So why do we care who grows?


Well-Known Member
who cares, live and let be. If a pearent doesnt want their kid doing this kind of stuff, then let them take care of it. You should care, but not to the point where it brings you stress. I mean its not like were doing heroin here, were smoking and growing some dank nugs. A God given plant.


Well-Known Member
Im sure that the liability of rollitup for helping under age people is a big concern of the administration here but i gotta hope that good ole common sense & caring about peoples welfare has something to do with their decision to limit users to 18 & above.

There's no good reason for children to be here,it makes us all look like irresponsible assholes when we allow it or help them endanger them self or others.

also very well said, and very good point that i overlooked. i was just thinking about it from a educational point of view. i wasnt thinking of the dangers associated with kids and electricity... +1rep.... well said my friend.. i feel like an ass now..


Well-Known Member
Well i just turned 18. I grow at home and my mum is aware of this. I dont think im stupid? No cfl grow though lol.

Not all teenager's are arrogant and immature.

Did any of you see the "when did you first start smoking" thread. If you did you would remember how most people stated they started smoking weed at around 12-15 years of age. Just something to think about....
Howdy,agreed on the starting age,fuk when i was 12 acid was legal & i dropped a bunch of acid, among other shit,i took everything i could get,so did most of us,still thats not the point.

Take you for instance,your growing at home but theres a big difference between your case & 99% of the children who come here looking for advice,what makes the largest difference with you is that your mother knows,she has a choice to look at whats going on in her home,she now has the ability to see things & determine if she thinks they are safe.

Also by you not living in secrecy your more apt not to do stupid dangerous shit because you dont have shit to hide,saftey becomes a paramount issue when stealth & using whatever is laying around is the main concern of a grower.

PLEASE........PLEASE take no offense to this,in reality your still a child so maybe your missing a huge point here,childrens minds run at top speed all the time,what their thinking about one minute has been forgotten & their mind has raced to another topic,this is how their brains grow & accumulate information on so much in so little time,this is why children are so forgetfull,they cant help it.

Now imagine a 14 year old boy who just spliced 2 500 watt halogen lamps together because he only had one spot left to plug 2 lights into,he fully intended to watch them for a few hours to be sure they're safe,now the doorbell rings & its his best friend johnny or girlfreind mary,they want him to go to the mall,the last thing on his mind is the lights he just rigged up so he splits,leaving 1,000 halogen watts in a closet unsupervised.

Quite frankly i dont know how alot of growers here even sleep at night with 400 watt HID systems stuffed into closets using computer muffin fans for ventilation, & some of these growers are adults,now imagine how many dangerous choices children make based on secrecy.

I agree that on a rare occasion some children or young men like yourself are responsible but for the most part they are dangerous.


Well-Known Member
Because teaching kids how to produce / use drugs ( even the green ) is just bad karma? Let them become adults who make their own choices. Then let them come here and get all the help they need. Also, they are always growing in someone else's home, usually without permission- so regardless of you saying " that aside " , it is a big no-no.


Well-Known Member
Because teaching kids how to produce / use drugs ( even the green ) is just bad karma? Let them become adults who make their own choices. Then let them come here and get all the help they need. Also, they are always growing in someone else's home, usually without permission- so regardless of you saying " that aside " , it is a big no-no.

exactly i wouldnt want someone teaching my kids how to do something when i know for one they arent mature enough to look at the safety aspects nor the legal aspects.

why give a teenager ammo (the know how) if he already has the ak47 (his ambition, his will power)?


Well-Known Member
I was stupid when i was a teen and i'm stupid now ... er wait a minute - that didn't come out right :(


Well-Known Member
i can respect the conservative view to a certain one said anything about driving across country or about driving at all.

i think that teaching young people a way of using mind altering substances when they first find interest instead of sending them out into the street to cop from dealers may be a better option.

and what is wrong with knowing about sex? we should be more open about teaching safety over abstinance! I looked at a ton of porn on my moms 486
when it would take 5 min to load a page! and thank god! at least i had a clue when i finally got the chance to experience it for myself

either way this is about WEED
You were inquiring about one's right to do whatever they want. Hence the examples. Nothing wrong with porn, but no 14 year old needs to look at porn, let alone smoke or drink. Come on, man, be responsible.


Well-Known Member
I need a beer:-) Im outta weed. Gots to get my grow on:-) Peace, Love, Dope..........................................

I love soil:P



Well-Known Member
ill take it that was directed toward me? if so then here's my rebuttal. first of all, kids will go through great lengths to appease their curiosities. if a 17 year old wants to masturbate to some porn and look at dirty pics on the internet who cares, its natural. i believe its the parents job to inform their kids about all the temptations/peer pressure that they encounter as they grow up, also inform them of the repercussions that my happen after they do these grow up things. idk why im arguing this actually. it doesnt effect me one bit. but minors will go through great lengths to do/learn what they want, and all i was saying is that "RUI says you have to be over 18 for legal matters"... any minor that doesnt have restricted internet and wants to know about pot isnt goign to say that he's a minor. is there anyway to regulate that? anyways, im done with my rant.... peace:peace:
huh? no, it wasn't directed towards you. shoulda used the quote button. anyhoo, I don't care about someone who is 17, as stated in my post, I am speaking about children. A 15 or 12 year old does not need to be smoking weed, or drinking. It is natural to look at porn, but what if the kid starts looking at kiddy porn, and no one tells him it is wrong to do. There is no way to regulate ANYTHING in this day and age. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
There's no good reason for children to be here,it makes us all look like irresponsible assholes when we allow it or help them endanger them self or others.
lmao. Dude, you're the shit. :mrgreen: I think we can close this thread now that panhead spoke his (or her) mind. Good speech, good speech.


Well-Known Member
huh? no, it wasn't directed towards you. shoulda used the quote button. anyhoo, I don't care about someone who is 17, as stated in my post, I am speaking about children. A 15 or 12 year old does not need to be smoking weed, or drinking. It is natural to look at porn, but what if the kid starts looking at kiddy porn, and no one tells him it is wrong to do. There is no way to regulate ANYTHING in this day and age. :mrgreen:
no rebuttal was needed than... lol...sorry... ya i totally agree with what pan said about kids and doing stupid shit for steal reasons. i dont advocate anyone playing with electricity that doesnt know what they are doing. i also agree that young kids shouldnt get involved in drugs till they are older because their minds are still developing and who knows what drugs do to youngins brains. yep yep... peace out


Well-Known Member
and while the site needs to obey certain rules for legalities sake, i think we should all remember that not too long ago people would have laughed in our faces for referring to a 16 year old as a child. As life expectancy increases, humans can afford to expand their childhood years but this is a very recent development, biologically speaking of course.


I was stupid when i was a teen and i'm stupid now ... er wait a minute - that didn't come out right :(
lol im in this boat.. im 21 years old, i have no where near the life experiences that most growers on this site have. yet one thing ive learned in my short time on this earth is that our lifes are a sum of all the choices we make earlier... if you choose to put a 100 cfl in a cardboard box.. you choose to put you and your family at serious risk...

i grow in an apartment.. saftey is my number one concern. my lights go off when i go to work in the day and come at night when im home, i use a ballast efficeint for my lighting, i have adiquate heat ventilation. once again ill refer to panheads original post in saying.. children dont think of these things .. on top of that they are still learning social behavior. when drugs, alchohol or violence are incorperated into a childs life as early as 12 years old, that cant be any good for someone that childs future!!


Well-Known Member
and while the site needs to obey certain rules for legalities sake, i think we should all remember that not too long ago people would have laughed in our faces for referring to a 16 year old as a child. As life expectancy increases, humans can afford to expand their childhood years but this is a very recent development, biologically speaking of course.
what village are you from? ive never read an idiotic thing from you


Well-Known Member
what village are you from? ive never read an idiotic thing from you
stick around - shouldn't be long now.... but thanks!

to be honest - i like the village idiot moniker for two reasons -
first - the village idiot is allowed to get away with a lot - cause they're an idiot
second - the village idiot was the name of one of my fave bars when i lived in lower east side of NYC (that and downtown beirut)

i really liked their shirt - it was printed upside down and said: "If found sober, return to Village Idiot"!


Well-Known Member
no rebuttal was needed than... lol...sorry... ya i totally agree with what pan said about kids and doing stupid shit for steal reasons. i dont advocate anyone playing with electricity that doesnt know what they are doing. i also agree that young kids shouldnt get involved in drugs till they are older because their minds are still developing and who knows what drugs do to youngins brains. yep yep... peace out

hehe, it's all good, sir. if I was stoned I might have sounded half as intelligent as pan. :peace:


Well-Known Member
See all of these things make sense to me...maybe this is a good thing for them to read...thanks for all of the input guys!