Club 600

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ok here is my delima how do u tell a friend he is fucking crazy ,,, he wanted to flower some plants and when he brang them they are covered in powdery mildew one is completly dead stock is dry as day u could light it on fire and it would burn,,, he has them in bark for soil half full in a party cup there is no way i will throw these in my tent with my healthy plants and risk anything
I started with a growing partner, we each had our own grows, his at his place and mine here. We decided we would split our harvests fifty fifty. I thought that would insure we both had smoke in case of one of us having a disaster. My grows and yields improved over time, his got worse and worse. What stopped us, me, from sharing our harvests were his last two that we split. I gave him six ounces of pretty clean bud, a few seeds here and there. He gave me six ounces in return, two of which were seeds. My next grow, I gave him almost ten ounces, I got twenty one grams in return. Two grows in a row he damn near killed his plants. His ph was at four and he couldn't figure out what was wrong with his plants, end of splitting our harvests. We're still friends but I don't give him half my harvest any longer. Just be honest. I have a couple of other friends who grow but both of them grow outside. One wanted to give me a few plants, I told him right up front, I don't take outside stuff and bring it into my inside grow, no bugs allowed.


Well-Known Member
I know, I think that happened the last time he watered them. Everything looked like it had been done in a rush.

Luckily MJ doesn't smoke to well when it's on a plant.

ouch man surely ya care taker must have noticed that burning?! lucky your cab didn't go up D.

livers is by far the smelliest strain ive come across. one bud in your pocket unbagged and the whole boozer stinks in 5 mins. looks like your doing it proud too good beasty cola.


Well-Known Member
I started with a growing partner, we each had our own grows, his at his place and mine here. We decided we would split our harvests fifty fifty. I thought that would insure we both had smoke in case of one of us having a disaster. My grows and yields improved over time, his got worse and worse. What stopped us, me, from sharing our harvests were his last two that we split. I gave him six ounces of pretty clean bud, a few seeds here and there. He gave me six ounces in return, two of which were seeds. My next grow, I gave him almost ten ounces, I got twenty one grams in return. Two grows in a row he damn near killed his plants. His ph was at four and he couldn't figure out what was wrong with his plants, end of splitting our harvests. We're still friends but I don't give him half my harvest any longer. Just be honest. I have a couple of other friends who grow but both of them grow outside. One wanted to give me a few plants, I told him right up front, I don't take outside stuff and bring it into my inside grow, no bugs allowed.
I know what you mean i get my mate's asking to lay them on until they chop theirs and then give me sub standard back, not any more i spend more time and money trying to get the buds as tasty and smelly as i can they just go through the motions until they get a smoke, i've tried to educate them about the benefits of bat guano but that's all you get out of them is the canna is doing the job and it gets me stoned, don't know about you but beans on toast will feed me but stake smells and taste better just costs more


Well-Known Member
Beans on toast is great, but it's better with a fried egg on top and a spattering of old cheese even. If I am home alone and can't be biscuit ersed cooking, this is my fave meal.

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Well-Known Member
yolk like ketchup...ewww,lol
and that dam bird keeps looking at me.
Yeah and it's like one of those people with a glass eye. Which eye is really looking at you and even better, which eye do you look at when talking to them? Could be worse, they could have those jack elam eyes, each one looks in a different direction.


Well-Known Member
When watering and feeding this time through I did a feed, feed, water schedule and really locked my plants up. I cut that schedule out about 2 weeks ago, and flushed yesterday. I couldnt believe how high the ppms were in some of the drain off from my soil. Some were not as bad, the Bubba and 1 of the Headbands were like 600 ppms, which is too high but not terrible like he others which reached in excess of 1600 ppms. I couldnt believe that they were not burnt like all hell, but I guess they probably couldnt take anything up to get burnt. I think from now on I am going to flush 2 times in flower just to be safe, once at week 3 and again at week 6. From now on I will stick with my old faithful, water, feed, water schedule, as I dont seem to have nute lockout issues when I run that all the way through. I am hoping 2-3 more weeks for the most of it, my vegging plants will be plenty big enough to flower by then. I dont think I am going to top this time, as they are fems and I dont want to stress them any more than necessary. This grow, being seeded has really made me iffy about using fems anymore. I usually dont have an issue with them, but it does happen. I have never had a regular plant go hermie, so I think I will just do it the old fashioned way and hope for the best when I plant my seeds. My next run, if its not all clones from this run, will be Jackberry from Sannies, and the freebies I got from Sannies Chem x Cocoa Kush. Maybe I will try and get some pictures up later on. My Emerald Triangle strains look awesome. I am going to be getting some of their regulars for sure. I already have the Bubba 76 regulars, which I was already excited about, but even more so now seeing these babies. The Grapefruit Krush, Mastodon Kush, and the Lemon Diesel are all kick ass indica dominant plants, very fast growing plants as well. I believe that getting rid of my LED UFOs and replacing them with CFLs has made a huge difference in my veg tent as well. A 45 watt cfl vegges better than a 90w ufo in my experience, I had 45s but I replaced everything LEDS and 45w cfls, with 55w cfls, for a total of 275watts of CFLs going in there and so far so good. I actually gave those LEDs away as I feel they have no value, and Im a nice guy. So not much else to say, everyone seems to have some nice flowers in their gardens. Mine are ok but the poor things were locked up, no more though and they should be on their way to kicking ass once again. Pics later, so tired right now cant believe I typed all of this...


Well-Known Member
What up 600? Here's some more of the NL5 @ week 7. I fell in love with this strain with it's fat colas, dense nugs and hard hitting stone but this will be the last time I grow these out. So I wanted to throw up a few soon to be departing shot's. I hope you all enjoy.



Well-Known Member
Hey HS,:joint: your plants are looking good man :mrgreen: this batch is in super soil correct? Are you adding anything extra to your water? molasses? organic ph down?... Hope all is well with you bro :peace:
Yup i am in Super Soil. At first i was adding regular PH down but about a month ago i read PH down isnt organic and is bad for your Microbes since then i have just been using straight water and just letting it sit out for a day or 2. My girls seem to be happy. I was thinking of ordering some of that Earth Juice Natural Down But ive been procrastinating like fuck.


Well-Known Member
Sup Sixerz!!! Just wanted to take a moment out of my time to ask you all to have the people in Missouri in your thoughts as they got slammed by those tornadoes. What a shame how they got wiped out and there is supposed to be more tornadoes today! Damn dont fuck with Mother Nature!




Well-Known Member
Yeah and it's like one of those people with a glass eye. Which eye is really looking at you and even better, which eye do you look at when talking to them? Could be worse, they could have those jack elam eyes, each one looks in a different direction.
haha,i know this gal with them crazy eyes,i just cross my eyes,and ask her what is she looking at.:confused:
wait till he starts squaking at you :shock:
gives me the night time jitters:o


Well-Known Member
"Autoeyes", one eyes automatic, one eyes aw tae fuk! (you have to say it in a Scottish accent, sounds better).


Well-Known Member
lot to be said for the simple meals fella, i love double fried egg n chips. i tell you man if you could get egg yolk sauce like ketchup id buy gallons lol
I'm with you Don. I like me eggs sunny side up, just past raw. Use the runny stuff to dip toast, lousianna hot links, and hash brown in. Lots of pepper too. MMMMMMMMMM

I started with a growing partner, we each had our own grows, his at his place and mine here. We decided we would split our harvests fifty fifty. I thought that would insure we both had smoke in case of one of us having a disaster. My grows and yields improved over time, his got worse and worse. What stopped us, me, from sharing our harvests were his last two that we split. I gave him six ounces of pretty clean bud, a few seeds here and there. He gave me six ounces in return, two of which were seeds. My next grow, I gave him almost ten ounces, I got twenty one grams in return. Two grows in a row he damn near killed his plants. His ph was at four and he couldn't figure out what was wrong with his plants, end of splitting our harvests. We're still friends but I don't give him half my harvest any longer. Just be honest. I have a couple of other friends who grow but both of them grow outside. One wanted to give me a few plants, I told him right up front, I don't take outside stuff and bring it into my inside grow, no bugs allowed.
Worst trade (and last trade) I made was with a friend from RIU (not a 6er). He had some outdoor stuff he let me smoke once, tasted and worked well. I liked what he had so I traded an oz for an oz. Only problem was the tester I tried must have been the best bud out of the harvest, and it seems like he didn't trim the stuff I got much at all. To make things worse I gave him a bag of my best smoke that I had very limited supply of. I actually didn't even smoke the shit he gave me and ended up giving it away to another friend of mine. Sucks.