The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese

mr west

Well-Known Member
lol not of my money its not. Maybe amillion of chaves quids get spent on damp ten deals at .5 wen its dried out lol. Them sorts of crims need locking up but i didnt read about any arrests??


Well-Known Member
A friend of a friend knows a chink grower. He says when its ready they chop it, put it all on the floor and dry it with them big ass gas heaters. You know the ones you get in factories. The stems and leafs all get blended and put into k bags to make up weight. Sells at 900 a bar round my way, then you have got all the neds doing 2g score bags. lol


Well-Known Member
Utter garbage - smoking wet weed is bad for you as well. I am not sure what's better, Soap Bar with Henna in it, or Skanky bud that smells like wet dog. When are the people of the UK just going to say...fuk off I am not buying that. Until they do that, hoods will continue to sell rubbish. Makes me mad, it's taken this long to get rid of shit soap bar and now there is shit weed, lmao.

mr west

Well-Known Member
LOL One of my mates has been searching for the elusive "clean Soap". He keeps saying its out there somewhere and someone is sitting on keys of it looking for someone to off load on lol. Occasionally he will get a bar of niceish soap lol


Well-Known Member
Pollum, squidgy black and other hashs/oils are the only thing you can get round our way... Seems the uk cannabis scene is evovling but at a very slow rate


Well-Known Member
now there's an interesting concept, decent soap bar, lol. That stopped in the early nineties. It is basically never going to happen unless someone goes to morocco and brings back a bar of double 00 or grows some landrace moroccan strains, makes kief, and then presses his own bars. Other than that it is not commerically viable for drug smugglers to bring good hash from morocco to the UK. All soap bar is either made in Spain or Gibraltar from what I hear and is mixed up there, pressed and shipped out on speedboats to awaiting boats, ships. Perhaps there would be a margin if people where prepared to pay higher prices, but when it costs around 1million to get a tonne delivered in's quite easy to work out the maths and see that it is not possible when people still expect to pay the same price that it was being sold for in 1985!!


Well-Known Member
650,000 euros for a ton in Spain. Mostly scouse firms bring it over. The Dutch have the monoply of the pollen market from Morrocco. No such thing as good soap anymore. The Spanish call it Papariell(spelling) Roughly translated means - bashed