Loins Tail/Wild Dagga


hey guys, im currently growing wild dagga (Leonotis leonurus) though a friends of mine is sending me 7 ounces as his is already grown :P. I have heard that is like weed and if smoked enough can provide mild hallucinations. what exactly can i expect? im thinking about smoking it though im not above doing it any other way :P

Thanks guys


also considering growing and buying (as i can never wait for things to grow :P) salvia. any advice in regards to that too?


ok man thanks for the heads up. tbh im looking for something i can smoke when ever i want (when working etc) :P just something to take the edge off a bit you know? I have had many different opinions about it really... some say its shit and doesnt work, some people i know have quit weed and just smoke that... lol its hard to get an accurate account of what its like, tbh im just gonna wait till mine arrives and try it myself, ill let you know how i get on.


fair enough, well i love to grow plants so i may just grow it and wait for it, rather than buying some :P


HA! never tried wild lettuce, will order some seeds :) i love herbs that help you sleep :P

Any ways... tried this wild dagga i have got, smoked about 2 J's mixed with tobacco, felt a bit chilled out. then rolled one pure, tasted like shit but the effects of it were quite good. also tried mixing tobacco, weed and wild dagga and it was a pretty good combo, made my weed go A LOT further. It was a kind of high (similar to weed) where i just layed back, looked at the stars and pondered my existence. all in all it was quite pleasurable. Will be doing it again :) i need to cut back on weed for money reasons anyways :P


also heres a list of plants im growing too :P

Echinopsis pachanoi (contains mescaline )
Echinopsis peruvianus (contains mescaline)
Pedicularis groenlandica (very rare in cultivation)
Mimosa tenuiflora (also known as DMT tree, contains DMT obviously :P)
Scutellaria lateriflora (skullcap)
Withania somnifera (Ashwagandha)
Leonotis leonurus (wild dagga)
Heimia salicifolia (creates auditory hallucinations :P very intresting...)
Passiflora incarnata (passion flower)
Lophophora williamsii v. decipiens (peyote)


Well-Known Member
Yes, your opinion.
Leaf will be a totally different experience.
But it's true, salvia isn't for everyone.
indeed it just did't mix right with my mind i herd amazing stories tho i did't even hallucinate off of 80x extract and smoked bong loads of it ....it did something just not what i expected ..... my friend said he saw somethings but not me but its ok tho its definitely not worth 100$$$$ a gram :)
Extracts are overpriced and unnecessary. Also, salvia is reverse tolerant, so if you're looking for more, you have to keep trying. :)

kush fario

Well-Known Member
cool just found this thread thought id add im growing morning glories contains LSA and datura contains 2 chemicals that i cant spell XD. and california poppys. i also have moonflowers but i dont know if they do anything.


Well-Known Member
cool just found this thread thought id add im growing morning glories contains LSA and datura contains 2 chemicals that i cant spell XD. and california poppys. i also have moonflowers but i dont know if they do anything.
i got poppies just not the california one's lmfao l LOLOL


cool just found this thread thought id add im growing morning glories contains LSA and datura contains 2 chemicals that i cant spell XD. and california poppys. i also have moonflowers but i dont know if they do anything.
cool man, sounds good. Ethnobotany can become a very addictive hobby :P

kush fario

Well-Known Member
VERRY TRUE! i dident order any seeds from any sites this year just things i found in the store and to 420420 thats y i dont have any pf the real good poppies but htese ones seam promicing for a relaxing sedation to cure my insomnia hopefully!