No More For Me


Hello all. I've been smoking for years now, but recently started having terrible anxiety issues upon any amount or high I get. I don't exactly panic, but I definitely feel that something is deeply wrong. Is there any way that I can start enjoying my smoke again, or will I continue to have these issues throughout the rest of my life.
It should be noted that these problems are only apparent upon being high.
damn dude, sucks
i would just smoke at the end of the day when i know i got all my shit done
do you bug out about being high? or while high u bug out about other things?
Smoking Mj has been known to amplify, or exasperate an underlying condition., not cause it. Try some Zoloft. You don't need to go to a shrink, any Doc or NP can prescribe it
zoloft?? wtf?? don't listen to this fool.

go see a shrink. there was a study that showed marijuana could cause/amplify mental disorders.

if you dnt go see a SHRINK your mind could start tricking you into being anxious and paranoid ALL THE TIME.

go early before things get worse.... and try to not rely on pills. anti depressants are really strong medication and most have pretty serious side-effects.
Only for you will I do the following:

To help ease your anxiety, I will take it upon myself to smoke your share of spectacular primo. I hope that makes you feel a little better. lol.

No really, that does suck. Pills make me stupid and weed just let's the worries of the day just roll off my back and I still feel like my ole self.
go see a shrink. there was a study that showed marijuana could cause/amplify mental disorders.

This is the naive assumption people make about MJ, I.E it causing a mental disorder, no wonder it's still illegal. You must believe in Reefer Madness.
Take a deep breath and relax, tell yourself it's all in your mind and nothing is any different than it was before you got stoned, not any better or worse. You probably can't change anything right at this moment and getting all worked up won't help anything at all, so just kick back and let the chips fall where they may and enjoy the high.
there was a study that showed marijuana could cause/amplify mental disorders.

Mind linking to this study to share with all of us?

Take a break for a bit and use that time to tell yourself there's no reason being paranoid while high. Get used to feeling calm and relaxed again while sober, then use marijuana as a "treat" or something like that, an end of the day relief toke :)
I understand and have tried almost everything I could to relieve that anxiety, but I dont bug out about being high; I will almost always exaggerate medical issues that I don't feel other than when I'm high. My heart seems to speed up and slow down rapidly correlating whichever way I breathe, and I'll have fears that my brain is swelling. This just started happening about a month ago.
well, i had this happen to me last year , in fact i got a full blown panic attack couldn't breath i was sweating like crazy i thought i was dieing i went to the ER(they laughed at me after i was checked out btw), even after i tried to toke and i would start to freak, so i quit for a year, when i started up again i would take a few shots to numb every thing before i would smoke but this made for that sluggish high, about 2 months ago i just started toking in peace again. i think i was just going through other things, i think the stress is amped by pot if u bottle up, if u kno what i mean. just try to relax and se a doc ( NO ER LOLZ) but even now if i am real medicated and i start thinking about stress it starts a little even when i get a sore from running day before i start to panic i just remind me sef that am all good and no one has ever died from pot haha and its all good ( am medicated right now and am all good)
do you know what strain you were smoking?

there are anti-anxiety strains that people use for depression/anxiety

you were probably smoking the wrong type of strain and IMO natural treatment like the specified strain for the aislement is much better then pharmecuticals.

these strains might help : Jack Herrer, Strawberry Cough, G13 Haze, Satori, Nigerian
do you know what strain you were smoking?

there are anti-anxiety strains that people use for depression/anxiety

you were probably smoking the wrong type of strain and IMO natural treatment like the specified strain for the aislement is much better then pharmecuticals.

these strains might help : Jack Herrer, Strawberry Cough, G13 Haze, Satori, Nigerian

finally, some one in here with a good piece of advice.. i was going to say the same thing.. some strains are known to produce more anxiety, and other's are known to reduce anxiety in people.. i'm not sure which are good or which are bad, but sounds like you have some experience on the subject..
Originally Posted by filtereye
do you know what strain you were smoking?

there are anti-anxiety strains that people use for depression/anxiety

you were probably smoking the wrong type of strain and IMO natural treatment like the specified strain for the aislement is much better then pharmecuticals.

these strains might help : Jack Herrer, Strawberry Cough, G13 Haze, Satori, Nigerian
is there a place i can go to get the low down on those strains maybe a link ??
I got ahold of some afghani earlier, and am now toking with no probs. but those thoughts still remain just aren't affecting me the same.
I recently had a traumatic experience in which I discovered that my lover was a Sociopath.
This could infact be the root of my anxiety which is probably caused by a lack of trust and confidence combined.
i just found this link for you, its all about marijuana strains, and there effects.. i didn't get into too much of it, but i simply googled anti anxiety marijuana strains, and clicked on the first one that wasn't a link back to this site, and this link is it..
they have a big ole list of strains that they say are good anti anxiety strains.. it's surely worth a read