My First Try with DWC, Growing Some Cheddarwurst

Metal n Weed

Active Member
Dang, here I am all proud of myself and all I hear are crickets. That's cool though, I am still learning from all this.

Was wondering how I would go about moving this journal to the DWC section, maybe it would draw up a little more attention.

Metal n Weed

Active Member
Dang, it's a good thing I don't actually need any help. If I was a rookie it would be really hard to understand even with reading everything. Great community you all have going here.


Active Member
Holy shit, thanks for the words. It is appreciated, I liked your post and gave ya rep. Now I don't feel so lonely.
Haha I know the feeling. I posted a topic about my first experience in trying to top a plant but I don't even feel like updating it because none cares, lol.


Well-Known Member
Lol, man..... Girls look awesome...... and, yea, sometime this place sucks when you really need help, and you cant find it..... Luckily, you have/had everything under control ;)........ Makes me miss the OLD.... ORIGINAL #1 Grow Forum. OVERGROW.(was pretty much the only one, and it had a ton of members, and very active).... IDK, if you were ever a part of it, but it got closed down about 7-8 years ago when cannabis was TOTALLY Illegal... they raided their place, and found pot, and closed their site down.... It was fucking awesome, and my K-2 plant made the photo of the month.... Sucks, cuz i had alot of close friends on that site, and it just closed down all of a sudden, and lost contact with all of them...... It's not like now, where mostly everyone has a youtube, facebook, twitter or whatever...... I was only 17, and got respect from alot of experts..... I totally lied, and would say I was 22, but it was just a lil white lie, I just wanted respect, ya know.... And I dont think I have ever been immature.... Not at that age.... Been through alot, so i grew fast, and learned fast.... I'm 25 right now..... Well, 26 in 2 weeks...... Word on the street is that I might get a good birthday My plants ARE close to OK... maybe not that close 3rd week..... Should of flowered earlier, so i could of had some birthday nug.... shoot!..... SLH, A Train and a SAGE........ Fucked up on the sage though, my uncle felt her up, and broke her :(.... It had 4 main shoots, and he bent it over to take a whiff and he split the main stem in half!..... I was pissed on the inside, but i didnt show it, since he felt really bad, and said sorry like 20 It really stressed her out, and is pretty much killing her, and made her stretch all crazy, and yellow... fan leaves started falling off..... I tried my best to save her.... put cloning gel on the split, and tied it tightly together, but no dice... days later the stem started drying up, and the crack opened up bigger.... I should of used rope instead of twistie tie to tie the stem... since the stem was so thick and woody, that it just loosened up the twistie tie. I could of tied it tighter, but was afraid it would cut into the stem..................... anywhoo... long story it's in flower, and still sick, so i might toss it, or put it outside.... Luckily I have a healthy clone I took off her before I placed her into flower.... So I will have some SAGE soon...... My next indoor grow will be Blue Cheese, Strawberry Cough, and Hopefully Blue Dream.... If not, Confidential Cheese.... Yum Yum either way.... Cant wait :D


Well-Known Member
Looking Good bro... I feel ya on lack of replies.. i just started my first grow journal this month.. and no one chimed in .. but it seems like some people are coming around now.. its nice to have company on these grows.. specially since most the time you cant really talk about it in your personal life for security reasons.

Metal n Weed

Active Member
Haha I know the feeling. I posted a topic about my first experience in trying to top a plant but I don't even feel like updating it because none cares, lol.
Ya this isn't my rodeo, but it still sucks to think no one is interested. A lot of people just creep around though and i realize that but sometime I want some kind of feedback. Just keep at it with your topic though cause you never know what could come of it.
Lol, man..... Girls look awesome...... and, yea, sometime this place sucks when you really need help, and you cant find it..... Luckily, you have/had everything under control ;)........ Makes me miss the OLD.... ORIGINAL #1 Grow Forum. OVERGROW.(was pretty much the only one, and it had a ton of members, and very active).... IDK, if you were ever a part of it, but it got closed down about 7-8 years ago when cannabis was TOTALLY Illegal... they raided their place, and found pot, and closed their site down.... It was fucking awesome, and my K-2 plant made the photo of the month.... Sucks, cuz i had alot of close friends on that site, and it just closed down all of a sudden, and lost contact with all of them...... It's not like now, where mostly everyone has a youtube, facebook, twitter or whatever...... I was only 17, and got respect from alot of experts..... I totally lied, and would say I was 22, but it was just a lil white lie, I just wanted respect, ya know.... And I dont think I have ever been immature.... Not at that age.... Been through alot, so i grew fast, and learned fast.... I'm 25 right now..... Well, 26 in 2 weeks...... Word on the street is that I might get a good birthday My plants ARE close to OK... maybe not that close 3rd week..... Should of flowered earlier, so i could of had some birthday nug.... shoot!..... SLH, A Train and a SAGE........ Fucked up on the sage though, my uncle felt her up, and broke her :(.... It had 4 main shoots, and he bent it over to take a whiff and he split the main stem in half!..... I was pissed on the inside, but i didnt show it, since he felt really bad, and said sorry like 20 It really stressed her out, and is pretty much killing her, and made her stretch all crazy, and yellow... fan leaves started falling off..... I tried my best to save her.... put cloning gel on the split, and tied it tightly together, but no dice... days later the stem started drying up, and the crack opened up bigger.... I should of used rope instead of twistie tie to tie the stem... since the stem was so thick and woody, that it just loosened up the twistie tie. I could of tied it tighter, but was afraid it would cut into the stem..................... anywhoo... long story it's in flower, and still sick, so i might toss it, or put it outside.... Luckily I have a healthy clone I took off her before I placed her into flower.... So I will have some SAGE soon...... My next indoor grow will be Blue Cheese, Strawberry Cough, and Hopefully Blue Dream.... If not, Confidential Cheese.... Yum Yum either way.... Cant wait :D
Thanks man, yeah I heard of Overgrow before but I am a late bloomer in this game, got my start about 2 1/2 years ago when the wife fell ill. Before that I didn't care about what it was called, Indica or sativa, I just wanted to get loaded. Being born and raised in Socal I had a good idea what good bud is though.
Sucks about the plant, you really cant get angry though I have learned. Just roll with the punches and then you knock that shit out. But a main stem snap es no bueno. Take one for the team on that one, sorry kinda buzzed and loaded right now.
Good luck on your grow and the next round, I thought i would scrounge up some old Blue Dream Pics for ya.

Looking Good bro... I feel ya on lack of replies.. i just started my first grow journal this month.. and no one chimed in .. but it seems like some people are coming around now.. its nice to have company on these grows.. specially since most the time you cant really talk about it in your personal life for security reasons.
Thanks, much appreciated. I got over it, just surprises me that no one would even say anything, but like you said it seems to be coming around a little now.

Metal n Weed

Active Member
I was just in the tent tonight, topping of the bucket and noticed there was no bubbles at all. I removed the two air stones and soaked em in super hot water for like 2 minutes and they work like new. When I placed em back in the bucket I made sure to face em down so nothing clogs the holes. Just loaded and bored right now it just kinda tripped me out cause it didn't even seem to have any affect on the plant, it could have been like that for days.


Well-Known Member
Thanks man, yeah I heard of Overgrow before but I am a late bloomer in this game, got my start about 2 1/2 years ago when the wife fell ill. Before that I didn't care about what it was called, Indica or sativa, I just wanted to get loaded. Being born and raised in Socal I had a good idea what good bud is though.
Sucks about the plant, you really cant get angry though I have learned. Just roll with the punches and then you knock that shit out. But a main stem snap es no bueno. Take one for the team on that one, sorry kinda buzzed and loaded right now.
Good luck on your grow and the next round, I thought i would scrounge up some old Blue Dream Pics for ya.

GOD DAMN!.... That main khola if meaty as hell..... Yup... That's some Blue Dream for ya! Deliciousness on a stick! =) thanks alot for sharing..... what strain is that on your avatar btw?.... og cross or what?.... looks dank

Metal n Weed

Active Member
GOD DAMN!.... That main khola if meaty as hell..... Yup... That's some Blue Dream for ya! Deliciousness on a stick! =) thanks alot for sharing..... what strain is that on your avatar btw?.... og cross or what?.... looks dank
No og, it's actually a plant that the beans were gifted to me. You are right stoners can be generous. It is Swan Song's Sour Thai and I still have a mom of her.
I always take some pics so here are some shots



Well-Known Member
So what nutes are you currently using, and what strains you got in flower?.... or veg also?.... Cuz i know thats an older pic.. :P......... But thats a nice tent, and set up..... I only have a 600w, and a 3x2x6 tent, and a 150w for a mother or 2...... and a small station for clones, and pre veg, which is a bunch of cfl's on a power strip... like 200w worth.... and I just ordered a smaller strip 24w 2 footer for clones.... Should be good for 2 trays, and 2 humidity domes if i ever need to clone so many........ I took 3 clones from my SAGE, and 2 are outside now in 5 gallon pots, and 1 is still indoors under the cfls.... Maybe will be a mother.... Lets see how the smoke turns out.... And I took 1 clone from the SLH, and it'll be a mother.... and took a few from the A train, but they were kinda small when i took them, so they are kinda stunted, and kinda woody, so they are growing slow.... Hopefully they snap out of that and start vegging, cuz the plant in flower is doing amazing, and is my fav so far.... It's really packing up weight, and its only on the beginning of week 3..... Cant wait to see the end result..... I'll take pics sooon :)

Metal n Weed

Active Member
She is beaaaautiful!
Thanks man, she was a good one. Thinking about cutting some clones off mom and run her soon but there is such much other stuff I wanna grow. I have seeds that I haven't even touched yet.
So what nutes are you currently using, and what strains you got in flower?.... or veg also?.... Cuz i know thats an older pic.. :P......... But thats a nice tent, and set up..... I only have a 600w, and a 3x2x6 tent, and a 150w for a mother or 2...... and a small station for clones, and pre veg, which is a bunch of cfl's on a power strip... like 200w worth.... and I just ordered a smaller strip 24w 2 footer for clones.... Should be good for 2 trays, and 2 humidity domes if i ever need to clone so many........ I took 3 clones from my SAGE, and 2 are outside now in 5 gallon pots, and 1 is still indoors under the cfls.... Maybe will be a mother.... Lets see how the smoke turns out.... And I took 1 clone from the SLH, and it'll be a mother.... and took a few from the A train, but they were kinda small when i took them, so they are kinda stunted, and kinda woody, so they are growing slow.... Hopefully they snap out of that and start vegging, cuz the plant in flower is doing amazing, and is my fav so far.... It's really packing up weight, and its only on the beginning of week 3..... Cant wait to see the end result..... I'll take pics sooon :)
I use the botanicare line of nutes with a few extra things on the side like pro-tekt and hygrozyme some molasses. Right now I have some cheddarwurst, OG, Plat Bubba, KO kush and Diablo Og bagseed going in the flower tent. I run 2000 watts in there and have a 400 watt mh for my veg area. The veg tent is kinda crammed with a bunch of stuff right now but things I haven't flowered yet are Yo Mamma from Bodhi, Skittles(jilly bean x grape god) a cross bred by a friend.
Go ahead and show me those pics when ya get a chance, you have a journal?

Well here is a shot of the Plat Bubba in flower


Well-Known Member
Damn, Man!.... Your camera is fuckin awesome, and so are your plants of course..... My camera sucks, but I will post some pics later today.... Been wanting to try some Bodhi strains also, and Yo Mama is a good choice :D.... I have been buying alot of pick n mix style... Wish Bodhi was on there.... Only 5/10 packs I have gotten are from Nirvana and Greenhouse seeds...... Nirvana's ICE, K2, INDOOR MIX Greenhouse Seeds The Church and Super Lemon Haze.... and like $300 in And YES..... I have a shitload of seeds i bought and freebies that I have not even tried yet also....... Buying seeds is addicting.... Especially with all those freebie promos..... The best one was the birthday promo, but I never got my shirt :/..... I told them about it, but they just ignored f it... I dont wanna have a bad wrap, and have them send me shitty seeds in the future for complaining too much... so i didnt send them a follow up message.... I've gotten a ton of free seeds from them... it's all good..... My girl would of really looked cute in that shirt f it... I got her the recent 420 one with the flag


Well-Known Member
Oh..... And I also use some of the Botanicare additives..... Liquid Karma, Silica Blast, Aqua Shield, Cal Mag, and Clearex....... Dyna Grow/Bloom for my base(Also trying technaflora kit, and Maxi Bloom..... Pro Tek.... Super Thrive.. And I use some Green Light Root Stimulant for cloning, With Olivia's Cloning Gel....... And also just started using Bud Candy and Molasses, lets see what that does for me.. :)........ I really want to use Hygrozyme also..... That is probably next on my list..


Active Member
Man u sure have good time smoking it :D
Im stilling my 1 seed to germinate (1st time to grow)

Metal n Weed

Active Member
Damn, Man!.... Your camera is fuckin awesome, and so are your plants of course..... My camera sucks, but I will post some pics later today.... Been wanting to try some Bodhi strains also, and Yo Mama is a good choice :D.... I have been buying alot of pick n mix style... Wish Bodhi was on there.... Only 5/10 packs I have gotten are from Nirvana and Greenhouse seeds...... Nirvana's ICE, K2, INDOOR MIX Greenhouse Seeds The Church and Super Lemon Haze.... and like $300 in And YES..... I have a shitload of seeds i bought and freebies that I have not even tried yet also....... Buying seeds is addicting.... Especially with all those freebie promos..... The best one was the birthday promo, but I never got my shirt :/..... I told them about it, but they just ignored f it... I dont wanna have a bad wrap, and have them send me shitty seeds in the future for complaining too much... so i didnt send them a follow up message.... I've gotten a ton of free seeds from them... it's all good..... My girl would of really looked cute in that shirt f it... I got her the recent 420 one with the flag
My camera is nothing special, just a point and shoot sony. Since I have been growing and taking photo's of the grow I kinda started getting into photography as another hobby, as if I need it. I want to get an digital slr camera but the wife wont let me spend like 600 on the camera alone. Mark my words though I will have one by the end of this year though.

Buying seeds is worst than a crack addiction, you cant go online and see what kinda rock you want. I have so many pack of beans and then there are the freebies and crosses people share with me. I know I wont grow all of em but I am gonna try. I am in cali too, I could go get clones but there is something about cracking em and seeing what you get. Bodhi is probably one of my favorite breeders right now. If the wife would let me I would have all his stuff. That is the second time I brought up my wife, she is cool, I am just irresponsible. Well not bad but I tend to buy now think about it later.
Funny about the attitude shirt, I gave mine to my girl it was a large. The brits must be small or something cause that large looked like a medium, or maybe America is just fat.
Oh..... And I also use some of the Botanicare additives..... Liquid Karma, Silica Blast, Aqua Shield, Cal Mag, and Clearex....... Dyna Grow/Bloom for my base(Also trying technaflora kit, and Maxi Bloom..... Pro Tek.... Super Thrive.. And I use some Green Light Root Stimulant for cloning, With Olivia's Cloning Gel....... And also just started using Bud Candy and Molasses, lets see what that does for me.. :)........ I really want to use Hygrozyme also..... That is probably next on my list..
I like the pro-tekt but silics blast is the same thing. The pro-tekt is more concentrated though. Hygrozyme is some good stuff, I wish I would have known about it sooner. I think is is for coco, soilless and hydro, not sure if it is recommended for soil. I just got a free sample pack of nutes from dutch master gold, thinking of giving em a try in my next bucket.
Man u sure have good time smoking it :D
Im stilling my 1 seed to germinate (1st time to grow)
Thanks and trust me I have a great time smoking it.
When you get your plant going feel free to share it, or ya need any help I would be glad to assist.