I Got Fucked


i had a beautiful 2 1/2 foot shunky plant ... i harvest at 80% orange tricone.... everything good ... my uncle comes form the blue n find it drying.. i have just lost $400


Well-Known Member
Nice first post.....I call 12 or under.

My dad found my plant and threw them out, what a surprise.
-Rule .5 (before rule #1), Don't grown in Mom and Dads house. Sorry


Well-Known Member
Nice first post.....I call 12 or under.

My dad found my plant and threw them out, what a surprise.
-Rule .5 (before rule #1), Don't grown in Mom and Dads house. Sorry
idk man.. there are lots of kids who grow indoor who are growin pretty good from takin advice of the vets.. talk about ahead in life


Well-Known Member
You should have done something about it, too late now though.
I'd bloody a face for a penny. grow some balls and don't let people steal your shit.

Unless your secretly growing in your uncles house when hes letting you live there for free.
If I was your uncle I would have taken your weed and kicked your ass out.


New Member
i had a beautiful 2 1/2 foot shunky plant ... i harvest at 80% orange tricone.... everything good ... my uncle comes form the blue n find it drying.. i have just lost $400
Dude as hard as I try I cannot understand your attempt at English grammar. Can someone translate this for me.. I think his uncle chopped his plant and had it hanging to dry?

worst he took it n smoked it.. n i live with the guy for free...
consider it rent... you freeloader?

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Damn. The thread title is totally misleading. I was expecting a completely different topic. :(

My first question was going to be, "was it good for you?"

Anyone who grows illegally in someone's home and doesn't tell the homeowner, deserves what he gets. You are placing the homeowner in jeopardy and the consequences could be severe. If you don't like it then move the fuck out. Get your own place and grow your shit.


Active Member
Man that does suck but look at it this way....he could of just called the police, you'd have lost all your equipment, bud and your freedom.... you got away with a pretty cheap lesson from my way of thinking