Attention to All Users

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New Member
The following posts are not allowed in this site:
* No violent, discriminatory language, or personal attacks
* No advertisement
* Spams such as:
- short posts (example: Yeah! Me Too!)
- off topics
- double posts
- posts that served no purpose
- starting new thread when similar thread has already been starting
- restating one's vote in a poll thread with no explanation
- any other posts that deem inappropriate to the readers
- responses to spam posts are also considered as spam
- re-answering a question that has already been answered
- posts that contain large amount of smileys/spaces
- posting inappropriate images and videos irrelevant to the topic

Note: Violators will received infractions/spam warnings.
r u THAT bored? this post is not funny to me, i dont find the humor in it. on the contrary, i find it in itself... im sure is clearly against the tos of this site, as someone initially may think these r the tos OR ur a moderator, which neither of course is true.
That post is just a reminder. There are some abusive users who keep on fighting. Aside from that, there are also some users who keep on asking why their posts and threads are deleted.
then why are post in talk n toke being deleted for not being worthy of merit it is talk and toke for christ sake

i have never posted openly to whats going on but i felt i should
no excessive smiley face ?
and as to the no answering ? that have been answered some times posters wont take advice till they get second opinion and hear others agree
and who is to say one answer is more correct then the other

do you decide if op got correct advice and feel any other post or wrong

That post is just a reminder. There are some abusive users who keep on fighting. Aside from that, there are also some users who keep on asking why their posts and threads are deleted.
That post is just a reminder. There are some abusive users who keep on fighting. Aside from that, there are also some users who keep on asking why their posts and threads are deleted.

well, IF....this is a moderator, then it should be SAID that they are. Just like another poster here said basically, I find it hard to believe that THESE things would be a problem:

- re-answering a question that has already been answered
- posts that contain large amount of smileys/spaces

This cannot be taken seriously, that is why I answered the way I did to begin with.
In Toke N Talk, you can put any topics you long as you follow the rules.. With regards to smileys, some used smileys that almost occupies entire space - and that is not allowed.
even some of mine about a member getting attacked by snake got delete from cannabis cafe

and on guy threw a pic of his dog in with grow pics come one geez
and what about the reanswering ? i seen guys post and some advises them and the wait to see if more people say the same thing hell i do it i just dont take on guy telling me something and go ruin my grow i want a few more to agree like with plant problems

In Toke N Talk, you can put any topics you long as you follow the rules.. With regards to smileys, some used smileys that almost occupies entire space - and that is not allowed.
well, IF....this is a moderator, then it should be SAID that they are. Just like another poster here said basically, I find it hard to believe that THESE things would be a problem:

- re-answering a question that has already been answered
- posts that contain large amount of smileys/spaces

This cannot be taken seriously, that is why I answered the way I did to begin with.

You can used smileys but with limitations... There are some users who used smileys without posting any single word.. With regards to "re-answering a question that has already been answered", multiple opinions are allowed.. but of course, if opinions are completely redundant, they will be removed.
This is wild!! I prefer topics to get off course then fdd swoops in kicks some ass and closes the thread!!:blsmoke::sleep:
well now it seems rules u posted getting relaxed
not trying to make this sound bad but do u know how this works
people have grow threads and their friends stop by and talk and toke
it is like a community
so are u saying if we post on a grow thread hey bro has life treating u
good bro just got off work and im blazing some kush
cool im smoking too

and we get a infraction
when they are spamming the hell out of site . and it has become a war zone with the trolling and u guys are going to focus on that
i have reported alot of post that never were even acted on
like spam and abusiveness

You can used smileys but with limitations... There are some users who used smileys without posting any single word.. With regards to "re-answering a question that has already been answered", multiple opinions are allowed.. but of course, if opinions are completely redundant, they will be removed.
and some times the smileys say it all with out words

You can used smileys but with limitations... There are some users who used smileys without posting any single word.. With regards to "re-answering a question that has already been answered", multiple opinions are allowed.. but of course, if opinions are completely redundant, they will be removed.
The following posts are not allowed in this site:
* No violent, discriminatory language, or personal attacks
* No advertisement
* Spams such as:
- short posts (example: Yeah! Me Too!)
- off topics
- double posts
- posts that served no purpose
- starting new thread when similar thread has already been starting
- restating one's vote in a poll thread with no explanation
- any other posts that deem inappropriate to the readers
- responses to spam posts are also considered as spam
- re-answering a question that has already been answered
- posts that contain large amount of smileys/spaces
- posting inappropriate images and videos irrelevant to the topic

Note: Violators will received infractions.


Your post has been deemed by this user as threatening...while you have not made any such claim, you could be mistaken for some wandering enforcer...
there appears to be an advert at the bottom of your post...this invites a wave of reports for mods to rift through....
wait...isn't there another thread like this one to boot?
does everyone participating in our many 'three word story' threads getting their infractions soon?
and why does spam not include a barrage of advertising of various features/products (as other sites highly frown upon)'s okay here?
how do newbs ask questions? They aren't allowed to start threads when the question has already been asked apparently?
we certainly can not tell them why either, cause we get a thumping too for answering a question that's already been answered.....

and the kicker....we are given smile icons to post with but there is some random arbitrary number of them we are allowed to use in one about some actual numbers?
i quite like the part where i'll get in trouble if i post a short reply.....but get in trouble anyways, because any reply of length requires a lot of spaces to write out.... many spaces....infraction....BAM!

*a trace of obvious sarcasm*


the site even injects spaces into strings of letters! it's like they want us to fail!
Wow, this is bullshit.

espeically this one

any other posts that deem inappropriate to the readers

who the fuck are the readers?

And how many smile faces are allowed. We need to KNOW :!::!::!::!::!::!::!::!::!::!:
This all seems really harsh...especially to have to enforce all those rules? Wow...looks like there is going to be some changes? loss of member and i guess all new growers can't ask for advise??? that's just wrong i do not agree with a few of these rules...going to make it hard for people to ask for advise here cuz its all been covered? wow........f a b p m m e ....lmao
bro if u check my profile i got close to 300 likes but zero post i liked
congratulation u will most likely be the only one

I thought this was rollitup not naziitup!!! We come because this type of shit is accepted here!! If it's gonna be ran like a censored bootcamp I'll go to a forum that's already censored!! WTF
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