Are Boosters and Additives Really Necessary?


Well-Known Member
again, I put on my shelves what my customers ask for. Figure this one out, I have wholesale access to just about any nute on the market, AND YET I use jack's classic. You would be lucky to find a store owner like me who tells you the truth and not just directs you to the stuff that makes me the most money. I actually make more money selling 20 light set-ups then nutes. and that's giving 20-30% off.
Yeah lighting and valuline fans sell tenfold over my nutrients. I love helping people set up their grow areas. But I do use fox farms and I got some pretty damn big tomato plants and peppers and avocado so I order more.
I do know what you mean about favorite products tho. They like to call themselves "creatures of habit". And I get asked all the time to stock stuff that failed to previous customers and don't budge. I do offer them 10% off on an "overnight" pre order though. A good example is roots organics form 707 soil that I opened a store bag for my displays and had fungus gnats jump out. I get requests for it all the time and refuse to restock even when my customers complain about not having it.
Quality of merchandise is determined by the quality of the store owner. And I work my ass off

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
vitamin B increases root mass so the plant can take up more nutes which = higher yield. IMO.

The Myth

Ever seen this advertisement? “[Product X, which contains vitamin B-1] stimulates the quick formation
of new root hairs and revitalizes the delicate feeder roots that are often damaged in transplanting. [Product
X] is especially designed to hasten the development of bareroot roses, shrubs, shade trees and bedding
plants that have been moved to new locations. It helps plants become established quickly and ensures
vigorous growth.” Another adds a little scientific terminology to convince you: “Vitamin B-1 (plus minor
elements and chelating agents) is great for root growth and helps reduce transplant shock.” Or how about
this one? “The combination of Vitamin B-1 with essential micro nutrients forms a highly effective
mixture...and lessens the chances of transplant shock and plant stress.”

Aren’t you convinced that if you don’t use products with Vitamin B-1 your transplants will suffer?
Apparently administrators at one large university are. Under their “Typical Tree Protection and
Relocation Specifications” is the following: “48 hours prior to cutting, an application of vitamin B-1
shall be administered to the rootball of the tree.” If a university requires this practice, it must be
legitimate, right?

The Reality
Applying vitamin B-1, or thiamine, to root systems of whole plants does not stimulate root growth. This
is a myth that refuses to die, though it has been repeatedly refuted in the scientific literature. Chalker-Scott/Horticultural Myths_files/Myths/Vitamin B1.pdf

Yeah lighting and valuline fans sell tenfold over my nutrients. I love helping people set up their grow areas. But I do use fox farms and I got some pretty damn big tomato plants and peppers and avocado so I order more.
I do know what you mean about favorite products tho. They like to call themselves "creatures of habit". And I get asked all the time to stock stuff that failed to previous customers and don't budge. I do offer them 10% off on an "overnight" pre order though. A good example is roots organics form 707 soil that I opened a store bag for my displays and had fungus gnats jump out. I get requests for it all the time and refuse to restock even when my customers complain about not having it.
Quality of merchandise is determined by the quality of the store owner. And I work my ass off
Yeah, don't you love going into work everyday? And I have the same problem with roots.


Well-Known Member
So they're all myths,let's bow down to oh mighty UB and all grow exactly as he innovation,no trying new things,let's keep it old skool...seriously more of the ad hominum shite UB,you still ain't posted ANYTHING useful but your bullshit rhetoric. Hope you follow the other "cool growers" elsewhere cos your attitude is shite.

EDIT: And by the way victorygarden,Hoag is taking the piss out of you there cos you knowingly sell bullshit products to people that you yourself have admitted don't work. :mrgreen:
So they're all myths,let's bow down to oh mighty UB and all grow exactly as he innovation,no trying new things,let's keep it old skool...seriously more of the ad hominum shite UB,you still ain't posted ANYTHING useful but your bullshit rhetoric. Hope you follow the other "cool growers" elsewhere cos your attitude is shite.

EDIT: And by the way victorygarden,Hoag is taking the piss out of you there cos you knowingly sell bullshit products to people that you yourself have admitted don't work. :mrgreen:
there is your problem, reading comprehension, He didn't "take the piss out of me" as you say, he was being sincere as I read it.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
So they're all myths,let's bow down to oh mighty UB and all grow exactly as he innovation,no trying new things,let's keep it old skool...seriously more of the ad hominum shite UB,you still ain't posted ANYTHING useful but your bullshit rhetoric. Hope you follow the other "cool growers" elsewhere cos your attitude is shite.

EDIT: And by the way victorygarden,Hoag is taking the piss out of you there cos you knowingly sell bullshit products to people that you yourself have admitted don't work. :mrgreen:
Like to see some of your plants. You are free to cherry pick.


Jack Larson

Active Member
Bullshit? Well, ok if that's your opinion, but it's responses like that that discredit your intermitant lucidity. I have completly lost all respect I once had for you. Now, you're nothing more than a grouchy old man that's just pissed off at the whole world. If you think vitimin B doesn't have any effect on root growth you're stupid to boot...its really pathetic! And since I'm getting sick of your redundency and this thread has nothing left to offer. I'm done! you are not worth any more energy.


Well-Known Member
Guess you can't teach an old dog new tricks afterall. Suppose back in the day the firs people to sell HPS bulbs for growing were "snake bulb" vendors? Glad they didn't listen to the old dogs.

EDIT: I can see it now..."you have to buy a bulb and ballast?!What a rip off. Think I'll stick with my floros thanks,they work and have for years,no need to innovate"


Well-Known Member
way to compare apples to oranges
It's an analogy,are you really that bull headed? Once again I'll repeat,I don't personally know if any of the boosters work or not,but I'm willing to try them,UB and yourself charged onto this thread spreading manure from the 70's about things you've been doing for years,with flawed logic trying to bully the rest of us with personal attacks and claims of fame. I don't seek to disprove either of you,only to show you the error of your "the world is flat" mentality.
It's an analogy,are you really that bull headed? Once again I'll repeat,I don't personally know if any of the boosters work or not,but I'm willing to try them,UB and yourself charged onto this thread spreading manure from the 70's about things you've been doing for years,with flawed logic trying to bully the rest of us with personal attacks and claims of fame. I don't seek to disprove either of you,only to show you the error of your "the world is flat" mentality.
again, your reading comprehension sucks, maybe read posts twice so you can understand them. I'm really done with this nonsense now.


Well-Known Member
This is like trying to talk to a child,I'm outta here,you keep selling your snake oils and denying their effectiveness on here,I'll try the ones that get good reports from growers that ACTUALLY try them before bashing them. This is called trying new things,you keep living in the past with the fingers in the ears. Damn,I thought I was actually gonna get some constructive advice,guess you can't hope for too much.


New Member
This is like trying to talk to a child,I'm outta here,you keep selling your snake oils and denying their effectiveness on here,I'll try the ones that get good reports from growers that ACTUALLY try them before bashing them. This is called trying new things,you keep living in the past with the fingers in the ears. Damn,I thought I was actually gonna get some constructive advice,guess you can't hope for too much.
you did get awesome advise you just not hearing what you go for it...get your bloombastic and have fun....but the truth isn't going to change just because you do not like it