No More For Me

no. it was a peer reviewed study performed over a period of 14 years with a very large sample set.

this is the ONLY modern marijuana study that scientifically connects marijuana and mental disorders.

it is not something made up.

i will not do the research for you but i'll give you a hint, the link is in some thread in the toke n talk section of

do some research before you run your mouth. rookie.

Why are you so vile? Share with this community a 14 year study that Marijuana is the root CAUSE of a mental disorder?
Is this from the same peers that concluded we are headed for an ice age or heating up to extinction ?
I am far from a rookie junior. Please show me your shit, than maybe I will agree with you, instead of you insulting me.

I will agree that smoking under the age of 17 or so can cause developmental issues for sure.
I smoked weed for a whole summer in high school every day. i quit but i still felt like a was high numb and kind of in a dream. that happened for over a year. the blue 2mg zanex help me
Has anyone asked the question "why do you feel you have to smoke pot?"
I had a similar situation go on while i was dealing with me second arrest, I got paranoid and had real anxiety issues (not any of the heart problems and sych tho). Finally one day i just said to myself "I quit" and havent smoked for a little over 3 years. I still ove to grow and I sitll love the plant I just dont use herb anymore.

If weed is giving you that many problems put the pipe down.
Crazy I went through the exact same kind of thing. Happened to smoke while drunk and realized everything was fine so started doing shots before toking then eventually just smoked very small amounts. Now I smoke exceptional amounts with no ill effect 5 years later!

well, i had this happen to me last year , in fact i got a full blown panic attack couldn't breath i was sweating like crazy i thought i was dieing i went to the ER(they laughed at me after i was checked out btw), even after i tried to toke and i would start to freak, so i quit for a year, when i started up again i would take a few shots to numb every thing before i would smoke but this made for that sluggish high, about 2 months ago i just started toking in peace again. i think i was just going through other things, i think the stress is amped by pot if u bottle up, if u kno what i mean. just try to relax and se a doc ( NO ER LOLZ) but even now if i am real medicated and i start thinking about stress it starts a little even when i get a sore from running day before i start to panic i just remind me sef that am all good and no one has ever died from pot haha and its all good ( am medicated right now and am all good)
I have general anxiety that I deal with, and smoking bud does increase it at times. But Ive been at this long enough that I figured out that it only does it with certain kinds of bud(usually strong sativas) when I am already fairly stressed out(in general). Not like after having a bad day, buy when Ive been stressed out for weeks at a time, even if its mild stress, just continuous, I can have major anxiety issues from smoking. The only thing that would help was to find the right kind of bud to smoke, like a good kush. Taking a few weeks off smoking seemed to help occasionally. But lately I have had a xanax prescription, so that pretty much takes care of the issue for me, but its one I dealt with for years.