New Member
1) Ron Pauls free market ideas does not equal corporate takeover.
Ron Paul is not only a Doctor but also a student of Economics. He founded the F.R.E.E. Foundation (The Foundation for Rational Economics and Education) as a vehicle to increase understanding of the economic principles of a free-market society. Dr. Paul has been speaking out against the Government for its financial mismanagement and wasteful spending for years only to be marginalized and ignored not only by his colleagues in Washington but also by the Main Stream Media. Things in America are so bad now that people are finally starting to listen especially because he has been making these predictions years before they come to fruition. We need a strong, knowledgeable President who can lead us out of this disaster as our economy is on the brink of collapse and Dr. Ron Paul is that Leader!
2) Ron Paul IS NOT a threat to the National Defense (only national offense).
Ron Paul is not a dangerous threat to United States and the American way of life, Ron Paul is not a terrorist. GET REAL. With Ron Pauls Ideas we all prosper and big brother loses.
If, and thats a big IF, If Ron Paul gets the Nomination, then the truth will be told by his constituents and all republicans, The smear campaign will have a strong advocate, at that point its over for Obama, its over for the crooks aka big brother, we win.
Please Register as a republican and vote for Ron Paul
3) Ron Paul is a Republican
as Ronald Reagan said of Congressman Paul back in 1978, "Ron Paul is one of the outstanding leaders fighting for a stronger national defense. As a former Air Force officer, he knows well the needs of our armed forces, and he always puts them first. We need to keep him fighting for our country."
This is the truth America, Ron Paul is not a Terrorist, Ron Paul Is a real republican, a real public servant.
Tell them the truth about Ron Paul who is a great republican, a real republican, As Reagan said "Libertarianism is at the heart of the republican party".
The veterans stand behind Ron Paul, fact.
Adam tells the Republican Lineup Nicely
Ron Paul is not only a Doctor but also a student of Economics. He founded the F.R.E.E. Foundation (The Foundation for Rational Economics and Education) as a vehicle to increase understanding of the economic principles of a free-market society. Dr. Paul has been speaking out against the Government for its financial mismanagement and wasteful spending for years only to be marginalized and ignored not only by his colleagues in Washington but also by the Main Stream Media. Things in America are so bad now that people are finally starting to listen especially because he has been making these predictions years before they come to fruition. We need a strong, knowledgeable President who can lead us out of this disaster as our economy is on the brink of collapse and Dr. Ron Paul is that Leader!
2) Ron Paul IS NOT a threat to the National Defense (only national offense).
Ron Paul is not a dangerous threat to United States and the American way of life, Ron Paul is not a terrorist. GET REAL. With Ron Pauls Ideas we all prosper and big brother loses.
If, and thats a big IF, If Ron Paul gets the Nomination, then the truth will be told by his constituents and all republicans, The smear campaign will have a strong advocate, at that point its over for Obama, its over for the crooks aka big brother, we win.
Please Register as a republican and vote for Ron Paul
3) Ron Paul is a Republican
as Ronald Reagan said of Congressman Paul back in 1978, "Ron Paul is one of the outstanding leaders fighting for a stronger national defense. As a former Air Force officer, he knows well the needs of our armed forces, and he always puts them first. We need to keep him fighting for our country."
This is the truth America, Ron Paul is not a Terrorist, Ron Paul Is a real republican, a real public servant.
Tell them the truth about Ron Paul who is a great republican, a real republican, As Reagan said "Libertarianism is at the heart of the republican party".
The veterans stand behind Ron Paul, fact.

Adam tells the Republican Lineup Nicely