Important Question about Dolomite Lime


On my second outdoor grow I decided to use lime, I've identified quantities and bought the powder OK. But whats weird is that on one website it says to never use dolomite lime "the same year as fertilizers" :/

Never Mix Lime and Fertilizer

If you have ever had a pee (slightly acid) into a toilet with bleach (very alkaline) in it, you will have noticed there is an unpleasant reaction, Just the same if you mix your lime and fertilizer. They will at best cancel each other out in an unpleasant, to the soil, reaction."


This would mean that Im better off not using lime at all. But the thing is nowhere else does it say that dolomite lime + fertilizers have the same effect. I will be fertilizing with miracle gro liquid. Have any of you guys had any bad experience mixing these or is this just complete bullshit?


Well-Known Member
I've limed my outdoor holes in the early spring. About 2-3 months before the plants went in the ground at around early to mid june.
Used Advanced nutrients 3 part mix fertilizer along with their heavy harvest slow release fertilizer.
Didn't see or have no problems.


Well-Known Member
Go ahead and add the lime to your mix, moisten and get it working.

You will be using liquid nutes and what they are talking about is volitization (?), like when you mix lime and blood meal at the same time in a mix.

The article wasn't bullshit, but not entirely accurate either. Very misleading.



thanks guys, ive grown without lime last year and no sign of bad ph but this year i thought i'd add some hope it pays off!