How Much Lime Do I Need to Add in a High Peat Mix?


So for my outdoor grow this year I bought 9 fricken bales of peat moss to use as a soil amendment for it's aerating properties. I'll probably be mixing it about 40% native soil(relatively bad soil), 40% peat moss, and 20% compost. First, what are your brief thoughts on this soil mix? Second, how much lime do I need to mix in to balance the acidity of the peat moss?

What are your thoughts on peat moss as an amendment in general, other than it's bad for the environment?

The holes are about 3 ft by 1.5 ft deep.


Active Member
soil mix sounds good..i would add a little perlite for drainage, peat is a soggy medium to work with.
as far as limestone goes it all depends on the native soil. generally i add a generous teaspoon of dolomitic limestone to each hole. get a cheapy PHtest kit and test the native soil. depending on its acidity you will know to add a little more or less. (lower number = more acidic = a touch more limestone)
also it wouldnt hurt you (if you can afford it ) to work some bat guano or bone meal into the bottom of the hole so when the plant gets big its roots will hit that when its starting to bud and the amendments have had a bit to break down
just my 2 cents.



Thanks for the reply! Yeah I realize the peat will be soggy and I was originally going with a high perlite mix, but the perlite I bought turned out to be water resistant(masonry perlite) and I had to return it and buy peat. Unfortunately there is no other source of perlite for me where I live other than the 8 quort bags they sell at walmart and home depot for like 4 bucks, but for a grow of my size and with holes this big, that option wouldn't be economical.

A teaspoon for a 7 cu. ft hole? That seems pretty small to me. I've heard upwards of 5 cups/bale of peat moss or even more! I just really don't know because everyone says something different and the amounts are all over the place. I've googled and searched my ass off.


Well-Known Member
I've heard upwards of 5 cups/bale of peat moss or even more! I just really don't know because everyone says something different and the amounts are all over the place. I've googled and searched my ass off.
That sounds about right, if you use dolomite lime you can't overdose with it (so I'm told) the bad news is it takes a long time to do it's magic.
If there's a lot of rotten logs around that will make a more neutral soil conditioner. (No cedar though !)


Well-Known Member
If the soil that you have has a PH lower than 6 then I would recommend you use at least 2 lbs of dolomite. If your soil is neutral then I would use 1 lb of dolomite. I would also add like 2 or 3 lbs of chicken manure to each hole.