Will This Light Not Interrupt My Plants Darkness Time?


Active Member
i heard that u could use red lights....or black lights....the person i heard it from said they used christmas lights and they could use that as a light to work on plants and setup without bothering them in flower.....but which color they were is beyond me...but im puttin my money on the red one


bud bootlegger
Thanks thats what I heard. Have you used a green light before for that reason?
yah, you'll be good with the green light.. something about that spectrum of light is invisible to plants is what i think it is, so no problems at all using any green light during the dark period..
in fact, i've seen some headlights for gardens that have greenlights in them just for the use of going in at lights out and doing some work on the girls and not bothering the dark period..

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
what I ould do is when you switch to flower just run the green light during the dark period. That way you can see if it has any effect because if it does your plants wouldn't flower in the first place, but you probably already have plants flowering LOL.

I just don't know. I read that greenlight is supposed to not have an effect, but is that wat is considered a green light? because the light is a different color before it's put through a "green" colored film or w/e. Also, they always say that the plants reflect the green light which is why we see the green color. That sounds right but what about purple plants or a different color plants? Do they absorb green light and reflect purple light?

Not trying to confuse you or give you false info or anything, these are just the things that go through my head when I thin about them. Mybe I will buy one and do as I suggested and see for myself, I just don't enter in the dark now.


Well-Known Member
Let's end the guessing; green light "will not" effect your plants whatsoever! The reasons stated were not convicing enough so I chimed in, lol. I have been using the headlite version indoors and out for many many years. The only thing is if you forget its on your head its a difficult one to explain!

Mort Fink

New Member
Thanks man, I'll give that a try. I know what you mean too I could need some special spectrum green light and not just a party light like I got. I wouldn't enter the dark but its in my only bathroom and must be used at times. hha


Well-Known Member
bullshit that light will effect your plants. it will if you leave it on long enoug. i seen it happen
If you're gonna call BS prove it! Show any accreditted source that says plants can absorb green light and more importantly reverse the bloom cycle. Of course you'd wish to stay out during your nite cycle but sh$t happens and if ya did go in with a green headlite on zip zilch nada no problem whatsoever, savy?


Well-Known Member
If you're gonna call BS prove it! Show any accreditted source that says plants can absorb green light and more importantly reverse the bloom cycle. Of course you'd wish to stay out during your nite cycle but sh$t happens and if ya did go in with a green headlite on zip zilch nada no problem whatsoever, savy?
if your just going in your grow room for while then I dont think it would hurt. i have seen with my own eyes one left on that sumone forgot to turn off and they did this frequently and the plants started to reveg. only the plants directly under the light.


Well-Known Member
If you're gonna call BS prove it! Show any accreditted source that says plants can absorb green light and more importantly reverse the bloom cycle. Of course you'd wish to stay out during your nite cycle but sh$t happens and if ya did go in with a green headlite on zip zilch nada no problem whatsoever, savy?
and if your just going in your grow room every now and then for a short period of time turning a light on wnt hurt. I do major grows this is all I do and never ounce have i had a problem and I have even turned on 1 of the 1,000's in a room of 6 just to take a few cuttings little shit like that and i have never had a need for a green light on my head


Well-Known Member
if your going to be in your room frequently for a long time change your light cycle. or better yet strap a green light to your head lol

Mort Fink

New Member
I'm sure I could even get by with a tiny key-chain light or something of the like, but I'm not worried about that anymore on to real problems. I got Thrips I believe and Im trying my hardest to dispel them and eradicate the suckers.


Active Member
I use a 8 watt mini green CFL, and have for 1 other grow, I just make sure it is only indirect light on them.. i have it on the whole time ( dark and light cycle )

Doesnt affect anything