Light Pruning?


Well-Known Member
I can't remember where I heard this from, but I was wanting to get more info on it. I heard that the roots can get "pruned" by having too much light get to them through the tote/reservoir/bucket. Does this really happen? If so what do the roots look like, and does it have any adverse effects on the plant? Any info would be greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Roots get air pruned and direct light will kill roots. My buddy used white buckets with a million holes drilled in every where (soil) his thoughts where more air the better. I set him straight by showing him his roots, they where green.


Well-Known Member
Are there any links to pictures to what a root system in a DWC set up should look like. I'm not sure the ones I saw were normal looking. It looked like there were a few main roots that come down, with 1/8th to 1/4 inch side roots sticking off the sides, almost like a ladder, all the way from the tip to the bottom of the net pot.


Well-Known Member
As the bible says, mylar keeps light out just as much as it keeps light in. Wouldn't be hard to lightproof that rubbermaid with what should be a standard hydro+ grower's surplus eq. The lightproofing is also for preventing algae grows hence the GoldenGanja13's snide reference to 'green roots'.

EDITS -A little drinken tonight :D


Well-Known Member
As the bible says, mylar keeps light out just as much as it keeps light in. Wouldn't be hard to lightproof that rubbermaid with what should be a standard hydro+ grower's surplus eq. The lightproofing is also for preventing algae grows hence the GoldenGanja13's snide reference to 'green roots'.

EDITS -A little drinken tonight :D
Really the bible says that? I don't like the color of yours shasto, Here's what mine looks like, if you pick them up out the gutter they're white and healthy, just a little alage won't hurt nothing..