That is way too long to wait to water and I take back the hps light thought you are definitely not using a high pressure sodium bulb or that thing would be crispy and ready to smoke now after 5 days of no water. I would skip the flush for now and just water and watch. If you have a 15 Litre pot give it at least a half gallon of water and wait about 30 minutes and hit it again with another half gallon and watch the leafs come back to life in next 12+ hours. If you really want to flush to be sure....give it 1 gallon of water per gallon of soil and let all water drain into tray and make sure not to leave any pools when done watering. You are going to find some of your leaves will make a full recovery and other are going to turn yellow and fade away a slow death. Don't worry new stuff will grow back as needed naturally. Some plants will actually make a strong steroid type come back that will cause a big spurt of growth after being mega stressed so it could be a good thing in a weird kind of you think a flush and then it will be ok ?....i topped that bitch too dont want her to die or produce a shit harvest ....turns out its been 5 days since i last watered
Most nutes call for every other or once every three waterings.....check with what your instructions say. Either way for now I would just liquidate that thing with straight water to get the fluids back up to specs then worry about food maybe on your next wateringshall i give them just water or shall i include nutes in the water aswell ....also how much water is 2 litre not the irght amount?
WOW! You are wicked lucky after 5 days of no water.....Your light cant be too close if that is the casei am using a 600w hps air cooled hood
You usually water and feed same with a 15 ltr pot I would try to give around a gallon or so for all waterings and the same when you feed.also to flush how much water do you reckon i should use to flush a 15 litre pot........also how much wate ron a feed should a 15 litre pot take is 2 litres too much?
so you think a flush and then it will be ok ?....i topped that bitch too dont want her to die or produce a shit harvest ....turns out its been 5 days since i last watered