Shiva Skunk Harvest (Pictures!)


Active Member
Looks pretty danky...with that many watts I doubt it was the only one and the nugs aren't that airy in appearance


Well-Known Member
yeah, if you really used the wattage you say you used.. dude, you should have had a WAY bigger yield than that... WAY more.

I realize the final yield of any harvested cannabis plant.. depends on many different variables. Environment, lighting, watering, nutrients, temps, humidity, and of course.. the genetics of each plant differs from strain to strain. These all play a huge role in the final product including the final yield at harvest time.

But either way.. even with the worst conditions.. you should have had more product than that IMO.. considering that you say you used a 600HPS then a 1k HPS.

better luck next time kid..



Active Member
I agree good Job I dont think they are haters just inconsiderate pricks with nothing better to do, I cant judge them though for it must be hard being that gay.


Well-Known Member
I agree good Job I dont think they are haters just inconsiderate pricks with nothing better to do, I cant judge them though for it must be hard being that gay.
Ok smartass, and you all emotional bastards you can tell to the grower that he did an EXCELLENT JOB, and he will think he achieved awesome yield, and he might never know of better grows/yields and will not change anything in his grow technique (which is obviously bad).
Why not tell the guy it is NOT GOOD GROW...
He will get high out of that, no doubt, but thats about all.
I was an amateur grower too, not that I am professional today, but I always took critics from others and fixed mistakes. No need to encourage somebody by telling him good job... what are you, a parent, teacher?

Plant was missing something in the grow, obviously it wasn't wattage.


Well-Known Member
I agree good Job I dont think they are haters just inconsiderate pricks with nothing better to do, I cant judge them though for it must be hard being that gay.
Your daddy is gay-peado combo that made you once upon the time so you can shit on the web site here.


Well-Known Member
Your daddy is gay-peado combo that made you once upon the time so you can shit on the web site here.
Get a life!! it's not always about yield.. So whats your yield per plant and lets see some pics to prove it? O wait I suppose you get 6 lbs per plant..

To OP,

As you get more experience your yields will go up, don't worry about pricks on here talking shit cause they are losers and all they can do is put people down because they most likely have inferior grows.. good luck and keep up the good work


Well-Known Member
yeah, if you really used the wattage you say you used.. dude, you should have had a WAY bigger yield than that... WAY more.

I realize the final yield of any harvested cannabis plant.. depends on many different variables. Environment, lighting, watering, nutrients, temps, humidity, and of course.. the genetics of each plant differs from strain to strain. These all play a huge role in the final product including the final yield at harvest time.

But either way.. even with the worst conditions.. you should have had more product than that IMO.. considering that you say you used a 600HPS then a 1k HPS.

better luck next time kid..

The thing is that I grw Shiva 2 seasons indoor under 600w, 9 plants. Shiva was marvelous, huge calyx on calyx buds with super strong stems. Also, For the guy that said "haters"... What if we all said "Wow good plant, excellent"? The guy would think he did a good job and he wouldnt improve at all next time he grows.