Is My Setup Ok? First Time Growing


Hello peps... I was wondering if my current grow box was good enough to grow Low rider autoflowers with Fox farm OF

3x 24 inch 25 watt fluorescent grow lights(I thought being autoflower and having them on 24/7 would help).
2x 5 inch fans. (mounted on the front of the grow box).
1x Moving tub (About 35 inch wide and 30 inches deep).


Billy Piper

Active Member
My pal uses Autoflower and says there is no difference between 24/7 and 18/6 except energy costs.
Do you have a picture as its very hard to give advice without one.
Good luck.


I think everything is fine. Except I think you should place the light cycle at 20/4. I feel like a plant needs a dark period in order to be able to grow a larger root system. Autoflowers should do fine in that box tho. Lemme know how it goes.

Mort Fink

New Member
How many lumens are you getting? Probably around 4500-5000 in total. Could ok for a few plants during veg, but your gonnna need more light output to get nice buds during blooming. 10,000 lumens per square foot is what the sun puts out, so try and at least match that.


Well-Known Member
yeah, this will be great for vegging plants, but youre going to need a light with more red spectrum and more lumens for light penetration/dense buds. hps is the standard. how big is this space?


Active Member
lol not many ppl have 10,000 lumens per square foot indoors

How many lumens are you getting? Probably around 4500-5000 in total. Could ok for a few plants during veg, but your gonnna need more light output to get nice buds during blooming. 10,000 lumens per square foot is what the sun puts out, so try and at least match that.


I've updated my first post with images.... Keep in mind i don't know what i'm doing and this is what i've got so far.