Judgement Day Is Coming

A snip from todays yahoo front page article on the subject:

"Many followers said though the sun rose Saturday without the foretold earthquakes, plagues, and other calamities, the delay was a further test from God to persevere in their faith."

OMFG!!!! :)
I wouldn't care if it were true. I mean, I guess that would suck but if it's going to happen, it's going to happen.

if it was true, what would I do?
probably nothing different than i normally do. it depends on the circumstances.
Nope not june 2012, and not even 12-12-2012, even that has "supposedly" been delayed according to these "aliens" who with ther ship larger than a planet and a crew of 80 million (yes you heard that right 80 million) are slowing down niburu's passing. :wall:

We could take bets on 9-11-11 though, I haven't heard them speak on that one. :)
100 million spend on advertising by one guy to cover all this dooms day BULLSHIT.
that money could of easyly have gone to build something WE need like better medicine better education i can just tell you 100 million things to do
with that money

SHIT LIKE THIS MAKES ME SICK of how stupid people really are or could be.
No, it is called nature, there is millions of things happening daily that could be translated into the same thought process.

Yeah, like earthquakes. Ever since Japan I've been looking at the USGS site for real time earthquake activity. OMG I had no idea. The Pacific rim has 5+ ones like every few hours. You should see this thing, and also look up pacific plate on wiki. Then compare the shape of that with the earthquake activity worldwide. Amazing. In case you're interested, here are the two links to compare:


Yeah, like earthquakes. Ever since Japan I've been looking at the USGS site for real time earthquake activity. OMG I had no idea. The Pacific rim has 5+ ones like every few hours. You should see this thing, and also look up pacific plate on wiki. Then compare the shape of that with the earthquake activity worldwide. Amazing. In case you're interested, here are the two links to compare:



ring of fire, baby.
Speaking of ring of fire, you know you're gonna have a rough morning dump when you sit on the toilet and boss music cues up. Now back to your regularly scheduled topic.

Dude i added a bottle of disaronno, but that was my evening, and set off over 200$ of fireworks lol