How the hell did I end up reading this entire thread. Very entertaining. I guess it's the whole "Trainwreck" thing. Hit the cymbals please!!!
Wow. What are those? Is that a new strain? You're a towel.maintain a small client base and a good price for goodness and you can sell until you die. oh, and try not to sell to kneegrows. word.
The good herb isnt where the money is.You need a good commercial bulk buy.If I was to sell weed (not that I am so dont ask me for it) I'd say I would get a pound for about $200 turn around sell it as a whole for $950 take home 750 after exspenses and waht not keep $500 profit per lb do 50 -100 a month and figure incomes around $25000-50000.Thats if I was a dealer which I do not sell weed as it is illegal.You d have to be retarded to sell weed for 150 profit and have to drive to go get it. lol Remember selling drugs is illegal.
sorry, my "DEALER" is not my Maid at a hotel, or a Gal making her way thru college at the restaurant im eating at.1) God damn it tip your friggin dealer. You think he wants to drive some illegal shit to your house or carry it around just to break even or make a lousy profit
time and time again? If you dont make it worth their while they arent going to keep you burning for long. Be prepared to tip very well, its your responsibilty as a non-ass bag.
couldnt agree more! 100% with you on this.
good points. Though i did start using young. ive never become a hard drug user, never became an alcholic, never became a criminal for anything. Im a single custodial working Dad. but yes, loose lips sink ships, and now think of ANY 13/23 yr old girl for the most part.
i concur with what your saying, but again, this depends STRONGLY on price. If its 160/O, and is realatively decent, nice trimmed buds this week, and next week, its seedy/stemy shit, the price had better drop.
Respect is a 2 way street, and if it appears to me, the only thing being respected is my money, then you can agree it ll be noted on the return play. i have to part ways with you on this one. again, if its ILLEGAL, its business man, dont let anyone fool you. in an illegal state, its not about compassion, its bout money. most dealers repect uncle benny, not cousing kenny. now, if you have a relationship out side of business, thats a different situaton totally.