic in my apartment about 45 min to an hour before he came but I was burning incense. I really don't know why he came but the neighbors have called the cops on me before for noise complaints. We weren't making that much noise though so that is why I tripped out so bad. Not to mention I was baked out of my skull:joint:

Do you think they will come back with a warrant on Monday?:confused:


Mr I Can Do That For Half
I dont get these kids who grow and then have tons of people over or have parties or get loud or do anything to draw attention... yeah you shouldnt grow as you will end up in jail your not ready for what it takes to do it.. and yeah just destroy the leftovers not good for anything and dont put in your trash on the curb for gods sake lol


Well-Known Member
blend those suckers and flush 'em!

You wont get fuck all else from them . Also i'll add your an idiot for ripping your plants up. No cops can come in without a warrant.And no cop is going to serve a warrant at himself.

You need to grow some balls , if you can't do the time don't do the crime!


Mr I Can Do That For Half
yup time sucks but if you cant do the time dont do the crime. Ive spent a few different times in lockdown and eventually you get real good at spades and chess


Well-Known Member
Dry em, and smoke em buddy. I chopped down my male plants after 2 weeks of flower, dried them under grill and smoked em blunt, it got me caned. It's nothing like the high you get from bud but it does the job. I've heard that male plants at a certain stage have more THC than females so ;)


Well-Known Member
I can't blame you. I probably would have reacted the same way. As I keep saying, a month of wasted grow time is better than a month in jail :-|


Well-Known Member
First, my angry friends, I was not throwing a party at all. Me and a buddy toked on my couch and bull shitted for a while. He went home, I went to bed and a half an hr later the 5-0 was at my door. Fuck if I know why they came - I was high and I tripped out so I destroyed my grow. I'm prepared to do the time but would prefer not to. If the cops show up and I can do something to avoid getting busted - I do it.

I shouldn't have torn my plants up but hindsight is 20/20. Fuck, the pig could have been there to a report of the smell of marijuana. He could have had proabable cause to search my place. Rather get hit for possession then cultivation. Ill chill out next time.


Well-Known Member
fuck it whats done is done you have clones of the plant you ripped out right? so at least you have the same plant still and you have weed to grow too.


Well-Known Member
fuck it whats done is done you have clones of the plant you ripped out right? so at least you have the same plant still and you have weed to grow too.
this is true and they are going nicely on 24/0 (trying to make up for lost time). I also have several new seedlings about a week old.


Well-Known Member
damn dude sorry to hear that. u killed ur babies :( soo soo sad. hope u gave them a proper burial.


Well-Known Member
yea don't evap the ISO with any heat/flame, like the FAQ said a computer monitor or sun will work, or a head unit in your place kicks out enough heat.

I too had a tweaked moment... I smoked up and went downstairs and was standing in the living room, the shades were open... I was like wow that's fucked up, a lot of people are out front... and they can see me like I can see them... Then my friend gets up and looks out and "Oh it's a cop out front" Ohhhh I was like uhmmm.... hmmm... shitty. my heart was pounding... and it was just about to cut her down too!! Had me tweaking too hard. But it was for the house right across the way. THC = tweakin...


Well-Known Member
Also 24/0 is best (IMO) because it's 100% grow time... some people say dark builds up the roots but I'd rather have better stuff above ground when it comes down too it. I could see 18/6 for clones to get the roots kicked out, but again IDK, I'm a 24/0 - 12/12 man my self... I read on here either by Fletch or FDD that a 10/14 light cycle near the end of flowering can cut THC by half... I'm not ready to take that risk... be it right or wrong.

People just like to hate, but some just want you to be smart about things. Take it in, learn, and move on.

Keep it reals!


Well-Known Member
off topic but what are the penalties for having maybe a 2-5 plants growing in a closet if you got caught?


Well-Known Member
I dont get these kids who grow and then have tons of people over or have parties or get loud or do anything to draw attention... yeah you shouldnt grow as you will end up in jail your not ready for what it takes to do it.. and yeah just destroy the leftovers not good for anything and dont put in your trash on the curb for gods sake lol
yea i guess if you grow weed you just shouldn't have any friends anymore, and while your at it just be a recluse and never talk to anyone again. why the hell is everyone giving this dude a hard time anyways. one plant where i live can get you 2-3 years in jail unless its a first offense. get off his nuts, hes the one who would face the consequences. you probably would have been cool not ripping them up, but you assessed the situation and decided youd rather have a wasted crop than jail time. it doesnt make you an idiot, it just makes all these other people jackasses for giving you such a hard time.