Attention to All Users

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RIU doesn't give a shit about the members or the few decent mods he had that were faithful to him .... that is what this is all about.

theres just 2much play ground bullshit that goes on here for any 4 mods to deal with, so why no just let it go, let every one talk and say what they want.. this is a free country with freedom of speach, so why not here. we are all grownups and should be grown up enough to deal with sum asshole prick calling us names.. in one ear out the other, is one sayin, and another is.. two tears in a bucket mother fuckit..
What is exactly happening here. Ive read bit and pieces on this thread and I get the idea. Are they selling my details????? If so I'm off. How the fuck can you break rules with freedom of speach. Thought this place was to help growers as we all know can be a lonley life in the real world!!!!
I think that they have female names and pics because it's been made quite clear over the years that there are a large numbers of relaly disturbingly desperate men on this site, that'll smile and wave and flirt and ask to see boobies the moment they think it's a girl. Soi i reckon they're probs just yeah, 17yr old boys thinking they are ZOMG

Secondly, gotta love the integrity and resolution of these mods, they wree all active in the first apge fo the thread, now where are tey to be found, cowering with their tailes between their legs at the negative response they've received. I'd have thought being these up and coming mods they want to be seen as, they would be in here alleviating all our issues and fears.

Thirdly, you do not need 2000 posts to give out rep to users, you got 2000 posts because the idea was that people would assume you are a part of the community and someone to respect and hey, someone to believe is right. As has been said, do you even grow at all? Do you know anything about it?

And it has been made unequivocally clear that we are most certainly NOT all grown-ups on this forum, it is a silly thought to think we can just let live and love, the amount of times i've seen someone called a prick or a cunt or someone making a negative assumption about someones life as a form of insult, no, we're not all grown up and able toa ct like grown-ups.
I think they just want people off the site, first they threaten to delete anyone who refused to let RIU sell off their details to an advertising company, and now we're just being policed by mindless unkown zombies with no clue as to the dynamic of the forum. Fdd etc didn't have the complete idea but he was a surefire better option than this. I'm just picturing a couple of 17yr old kids having an ego orgy thinking they#re mods of RIU, they are important people.

I couldn't warm up to fdd if we were cremated together ... but I would rather have two of him than have these Nazis who are total newbies to the site trying to intimidate us and talk down to us and threaten us. This thread is proof that they are clueless of what a mod needs to be to be a good mod.

This place might still have been able to be turned into something special if RIU just let potroast go about his business and make the changes he was working on. Instead RIU hires these outsiders to come in like a couple Gestapo thugs or mafia hit-men and had destroyed the last vestige of hope to salvage this site and in one fell swoop with one absolutely idiotically formulated message took this site off life support and killed it deader than disco causing a mass exodus.

Gee ... I hope RIU feels he got his monies worth from his hired assassin for the reaction and response this thread has caused. Anyone and everyone worth having on a site like this will soon be gone. Many have likely already registered on other sites, and this outhouse of a site will either survive as a collection of morons, trolls and newbies that are unlucky enough to stumble into it ... or it will turn into a ghost site and soon be nothing more than a memory.

All because one little clown shoe, that being RIU, brought in a couple little tactless clown shoe newbies to run things.

I have seen some major Mongolian Cluster Fuck decisions made on sites like this before but this one is the all time Gold Medal Winner! I'd call Ripley's Believe It Or Not and tell them about this FUBAR change but Ripley's would never believe me. They would never believe that anyone could be so stupid. They would believe me if I told them that a spaceship landed in my backyard and it was piloted by Bigfoot and co-piloted by Elvis, but this would just be too unbelievable for them to ever accept it.
Originally Posted by Brick Top
RIU doesn't give a shit about the members or the few decent mods he had that were faithful to him .... that is what this is all about.

I suppose our services are no longer needed.:roll:

Not needed? More like not wanted! Were you; "hired?" Have you been paid? If not that pretty much sums up how much RIU thinks of you and respects you and appreciates you.
Secondly, gotta love the integrity and resolution of these mods, they wree all active in the first apge fo the thread, now where are tey to be found, cowering with their tailes between their legs at the negative response they've received. I'd have thought being these up and coming mods they want to be seen as, they would be in here alleviating all our issues and fears.

delete this and show me your still online...cause we know your Arrrrrreeeee :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:
What is exactly happening here. Ive read bit and pieces on this thread and I get the idea. Are they selling my details????? If so I'm off. How the fuck can you break rules with freedom of speach. Thought this place was to help growers as we all know can be a lonley life in the real world!!!!

The site is now modded by a couple of hired, bought and paid for, new to the site, even though RIU gave them fake high post counts and fake rep points to look like they were long time members, Nazi SS Death's Head Squad members with the power to make arbitrary decisions as to what is acceptable and what is not acceptable.

This site is now the grow site version of Nazi Germany. Instead of burning books they are deleting messages that they deem bad and dangerous to the regime. There is no freedom of speech ... and based on the initial message of this thread there are no true freedoms ... only a strict set of arbitrary rules that can be enforced at the whim and wish of the bought and paid for Gestapo thugs RIU brought in to rule with an iron fist.
Originally Posted by boneheadbob
I, for one welcome our new female overlords.

They are female, arent they?

So if a dictator hires women to torture you you'd be cool and the gang with it as they jam a red hot poker in your eye or ass just because they are female, or allegedly female, right?

If you think the one was bad tonight when she started this thread just think of how much of a sweetheart she will be when PMSing! She will hand out infractions and ban people just for anything and everything.

If that totally tactless threat of a first message is any sign of what's to come from these females you are horny enough to cause you to be thrilled over, anyone who is stupid enough to remain had better seal themselves in a bunker somewhere and not come close to their computer roughly every 28 days or they will be burned alive just for being here.
Mr Nice forums?
International Canngraphic?
THC Farmer?

Mr. Nice Forums has turned into a real shit-storm, plus it is really dedicated to the Mr. Nice Seed line and the majority of members bitch about people talking about other strains, so most people here would not fit in there.

The other two would be a toss up, but neither would be great.

I would suggest if you want to be around good intelligent and skilled people but do not mind slow traffic since there is not a large membership .. though if enough people from here join it would become very active. I have been a member there since about 2006.

Another option is another small but growing site where some former RIU members like Stoner Barbie headed off to. That's ... I was invited to join recently, so I joined, so after this place finishes it's Twin Towers collapse thanks to the hiring by RIU of the two terrorist mods who have in one single night destroyed this site, those are the two sites I will likely spend most of my time on.
Sorry guys, evidently Rolli saw this one coming, and I am unable to ban these two for us :( .... Not for lack of effort though.

He's been secretly hatching his Dr. Evil plan for months now. He gave lip service to others and asked them to make plans for sweeping changes, but then he ignored them when they wanted to implement the plans they worked on and instead hired these two newbie outsider Gestapo thugs instead.
He's been secretly hatching his Dr. Evil plan for months now. He gave lip service to others and asked them to make plans for sweeping changes, but then he ignored them when they wanted to implement the plans they worked on and instead hired these two newbie outsider Gestapo thugs instead.

I'm aware of it all; I gave some suggestions for new mods as well ;)
It was meant to be sarcastic. I am old enough and wise enough to know that things are not what they seem on the internet.

So if a dictator hires women to torture you you'd be cool and the gang with it as they jam a red hot poker in your eye or ass just because they are female, or allegedly female, right?

If you think the one was bad tonight when she started this thread just think of how much of a sweetheart she will be when PMSing! She will hand out infractions and ban people just for anything and everything.

If that totally tactless threat of a first message is any sign of what's to come from these females you are horny enough to cause you to be thrilled over, anyone who is stupid enough to remain had better seal themselves in a bunker somewhere and not come close to their computer roughly every 28 days or they will be burned alive just for being here.
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