• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Dealer Etiquette


How the hell did I end up reading this entire thread. Very entertaining. I guess it's the whole "Trainwreck" thing. Hit the cymbals please!!!

Das Herb

Skynet, I agree with 2 and 3, but for rants 1 and 4 I'm going to burn you.

First and foremost, tip my dealer? Are you fuckin' serious? Lmao. If anything, my dealer should be tipping me for having to put up with the insane amount of bullshit I have to go through in order just to get the bud.

Think I'm full of it? All right posters, let me ask you this. How many times has your weed man dicked around for 4-8 hours, lied to you about 'being right there', or flaked on you after you waited for a day or more? I should be tipping for this crap? Lol.

Now if the weed man is decent in his practice, then there's no need to gripe about it, but it's still no reason to tip him. Even if it gets to you in a decent amount of time, is it really worth it to pay that much more? No. It's not.

As far as "risking his neck" to drive around the illegal shit, heads up buddy. It's just as illegal for me to be buying it as it is for him to sell it. He's risking his neck no more than I am.

Now, onto number 4. I do agree that it's not entirely the dealer's fault when the weed's a little seedy. He does have the option to NOT BUY THE SHIT, but if he's going to, that's his decision. Further on that point, if it is seedier than usual, the dealer doesn't have to take it upon himself to throw in those extra seeds and stems to make up for his lost profit. Yeah, he's looking out for himself, but he's fucking all his customers.

To sum this up, I'd like to remind all the dealers reading this of one fact a lot of you over look. Without your customers, you are just a guy with a bag of weed. This arrogant attitude of "I'm the one with the weed, I'm in charge" needs to go.
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The whole "tip your dealer" thing: I think he means, tip your "runner". There's a difference. My Dealer drives a fancy ride with rims, has an expensive motorcycle, lives in a huge house, with all the latest gadgets and electronics and toys. I know he sets his prices accordingly. The "tip" is already factored into his pricing.

Now, the runner - that's the guy (or gal) who knows the dealer. The runner just picks up enough for his (or her) circle of friends. The runner is the person running all over the place, burning gas, and possibly driving around with multiple baggies and cash.

The dealer takes the risk of driving with it once or twice a month, just to re-load. The runner takes the risk of "riding dirty" more often, with a lot more stops.

If you're hooking up with someone new, definitely kick them down a fat bud, for doing you the favor. Once it becomes a regular thing, the tipping can sort of fade away...

Better than tips are gifts. Like bring them a trinket or something on your next visit. If they like forties, bring a jug of O.E. the next time. Hook them up with some software, get them in on guest lists, things like that. Hook ups for hook ups.

"People willing to go to jail to sell me weed." - Joe Rogan

I hated that part of the scenario when I lived in a non-medical-marijuana state. I had to deal with "drug dealers" and keep things on the "down-low" and I was a "criminal".

I wanted to add to the snitchin' thing - Of course all your answers to cops should be, "No habla English" or similar, but if you MUST say something, you say the weed was a gift from a weed fairy. Everyone gets in much less trouble if there were no "sales" of weed. Gifts are in a different category. I'm just saying... Like if a cop asked me where I bought this stuff, I'd be all like, "Bought? Huh? Nah, man, that shit was a gift. A gift from God, man! No money." but whatever.


Well-Known Member
the golden rule: be respectful and don't be an idiot.

Guidelines: Call first. Be on time. don't bring others unless mutual friends. Don't linger, unless invited to chill. favors for favors only, dont constantly ask for a front. Offer polite feedback on the herb upon next visit. Shake hands and express gratitude, this goes a long way.


Well-Known Member
There's no etiquette???? One guy isn't like the next and if you live in a non-medical state, you can clearly see that those who pride themselves as "dealers" have no fucking etiquette. Of course we all have that person who supplies us, gives us no problems, and is thankful for the business... but fuck a dealer.
and tip???? on the east coast when you're paying 400+ an ounce and more than that when you break it down ...do you really think i'm going to tip these motherfuckers??? street dealer, delivery person, grower .... my tip to them is keep it coming


Active Member
$200 pound? My lungs hurt just thinking about smokin on a 2 dolla pound..

The good herb isnt where the money is.You need a good commercial bulk buy.If I was to sell weed (not that I am so dont ask me for it) I'd say I would get a pound for about $200 turn around sell it as a whole for $950 take home 750 after exspenses and waht not keep $500 profit per lb do 50 -100 a month and figure incomes around $25000-50000.Thats if I was a dealer which I do not sell weed as it is illegal.You d have to be retarded to sell weed for 150 profit and have to drive to go get it. lol Remember selling drugs is illegal.


Active Member
i hear alot of people saying legalize weed BAD IDEA if you think your dealer is ripping you off just wait until the goverment get there hands on the supply chain and control the market. QUALITY WILL SUFFER 10 FOLD PRICEs WILL ROCKET AND SO WILL SEEDS AND GROW EQUIPMENT TOO. i know its legal in some states but if it was rolled out nationally i bet it would be a different story i would also bet that within a few years you would need a special licence to grow that would be near enough impossible to get. and growing in a home would be banned.


Well-Known Member
1) God damn it tip your friggin dealer. You think he wants to drive some illegal shit to your house or carry it around just to break even or make a lousy profit
time and time again? If you dont make it worth their while they arent going to keep you burning for long. Be prepared to tip very well, its your responsibilty as a non-ass bag.
sorry, my "DEALER" is not my Maid at a hotel, or a Gal making her way thru college at the restaurant im eating at.

Im not sure about where your from, but i pay way to fucking much already for dope. its a business here, and still is. even the states want in on the marijuana businesses now. but, i dont tip the guy at the speedway robbing my ass at 3.75/gallon. i dont tip the damn meter reader for my electricity. and i dont tip the fucking mail man for bringing me my mail. i pay my fucking taxes, and that somnabeach is making double to triple what i do. he aught to be tipping my ass for sending shit in the mail, and getting shit sent to me for keeping him working. lol.

are you stoned? really? tip your dealer? unless your in a MMJ legal state, and your dealer is giving you your meds free, and near free. no way imo.

now im saying this as a guy who has been around dealing a large portion of my life.

If ANYTHING, the dealer should tip the fucking grower, end of story.
cuz the Dealer, unless he is the grower, is making a dickjack load of fucking money, even the guy on the bottom makes more than the guy working 8am to 8pm for 10.00 an hr. tip the fucking dealer, now ive heard it all. and i the grower IS the dealer, in an illegal state, and hes not offing the whole grow to one person, hes raking it in.

Now with that said, if you live in a MMJ legal state, as i do, and you have certain Caregivers that offer their Autherized patients free meds every grow/month ect.... how ever they setup, fine, that guy DESERVES a Tip.

but if that dealer your speaking of is needing a tip, i ll give him one. Set his fucking ass still. the fiends WILL Come to you once they know where your at. no Tip Neccessary.
Sorry, jm2c on Tipping the Dealer. not when they are driving new Ford Raptors, and i can barely cover gas to fucking work.

couldnt agree more! 100% with you on this.

good points. Though i did start using young. ive never become a hard drug user, never became an alcholic, never became a criminal for anything. Im a single custodial working Dad. but yes, loose lips sink ships, and now think of ANY 13/23 yr old girl for the most part.

i concur with what your saying, but again, this depends STRONGLY on price. If its 160/O, and is realatively decent, nice trimmed buds this week, and next week, its seedy/stemy shit, the price had better drop.

Respect is a 2 way street, and if it appears to me, the only thing being respected is my money, then you can agree it ll be noted on the return play. i have to part ways with you on this one. again, if its ILLEGAL, its business man, dont let anyone fool you. in an illegal state, its not about compassion, its bout money. most dealers repect uncle benny, not cousing kenny. now, if you have a relationship out side of business, thats a different situaton totally.
but yes, if your business relationship is only a business relationship, you should give respect, as long as your getting it.

good post, should be alot of great reads in on this one.


Well-Known Member
wow im glad i dont live where you all do. Horrible prices. I went to my dudes house earlier. Only a 2 minute drive from my place. Picked up an 1/4 of some bomb ass durban poison for 70 bucks. 3 weed cookies, and 2 brownies for 10 bucks. Got smoked out a bowl of snow white out the pipe, durban poison out the vape, and 2 rips of his jelly hash. Plus he always weighs it out in front of me so i know its strait. I bought weed, we got stoned, played a round of black ops, and went home. Typical visit. Im sorry for your situations people But to the topic of the thread. I dont tip my dude, i would smoke him out but he smokes me out for coming to buy pot from him. I think you should respect them and there home and business. Keep your mouth shut. And if you get shorted on a bag once in a while, deall with it. If it happens all the time stop buying pot from that person, its smiple.


Active Member
wow this thread is just wow? why did i even read this whole thread and go through every comment and feel lame.. no offense to the person who posted this thread but it sounds like you play to much world of war craft because dealers aren't going to talk to you and drink tea? and people don't think its cool talking about the drug trade sorry it simply is , most embracing the use of drugs not the sale of drugs , but yet they make money because they embrace the sales of drugs which most people on this thread shouldn't complain about because they do things that are illegal if you live in the united states by federal law , anything that says marijuana on it is ILLEGAL even if you live in a legal state that supports medical bud , my advice is shut up and get going with your lives because this thread has been alive for 4 years and this guy could of passed away by now LOL.


Active Member
Now that doesn't mean because its illegal its a bad thing :) most dealers promote the use of marijuana not the sale of marijuana that's what i was trying to say. And i would think tipping is useless unless your ordering anything less than 1 ounce.