Need a Little Advise to Get These Plants Growing

I have 6 plant total I planted them into organic potting soil and I didn't add anything to the soil I had the plant under a reptile lamp for about a week and a half and just switched to... 2 flora sun 48in 32watt bulb.... which are about 3 to 4 inch from plant can I get a few tips first time grower and I don't really wanna keep searchin to find out wat I'm doing wrong here are a few pic plz comment and save the jks and dumb remarks just wanna a lil help and guidance with this project :wall:



Medical Marijuana (MOD)
give them time. b4 a plant can grow it has to establish a root system 1st. this takes a few weeks..
Also what type of soil is that, by organic you don't mean straight out the backyard do you? I'd invest in Happy Frog Organic Soil giving me good results<<<New Grower


Well-Known Member
Put them under a bulb for vegging and move the light closer...they are stretched. Also, don't put 2 in 1 pot. Gently add some soil around the base of the stems.


Active Member
This high intensity 5,500K lamp with peak emissions in the blue and red regions serves to maximize the photobiological process in plants. The emission spectrum closely resembles the absorption curve of chlorophyll-A, promoting maximum photosynthesis, ideal for planted aquariums and terrariums. Also great for shy fish species such as Dwarf Cichlids, Discus, etc. Can be used in conjunction with the Ultra Sun or Tropic Sun lamps for maximum light output. Effective up to 10,000 hours..

for vegging u want a 6500k and for flower u wwant a 2700k 5500k have very little effectiveness on the plant prroduction of mj plant they also look like they have rreally bad stretch which could be if in fact the lights are 3 or 4 inches away they can tell they arnt getting the right spectrum so they are stretching to try and find it also I.R. light from the uv-a and uv-b could be harming the plants reptiles and underwater plants need it but land plants do not ive herrd it can be like a poison to them in outdoors it dosent effect them that much because there is such large amount of norrmal light that the uv-a and uv-b dont really make any difference but when using a bulb like that thats all it has is the uv lights with a little normal light thats why u get those blue and red hughs in the photos almost like u were using leds if i were u id go to home depot or a store like that and get some cfls day light which is 6500k for veg and soft white which is 2700k id probly use 2 26watt bulbs per plant untill they start getting big then add more lights....but thats my opinion
Also what type of soil is that, by organic you don't mean straight out the backyard do you? I'd invest in Happy Frog Organic Soil giving me good results<<<New Grower
Not not soil from outside the name is organic choice garden soil I didn't really put a lot of money into this I plan on doing hydro waitin for my hydro kit to come wit nutes
This high intensity 5,500K lamp with peak emissions in the blue and red regions serves to maximize the photobiological process in plants. The emission spectrum closely resembles the absorption curve of chlorophyll-A, promoting maximum photosynthesis, ideal for planted aquariums and terrariums. Also great for shy fish species such as Dwarf Cichlids, Discus, etc. Can be used in conjunction with the Ultra Sun or Tropic Sun lamps for maximum light output. Effective up to 10,000 hours..

for vegging u want a 6500k and for flower u wwant a 2700k 5500k have very little effectiveness on the plant prroduction of mj plant they also look like they have rreally bad stretch which could be if in fact the lights are 3 or 4 inches away they can tell they arnt getting the right spectrum so they are stretching to try and find it also I.R. light from the uv-a and uv-b could be harming the plants reptiles and underwater plants need it but land plants do not ive herrd it can be like a poison to them in outdoors it dosent effect them that much because there is such large amount of norrmal light that the uv-a and uv-b dont really make any difference but when using a bulb like that thats all it has is the uv lights with a little normal light thats why u get those blue and red hughs in the photos almost like u were using leds if i were u id go to home depot or a store like that and get some cfls day light which is 6500k for veg and soft white which is 2700k id probly use 2 26watt bulbs per plant untill they start getting big then add more lights....but thats my opinion
Dang so the lights I have aren't gonna work that blows spent 45 on them cause I thought they would but are 2 150 watt cfls good for the job I can pick up a cole of them I guess
Iv updated my setup a lil i switch to 2 48in 32watt cfl and 2 42 watt cfl will that be enought to get these babies growing plz help find a cheap mh light with all accessories ill buy it as soon as I get the money and comment on my updates ill put up pictures not home right now


Active Member
Those 148 watts of CFLs you just mentioned should be plenty to get rollin. Keep the bulbs close to the seedlings - like 3 inches. Got a fan blown on them? Also like someone said, add more soil up around they're stems so they have some stability. When you transplant, plant them deep, all the way up to just under the first set of leaves. Good luck!