Well-Known Member
Something has inspired me to list a set of helpful guidelines I follow when it comes to buying mary jane. I dont know why this bothers me, but seeing someone buy grass from an honest fellow, who may not even be a regular dealer and not showing little if any kind of courtesy or appreciation drives me crazy. Now we are all pretty far apart here, we got a few members from UK, USA, England, Netherlands, think I even saw a Brazilian poster. What do many of us have in common? We are pot enthusiasts living in places grass is pretty much illegal. Now, that being said, its time to tip our hats to those guys who get bud, risk their necks to hook us up, and probably dont profit half the time. I know I know, some dealers make a killing, but Im talking about the everyday small time dealers who keep the shit circulating, whom if it werent for you guys, it might not be available at all. My respect to all of ya. Now, if you have read this far into my morning rant, here are the actual integrities for which I speak.
1) God damn it tip your friggin dealer. You think he wants to drive some illegal shit to your house or carry it around just to break even or make a lousy profit
time and time again? If you dont make it worth their while they arent going to keep you burning for long. Be prepared to tip very well, its your responsibilty as a non-ass bag.
2) Really this should have been number 1, but Im too lazy and stoned to rearrange it. NEVER EVER EVER EVER SNITCH. Let me go into detail here on this one because this is the side to the human psyche that makes me hate people. When you decide to take up marijuana as a fun hobby, you agree to breaking said law, and you take your own personal chance with whatever risks or repercussions. If you get pinched, you accept it, and take responsibilty for your actions. You dont hand them over someone's name, you dont pull others into your own personal hole just because your too thin skinned to deal with it alone. Besides, you think your going to get in a shit load of trouble over possession? In the words of George Carlin, "Take a fuckin chance people". Oh an dont give me that, well Im a respected physician and all that career horse shit. Your career isnt worth a pile of frog shit to me in comparison to someone's freedom, specially someone who got you the very weed you got pinched for. Anyway, Im passionate about this one so sorry for the lengthyness lol
3)Keep the little thugs out of it. Dont buy from kids and dont sell to kids. Am I saying this because pot is a horrible drug and kills braincells and save the children yadda yadda yadda? Fuck no. Im saying it cause kids are nothing but trouble on both ends. Little 16 year old thugletts will get you pinched because they just cant zip lips, and in these modern times, I dont expect much integrity either. You rarities that were raised by good parents are the exception im sure, but just as a general rule, (in selling or buying) Id prefer to avoid you until you old enough to develop standards.
4)Your bag seems a tiny bit short, or its too seedy, or it just wasnt very good herb. Dont start spewing off at the mouth to your dealer like he grew the shit him or herself. I dont imagine its really easy to generally measure a substance that consits of varying proportions of stem, seed, leaf and bud.
On top of that, as we all know, all weed can vary in high. If you truly feel shorthanded about it, just politely ask your dealer about it and SHOW them.
9 times out of 10, any decent human being will agree and compensate you for it, IF your complaint is relevant.
5) Respect your dealer like you would anyone else. They are not maximum security, law breaking nazi's that shoot babies with their free time. They are trying to get by like anyone else, and bringing you the god stuff, so in short, the whole meaning of this long and tedious article is to keep all you good dealers in high esteem where you belong. Its in NOT following these rules that results in pot being kind of hard to find in places similar to where I live.
So to anyone just getting into marijuana, please keep these guidelines in consderation.
P.S. Feel free to add anything I may have left out. Especially if you are a dealer
1) God damn it tip your friggin dealer. You think he wants to drive some illegal shit to your house or carry it around just to break even or make a lousy profit
time and time again? If you dont make it worth their while they arent going to keep you burning for long. Be prepared to tip very well, its your responsibilty as a non-ass bag.
2) Really this should have been number 1, but Im too lazy and stoned to rearrange it. NEVER EVER EVER EVER SNITCH. Let me go into detail here on this one because this is the side to the human psyche that makes me hate people. When you decide to take up marijuana as a fun hobby, you agree to breaking said law, and you take your own personal chance with whatever risks or repercussions. If you get pinched, you accept it, and take responsibilty for your actions. You dont hand them over someone's name, you dont pull others into your own personal hole just because your too thin skinned to deal with it alone. Besides, you think your going to get in a shit load of trouble over possession? In the words of George Carlin, "Take a fuckin chance people". Oh an dont give me that, well Im a respected physician and all that career horse shit. Your career isnt worth a pile of frog shit to me in comparison to someone's freedom, specially someone who got you the very weed you got pinched for. Anyway, Im passionate about this one so sorry for the lengthyness lol
3)Keep the little thugs out of it. Dont buy from kids and dont sell to kids. Am I saying this because pot is a horrible drug and kills braincells and save the children yadda yadda yadda? Fuck no. Im saying it cause kids are nothing but trouble on both ends. Little 16 year old thugletts will get you pinched because they just cant zip lips, and in these modern times, I dont expect much integrity either. You rarities that were raised by good parents are the exception im sure, but just as a general rule, (in selling or buying) Id prefer to avoid you until you old enough to develop standards.
4)Your bag seems a tiny bit short, or its too seedy, or it just wasnt very good herb. Dont start spewing off at the mouth to your dealer like he grew the shit him or herself. I dont imagine its really easy to generally measure a substance that consits of varying proportions of stem, seed, leaf and bud.
On top of that, as we all know, all weed can vary in high. If you truly feel shorthanded about it, just politely ask your dealer about it and SHOW them.
9 times out of 10, any decent human being will agree and compensate you for it, IF your complaint is relevant.
5) Respect your dealer like you would anyone else. They are not maximum security, law breaking nazi's that shoot babies with their free time. They are trying to get by like anyone else, and bringing you the god stuff, so in short, the whole meaning of this long and tedious article is to keep all you good dealers in high esteem where you belong. Its in NOT following these rules that results in pot being kind of hard to find in places similar to where I live.
So to anyone just getting into marijuana, please keep these guidelines in consderation.
P.S. Feel free to add anything I may have left out. Especially if you are a dealer