The Truth About Ron Paul

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1) Ron Pauls free market ideas does not equal corporate takeover.
Ron Paul is not only a Doctor but also a student of Economics. He founded the F.R.E.E. Foundation (The Foundation for Rational Economics and Education) as a vehicle to increase understanding of the economic principles of a free-market society. Dr. Paul has been speaking out against the Government for its financial mismanagement and wasteful spending for years only to be marginalized and ignored not only by his colleagues in Washington but also by the Main Stream Media. Things in America are so bad now that people are finally starting to listen especially because he has been making these predictions years before they come to fruition. We need a strong, knowledgeable President who can lead us out of this disaster as our economy is on the brink of collapse and Dr. Ron Paul is that Leader!

2) Ron Paul IS NOT a threat to the National Defense (only national offense).


Ron Paul is not a dangerous threat to United States and the American way of life, Ron Paul is not a terrorist. GET REAL. With Ron Pauls Ideas we all prosper and big brother loses.

If, and thats a big IF, If Ron Paul gets the Nomination, then the truth will be told by his constituents and all republicans, The smear campaign will have a strong advocate, at that point its over for Obama, its over for the crooks aka big brother, we win.

Please Register as a republican and vote for Ron Paul


3) Ron Paul is a Republican

as Ronald Reagan said of Congressman Paul back in 1978, "Ron Paul is one of the outstanding leaders fighting for a stronger national defense. As a former Air Force officer, he knows well the needs of our armed forces, and he always puts them first. We need to keep him fighting for our country."

This is the truth America, Ron Paul is not a Terrorist, Ron Paul Is a real republican, a real public servant.

Tell them the truth about Ron Paul who is a great republican, a real republican, As Reagan said "Libertarianism is at the heart of the republican party".

The veterans stand behind Ron Paul, fact. :smile:



Adam tells the Republican Lineup Nicely
ron paul's only good idea is legalizing bud.

other than that, he's even farther right than mc cain and i truly believe he's fallen into that senile mental state that sets in after one too many sunsets....

he says "how many people in here would go buy heroin if it's legalized" to a scoffing audience of really wealthy families who sleep on 30,000 thread count egyptian sheets on down mattresses and wake up to eggs bennedict served in bed alongside gourmet esspresso coffee, hand-kneaded fresh baked french baguettes, served by their personal butler in their 4,000 dollar per night room in some high-end hotel.

he's not realistic. most of his ideas make Paul Ryan and Boehner seem like el che guevarra.....
1) Ron Pauls free market ideas does not equal corporate takeover.

Yes it does. Using a larger font size doesn't make what you're saying true.

Without a well regulated market Wall St is free to rip us off. The financial collapse we just experienced would not have been possible if it wasn't for deregulating the financial industry. Ron Paul supports that. His solution to the economic crisis was to let the economy completely fail.

He is under the impression that if you let people trade freely it'll all work out in the end. My question to that is work out for who? The ultra-wealthy and wall st is the most likely answer to that question.

Ron Paul is not only a Doctor but also a student of Economics.

No he's not. If that is true then tell me what school?
there is no 'answer' because you haven't asked a question.

if you want to know why the US is going through a rough time look at wealth distribution charts.

not monetary history.
more like ignore the truth.

Ok I will address your bullshit but not Dan because I already explained it to dan in like 3 other threads and I explain in my original post also.

Ron Paul doesnt advocate for heroin being legalized - its that making heroin illegal is unconstitutional so he wouldn't vote for it to be made illegal, if one day everyone decided they wanted to legalize heroin he wouldnt go against them because is unconstitutional law anyway. Ron Paul does talk about marijuana legalization, he says if people want to use it for medicine then let them, if people want to legalize marijuana (which he knows they do) then he would support that, but the fact is he will not straight up legalize marijuana or heroin on his own merit.

Thats the problem with you guys, Ron Paul is not "PC"(he speaks his mind), He is not status quo, with Ron Paul its different, he speaks the truth, he has honor, honesty, and integrity and it just blows your fucking mind.

i think he's an idiot who's never met a heroin addict.

i've had family die b/c of aids contracted from sharing needles and have more than one friend hooked on the drug and given MY experience I can 100% assure Dr. Paul that HEROIN should not be legalized. PERIOD.

i believe his point of view is wrong and nothing you can do/say/show will EVER change that.
A doctor has never met a heroin act? a 70 year old doctor? Theres a lot of heroin addicts I dont know about that.

Sorry its your own fault if you get addicted to heroin, its everywhere while its illegal, the drug war doesn't save lives it destroys them.

you can go to the store right now and get heroin its called a methadone clinic, even on medicaid.

Ron Paul would not legalize heroin, did you see that speech?
Ignore the trolls, not going to explain it to them again, my initial post says it all

So you like to go around pronouncing things "the truth", the only proof you offer is that it must be the truth because you used a large font size, then say that everyone who disagrees with you is a troll.

I see.
i truly believe he's never been personally touched by these hard drugs.

i bleieve his point of view is just as yours, if you get hooked on heroin it's your own fault.

no it is not. it is a disease which grips people's mind like you wouldn't believe. these people aren't criminals or some sort of 'lepper' type anomaly of nature which deserves to be relegated to dumpsters and hopelessness.

i see YOU haven't been personally involved with anybody who's hooked on heroin b/c of that weak argument.

methadone clinics do not work. methadone is a legal alternative comparable to heroin, only withdrawal is a WHOLE LOT WORSE and it sets in A WHOLE LOT QUICKER so you have to go back sooner to get your fix.

i'll just say that that type of hard-drug addiction doesn't really hurt the user nearly as much as the users' family/friends.... that is why i believe ron paul is VERY mistaken on his point of view. he needs a serious dose of REALITY.

i wonder if he ever watches 'intervention'.... geez...
Dude, no one puts a fucking gun to a pre-addicts' head and tells them "you better shoot that tar or ill kill you fooo!" The people even dumber then the addicts on intervention are the dumbass people try to help them! If the stupid fuck addict has not changed or shows that they care about getting better after many attempts to help, well so be it, let them die alone and an addict! Why dont people realize that it is the addicts fault for his/her problems. Yeah we all got personal and family issues, but to get hooked on bullshit hard drugs just cause of that? Their better off committing suicide! A weak minded fool like that doesnt deserve to be alive! Tell me or call me whatever you want, it dont bother me!

i truly believe he's never been personally touched by these hard drugs.

i bleieve his point of view is just as yours, if you get hooked on heroin it's your own fault.

no it is not. it is a disease which grips people's mind like you wouldn't believe. these people aren't criminals or some sort of 'lepper' type anomaly of nature which deserves to be relegated to dumpsters and hopelessness.

i see YOU haven't been personally involved with anybody who's hooked on heroin b/c of that weak argument.

methadone clinics do not work. methadone is a legal alternative comparable to heroin, only withdrawal is a WHOLE LOT WORSE and it sets in A WHOLE LOT QUICKER so you have to go back sooner to get your fix.

i'll just say that that type of hard-drug addiction doesn't really hurt the user nearly as much as the users' family/friends.... that is why i believe ron paul is VERY mistaken on his point of view. he needs a serious dose of REALITY.

i wonder if he ever watches 'intervention'.... geez...
I'm making my first post in this topic, because of people's misinterpretation of Ron Paul's drug law ideals. The legalization of all drugs does not in any way advocate use. The bottom line is that no person, government, or other entity has the right to tell you what you can and cannot do to your own body as long as it does not directly affect anybody else in a physically negative and undeserved way. Now, I know people are going to spin this and say that it affects their family and friends emotionally, but this fact is also true when it comes to my families feelings about my choice to be an atheist... do you want to make that illegal to? Ron Paul would not pass a mandate that says heroin, meth, cocaine, or even marijuana has to be legal. He is following the founding father's intentions in saying that if a state so chooses it to be legal/illegal than they have full right to make that choice, but the fed is not in existence to do this for them.

Additionally, your points as to how heroin adversely affects people as far as addiction and emotional suffering is advocating that the federal government must protect us from our demons. Founding father and a huge leader of the colonial America (as well as Britain) Benjamin Franklin said it best: "Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." When you give up your right as a human being to choose what you do and don't ingest and expect that your government make this illegal to protect you; you are giving up your liberty for safety. Besides, we are all on this site for one reason and we all know that a war on drugs, any drug, is an absolute failure and a waste of American tax payer money.
the federal government cannot protect us from our demons.

who said that??

the federal government should prohibit substances which will ruin society.

heroin WILL ruin societies as small as a nuclear family, to as large as neighborhoods, entire cities just devastated by these hard drugs.

if the government is in place for something it's to protect against things which are proven dangerous.

this is proven to be very dangerous.

philosophical thoughts and meaningful quotes are useless in the face of reality. i have experienced that reality in my own life and you are wrong. i am sure of it.

the philosophy is beautiful, try telling it to the children of addicts, the brothers of addicts, to the family of those killed by addicts looking for money to score....... see what they tell you to do with that.....
the federal government cannot protect us from our demons.

who said that??

the federal government should prohibit substances which will ruin society.

heroin WILL ruin societies as small as a nuclear family, to as large as neighborhoods, entire cities just devastated by these hard drugs.

if the government is in place for something it's to protect against things which are proven dangerous.

this is proven to be very dangerous.

philosophical thoughts and meaningful quotes are useless in the face of reality. i have experienced that reality in my own life and you are wrong. i am sure of it.

the philosophy is beautiful, try telling it to the children of addicts, the brothers of addicts, to the family of those killed by addicts looking for money to score....... see what they tell you to do with that.....

What will ruin our society is a totalitarian government which attempts to control the lives of it's people, ESPECIALLY against their opinion. You continue to try to use a fear tactic to get your point across. This fear propaganda is the same thing our government used with communism, and presently with 'terrorism' (side note: just about anything equates to terrorism, this vague word is ridiculous, but I digress) and in no way is it a reason to promote the loss of civil liberties.

If I chose to shoot up heroin tomorrow, than I made a conscious personal choice to partake in a drug knowing it's risks than it is very well my own fault and every one else needs to accept this fact. You can't tell me that since Reagan has been president that nobody knew the risks of these drugs. Your basically saying that because the father of a family has a sex addiction and chose to have unprotected adultery with many woman despite knowing the potential consequences eventually contracting AIDS and dieing is enough reason we should make sex illegal. Maybe I'm stretching it, but that's how I view it.

Anyways, this is besides the point to argue over morality of drugs. Ron Paul only says that the federal government has no right to make such laws, that if a state should choose to make heroin etc illegal that's their choice. He is not necessarily pro legalization but pro states rights which our government was founded on the idea that the people and the states hold the power and federal government assists and protects these rights.
addicts are addicts, if they truly want to change they can, but many of them are weak minded and can't, which is many cases is why they are addicts anyway. If drugs were legalized and the revenue were put to drug education in our schools drug use would not go up.

redivider, your last post was way off. you should educate yourself so you do not appear so ignorant.
i didn't know shooting up heroin was an essential liberty.

i really don't care what you say, i have enough experience to make up my own mind.

philosophical and rhetorical jibber jabber is best left to scholars.

this isn't about politics. it's about doing something that's actually good.
i didn't know shooting up heroin was an essential liberty.

i really don't care what you say, i have enough experience to make up my own mind.

philosophical and rhetorical jibber jabber is best left to scholars.

this isn't about politics. it's about doing something that's actually good.

I'm not going to go back and forth as you won't debate directly and I already said arguing the morality of the issue is a waste of time as this is not Ron Paul's point and therefore is going off of topic. However, I wanted to clarify that I never said shooting heroin was an essential liberty, I said your right to choose to shoot up heroin is equal to your right to choose to smoke marijuana, go to the grocery store, go tanning, on and on and on. Your point about doing something that is good is a point of morality, which if you and over 50% of your states population as well as 2/3 of your states senate and your states governor agreed upon, then heroin would still be illegal under Ron Paul. Get my point now?
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