How Much Weight is Lost by Drying?


Well-Known Member
Weight loss depends on how 'wet' the buds were when you cut them. Those that don't water for the last several days are going to lose less than those who do. In other words, there is no right answer.

Los Muertos

Active Member
Weight loss depends on how 'wet' the buds were when you cut them. Those that don't water for the last several days are going to lose less than those who do. In other words, there is no right answer.
That makes sense. I guess there are a lot of variables to consider.


Active Member
Serapis, Do you personally hold off on watering in the last few days before harvest? Your comment makes sense but I was just wondering what you felt works best overall and achieves the most weight in the end.


King Tut
Imho, not Serapis, but the weight is dependent on the grow or overall health of the plant. Water weight is just that. Water weight.

i personally don't water for 3-5 days before harvest. But don't let them get wilted either. Ease of trim in my case.


Active Member
Thanks for your input budlover. That makes sense, I guess it all dries to basically the same moisture content in the end no matter how wet the buds are when you start. I think the thing that effects final weight most is the drying and curing process where you try to achieve a slow dry and cure while maintaining some moisture.


Active Member
I agree with slowing of the water as the plant nears harvest.
My experience has it at about 75% loss of weight.


Well-Known Member
I've got a bit diff take on this....I water or feed, which ever is appropriate) during the life of the plant...allowing to dry in between and just before harvest (2 hours prior) I water I use a very slow dry method, 10-12 days in controlled environment, seems to work very well for me....after a good trim and removal of larger stems, my yeilds are approx 30% of wet....everybody hass their little ways of doing things, harvest, dry and cure...but my method has resulted in some quality smoke .....a blind test on several strains did reveal a bit more tric swell with the "water 2 hours before harvest" lot verses drying out prior to harvest...Just my 2 cents...


Active Member
Thats an interesting way of harvesting Oldreefer. I also notice that my plants seem to swell up, smell more potent, and look healthier overall just after a good watering anytime during flowering so I can see your logic. So you go a full 10-12 days air drying before going into jars or some other type of container? What is your temp. and RH during that time?

Anybody else experimented with watering just before harvest?


Active Member
I dont even weigh my wet harvest, why would you? Just be patient and weigh the dryed cured goods much better that way or atleast you wont feel bad for all the evaporated water. -=)

Los Muertos

Active Member
I dont even weigh my wet harvest, why would you? Just be patient and weigh the dryed cured goods much better that way or atleast you wont feel bad for all the evaporated water. -=)
I was just wanting to get some idea of what I'm gonna end up with. Impatient, I guess.

Edit: I guess maybe, how much volume is lost(?) would've been a better question. I'm just trying to eyeball it anyway.


King Tut
i withhold water for 3 days prior to chop. May change my routine in the future. idk. i withhold the water simply to make drying faster/easier.


Well-Known Member
Thats an interesting way of harvesting Oldreefer. I also notice that my plants seem to swell up, smell more potent, and look healthier overall just after a good watering anytime during flowering so I can see your logic. So you go a full 10-12 days air drying before going into jars or some other type of container? What is your temp. and RH during that time?

Anybody else experimented with watering just before harvest?
My drying chamber sucks it's air from inside a closet with an assist from an ac floor vent...never checked RH but I'd think it'd be under 30%...Temps is usually close to the register air temp....bout summer.... then in winter, it's lower as I pull in air to the drying chamber from a crawl space....I only vape, so I do want my nuggs very very dry...after the dry chamber, they go into mason jars....As I always have 6-10 jars of various strains in cure, I typically do not even try new stuff for about 3 weeks....My fav time is after drying and giving my nuggs a final manicure befoer jarring...LOVE the different fragrances obtained....My dry chamber dumps into my tent where drying odor is handled by a char great as it has for quite a while now...


Well-Known Member
i water cause i want the leaves standing up rigid.
Same here. Makes it much easier to trim. I like to have the medium as dry as possible, as it makes it easier to dispose of, and at the same time I want the leaves remaining fairly rigid. It's a fine balance, but it is doable.

As for the weight, I typically see a ~80% loss from freshly harvested product to dry/cured ready to smoke flower mass.



Virtually Unknown Member
Just finished calculating a harvest and lost 76% by weight. Plants were not watered for 3 days prior to cutting.