The Pop Closet Cfl Grow


Well-Known Member
Ok....So myself and a good friend have aquired a good amount of decent genetics and decided to
Start a small closet grow. ....the fist part to this endevor is going to be more of a test-run. The seeds used include:Pot of Gold"4",the Erick Morley"2",and Orange krush"1" Experimenting with CFL's, LST, double topping and possibly some SCROG. Our goal here is to raise these little seedlings in party cups and veg for about 3-5 weeks then transplant too lil one gallon pots and proceed to flower untill their willing to go peacefuly. will be on my next post.:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
right on here are the pics.....

this is the closet were wrkn with. 2011-05-19 11.08.47.jpg

2011-05-19 11.09.46.jpg2011-05-19 11.10.59.jpg

and this is the top shelf where all the veg,cloning, propagation goes on.....adding another t5 to the right side.2011-05-19 21.05.23.jpg

the P.O.G has already broke the dirt and begun its seedling phase AT ONLY 2 Days from germ!! thats wicked fast. .. the erick morley and another P.O.G have done the same a day later.:blsmoke:... update on the other 4 cups in the morning.


Well-Known Member
Nice. Where did you get that germination container? That's the perfect size, mine is tiny. Will follow this grow. Good luck.

thanx for dropping in budd!

local hyrdo shop for about 7 dollars. works great, even has two small adjustable air holes on the top for humidity .


Well-Known Member
only two have yet to break the dirt but prolly by tomorow morning.
babababa.jpg hahaha.jpg.......... ooohhhh

Bird Gymnastics

New Member
Its a great feeling to see all those little babies popping :) The lights are getting add of hand. We keep adding more!!! ha ha anyways we are ready to rip it man. Good things to come people...good things :weed: lol


Well-Known Member
yea and prolly some more once we start to run both the top and bottom section at the same time. ... but yea i keep my house pretty cool normaly.

Bird Gymnastics

New Member
Really? You're lucky. I keep my place 72F or below, but since my room is closed with poor circulation, my temps hit 84F or so daily.

I mean having a cab, you will definitely need more air circulation. But with the room we have now and the location of the place it is perfect. I think with the lights on and only one oscillating fan, the temps were right around 78...correct me if I'm wrong pooper??


Well-Known Member
more like 79 80 but with more fans pointed in the right areas we will be just fine at about 75-80


Well-Known Member
we just added another dual 4' T8 to the Veg and seedling shelf........

2011-05-21 20.48.04.jpg i plan on getting two big 68 watt CFLs from Lowes or whatever for the bottom flower area aswell as two 48 watts.

also picked up some 1 1/2 gallon pots with some nice Roots Organics soil with som added perlite fo extra air and all that good stuff.

NUTES!@! far as those go2011-05-21 21.19.23.jpg ... Fox Farm amlost the whole line, i decide to cut out some of the extrainus stuff "the ones i can't afford". wer goin to run the clones in some rapid rooter things with some of my FAVORITE jucie in the world "Home and Gardens, Roots Excellerator." big roots without fail......100% of the time it works every time. I swear by this stuff.

2011-05-21 20.48.38.jpgright now we have the cups in the dome with 24-0 light for about another two weeks then ill switch the light timer to somethin like 22-2 or 20-4 for veg while the clone light remains on for 24-0.

after vegging for another week ill cut clones and wait for them to root, then sex those and determen what is what.
then one more batch of clones from the corresponding female to keep the strain alive.
after one or two more weeks ill put the remaining plants into flower for 8-10 weeks on the bottom area of the closet

more to come.


Active Member
doesnt look like you got light leaks figured out yet.... how do you plan to have 3 stages of growth on three time schedules in a closet without leaking light to you flowering stage. only thing holding me back from doing an autoflower closet. i would want it on 18/6 and my bud room is 12/12 and it would have to be in the closet in my bud room..... aint got it figured yet. lolid have a few hrs of dim light from the closet comming and it would be very hard to cover leaks around the door and still have access to the thing ya know...


Well-Known Member
doesnt look like you got light leaks figured out yet.... how do you plan to have 3 stages of growth on three time schedules in a closet without leaking light to you flowering stage. only thing holding me back from doing an autoflower closet. i would want it on 18/6 and my bud room is 12/12 and it would have to be in the closet in my bud room..... aint got it figured yet. lolid have a few hrs of dim light from the closet comming and it would be very hard to cover leaks around the door and still have access to the thing ya know...
Yea i know what you mean. Ur in a tuff spot, have you thought about running a tent inside your closet?

All my light leaks are taken care of. I have a curtain rod and curtain that will go across the top veg part to seperate the light from the budd area.


Well-Known Member
after 5 full days from seed, all the plants are out of soil and into their first weeks of being seedlings and developing a strong root base.2011-05-24 10.53.24.jpgenjoying our 100% germanation outcome!!......7 seeds planted ...7 seedlings above ground.


Well-Known Member
nicely done my new friends, i have a CFL closet grow myself, but ended up with only 1 female :( butter then none i guess. just make sure you dont add nutes to early, they will give your plants nute burn when they are small. Just PH the water and get them 24.0 light and they will grow alot! good luck ill follow you up again!


Well-Known Member
I happen to have a CFL closet grow myself, hope yours goes well, I'll definitely be checking in on this grow!