No Trichomes?

Chicago Gooner

Active Member
First time grower, I have 4 strains, one of which are two free beans I've got from someone who did not know what they were. Well they both turned out females and amazingly are producing the most goodies, which I'm delighted about. I'm a sixth week into flowering and I see that compared to other strains I have like AK48, this strain does not have any trichomes. I can already tell this is some sort of sativa by the leafs and height, but being a total noob at this I'm not sure why no trichomes. The buds are sticky as hell though, I guess that's a good sign? Anyone?


Active Member
Bagseed grows are like roulette. 6 weeks in, and no trichomes, I'd say you might have a dud of a female. Picshures pleez.

Chicago Gooner

Active Member
I will have access to a decent camera this weekend, I will take them out of the grow room and take detailed shots, as I'd also like to possibly ID the ladies. For now I show you what I have, which is just a general picture, the ladies in question are the two in the back.



Active Member
I will have access to a decent camera this weekend, I will take them out of the grow room and take detailed shots, as I'd also like to possibly ID the ladies. For now I show you what I have, which is just a general picture, the ladies in question are the two in the back.
What type of ID are you asking for? MJ plants have basically three categories, Indica, Sativa, and Ruderalis. Many strains are hybrid or a mixture of the three categories. There are so many differenct strains, it would be almost impossible to tell what strain a plant is just by looking at it. I don't know if you are new at growing or not. All new growers should read and learn as much as possible about growing cannabis/marijuana before and during their first grow. Get yourself a good book to have readily available for reference, there are several good ones out there, find one that you like. You can also find good references on the Internet for growing.

Chicago Gooner

Active Member
I understand there are way too many strains out there, but I've seen some sativa experts on here whipping out strain IDs like there was no tomorrow. I just thought I'd try. Anyhow, the main purpose of my post was to ask about the no trichomes situation, the buds are resinous as fuq yet no trichomes. Thanks for the input miss triple B! :)


Active Member
I understand there are way too many strains out there, but I've seen some sativa experts on here whipping out strain IDs like there was no tomorrow. I just thought I'd try. Anyhow, the main purpose of my post was to ask about the no trichomes situation, the buds are resinous as fuq yet no trichomes. Thanks for the input miss triple B! :)
You stated that you were about 5-6 weeks into flowering, right? You might have a late bloomer, some strains (more Sativa) have a longer flowering period. Try to be patient (I know it's difficult) but your plants will get there with lots of trichomes. Not picking on you, but how do you know that your plants are resinous when they don't have any trichomes? I'm asking in hopes of learning as well. Thanks


Well-Known Member
If your plants are......sticky.

I think you have.......trichs.

Or are you referring to ....lack of "heads" on the trichome stalks?

Garden looks pretty good for a first run.Serious colas on plants in question.What is the over all height of those 2 girls?


Active Member
If your plants are......sticky.

I think you have.......trichs.

Or are you referring to ....lack of "heads" on the trichome stalks?

Garden looks pretty good for a first run.Serious colas on plants in question.What is the over all height of those 2 girls?
Thanks Dankster4Life, you worded your response much better than I did.

Chicago Gooner

Active Member
Dankster, thank you for the kind words, I am very satisfied with what I'm seeing so far as well. To answer your question, the tall ladies are easily between 3-4 ft tall, I've got 2 seeds from someone, both sprouted and are producing the most goods, even more than the 3 I actually paid for. I have a very high (lol) expectations of these two ladies as I'm more of a sativa guy. So to answer the question, the buds on these two are very sticky, just like on the three known strains that you see in there but there are no visible frosty trichs like on the other three. I will take a closer look at it tomorrow, I will be stopping by RS to pick up a microscope as it's only two weeks until the chop according to the flowering time. I agree that those two in the back could need a week or two more, which is ok.


Well-Known Member
Radio Shack Scope....

Can't hold and use.....cut off a piece of leaf close to a nug and set on some thing white.Place the scope on top and enjoy.

Not sayin that scope isn't any good but it is nice to have a loop,some thing you can just walk up to a plant and check her out on da spot.Mine came out of my 12 yr olds telescope love it.


Well-Known Member
Same one i have also.Good magnification i just don't like the depth of field so much with it.Can't stand over a plant and use.

Chicago Gooner

Active Member
lol, they're there! They're not visible with the naked eye at ALL though like the rest of the ladies. I'm glad I've got the damn scope, heh. Happy camper here, thanks all for the input. :)


Well-Known Member
Hang in there man, sativas are worth the wait. Not many people grow them out now... they say why grow a 14-16 week strain when I can grow this indica in 55 days. Soon they will have nice visible trichs :D



Active Member
I would say that its gonna take longer for that one to go but in the end maybee you will be suprised.


Well-Known Member
Hey cg! Man I thought u fell off the map bro lol. Dude u got some good buddage goin on. Congrats on that, good to hear ur mystery strain has trichs. How's the Eva female plants lookn? What size light r u using? If there's any way could u send me some pics of em before chop time. I kno they gotta be budding good lookn at that pic. Congrats and happy growin