Large Soil Containers. Rubbermade? 55 Gal Drum? Others?

i beleive this months hightimes or lasts had a grow op with huge 5+lbs plants the used light to veg there plants longer outside.
Dude, are you blind? The more I show you shit the dumber you get. I believe I posted this same damn SIDE pic EARLIER in the thread. If you would pay attention instead of spewing bullshit then you may have noticed it. AGAIN, here is a pic of the Mango that is like 2 weeks old...Any one can see the size of the plant just by looking at the two buckets on top of each other. Later on I will post a newer picture of her once I get to the spot to put my other plants out. And as you see she is BIGGER and FULLER than all that bullshit in your puzzi azz garden. LOL..I'll give it like you TRY to dish it.

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hahah we all know that not even a plant in hydro can grow that big in 2 weeks! now who is the biggest bullshiter of all bullshit!!! and whos to say those are even 5 gal buckets! for all we know they could be 3 gal and you just saying they are 5 gal! even still yet a dolly is 5 times the size of a 5 gal bucket and minus the raised bed id still say some of my plants are more than half the size of the dolly! and im not just tryin to have a pissing contest im still saying that your the one on this site that has inadequate information to give people! and sir my garden may only have 18 plants but ill guarantee you they will all be larger fuller and produce way more than yours will due to the fact that i will get a larger root zone and will have more sunlight at the point of our summer solstice and just plane its just plain and simple. my area at the point of the summer solstice will get 15:05hrs of sunlight(and my girls are getting direct sunlight from 6am up until 8pm i dont move them to the shade) and no where in Georgia will get anything more than 14:25 at its summer solstice. o ya and again i dont have to use any nutrients up until they are close to flowering! because the soil i got is so rich in nutrients itself! so keep pumping your plants with fox farm or whatever the fuck weak ass nutes you use anyways! and when i do use nutes MAXSEA BEATS THE SHIT OUTTA FOXFARM! the proof is in the pudding and i will see you come the harvest time to show you that it is possible to grow huge plants in 1 grow season and i guarantee you again that doubejj, weezer, metasynth, and i will all be laughing because you will be proved wrong!!!
You mean like this?

P.S. I have an idea Throwed, why don't you go start your own grow thread, & we can all post over there & you can leave this thread alone. This thread was started to address large containers, not party cups.



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yep thats what they did. just like that. but i have gotten 5 pounds off a white widow one time. she was big the work i had to do to the ground was insane. lots of bone meal peat mushroom soil fish and elbow grease.
Just went through this entire thread.. Throwed, you are a close minded troll. And a blemish on all people from the southern U.S. Why just automatically say that it isn't possible? And when people give you proof, you say it is fake. I thoroughly believe that you and everyone like you are the problem with the country. I absolutely cannot grow 5 pound plants because of my climate, but I bet I could get damn close if I lived farther south.

And your in earth grow still wont compare to professionals because they endlessly till their soil and add drainage material. They don't stop at a few foot hole, I know of growers for fruit and veggies that till and compost craters.

Don't bash other people that are willing to put in the hard work for that type of yield, if you can't get off your lazy stoner ass and do the work too.
*Prods Kadajett with a spear*

Allright kadajett, into the cage with the rest ofthe non-believers...NO ONE talks shit about MY Throwed! Throwed, Mein Fuhrer, I am gathering these animals in a cage for you as per your orders...Shall I have them light the furnaces in the crematoriums? We will show them the way yet, master! And if the underlings refuse to believe, to the fires with them!!!!!
hahah we all know that not even a plant in hydro can grow that big in 2 weeks! now who is the biggest bullshiter of all bullshit!!! and whos to say those are even 5 gal buckets! for all we know they could be 3 gal and you just saying they are 5 gal! even still yet a dolly is 5 times the size of a 5 gal bucket and minus the raised bed id still say some of my plants are more than half the size of the dolly! and im not just tryin to have a pissing contest im still saying that your the one on this site that has inadequate information to give people! and sir my garden may only have 18 plants but ill guarantee you they will all be larger fuller and produce way more than yours will due to the fact that i will get a larger root zone and will have more sunlight at the point of our summer solstice and just plane its just plain and simple. my area at the point of the summer solstice will get 15:05hrs of sunlight(and my girls are getting direct sunlight from 6am up until 8pm i dont move them to the shade) and no where in Georgia will get anything more than 14:25 at its summer solstice. o ya and again i dont have to use any nutrients up until they are close to flowering! because the soil i got is so rich in nutrients itself! so keep pumping your plants with fox farm or whatever the fuck weak ass nutes you use anyways! and when i do use nutes MAXSEA BEATS THE SHIT OUTTA FOXFARM! the proof is in the pudding and i will see you come the harvest time to show you that it is possible to grow huge plants in 1 grow season and i guarantee you again that doubejj, weezer, metasynth, and i will all be laughing because you will be proved wrong!!!

Reading is fundamental. The pic is two weeks old. Learn how to read correctly. As for silly 3 gallon container non sense...Go to Wal Mart and you will so those same black buckets I have. Better yet, here is a pic of the same 5 gallon bucket with three 1 gallon jugs in the bucket. You can not put three 1 gallon jugs like this in a 3 gallon bucket....Damn, aren't you tired of me making you look stupid? LOL!

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Sure we can do a harvest compare. I'm all for competition. FYI, I never claimed Fox Farm to be the best, but it is what I use. IMO, there is no such thing as "the best" with nutes, but you can harp on all you want on how a product works for you. As for your guarantee....LOL...Soome people guaranteed the Lakers would get a 3 peat this year.....:mrgreen:...If I am proved wrong then atleast one of my plants in the ground should have massive roots that will fit in the same large containers that some of you use. Time will tell.
You mean like this?

P.S. I have an idea Throwed, why don't you go start your own grow thread, & we can all post over there & you can leave this thread alone. This thread was started to address large containers, not party cups.

I already told him that. He won't do that, cause he'll be over there all by himself, cause NOBODY on here likes him at all, and everyone KNOWS he's sooooo full of shit it's ridiculous.
Just went through this entire thread.. Throwed, you are a close minded troll. And a blemish on all people from the southern U.S. Why just automatically say that it isn't possible? And when people give you proof, you say it is fake. I thoroughly believe that you and everyone like you are the problem with the country. I absolutely cannot grow 5 pound plants because of my climate, but I bet I could get damn close if I lived farther south.

And your in earth grow still wont compare to professionals because they endlessly till their soil and add drainage material. They don't stop at a few foot hole, I know of growers for fruit and veggies that till and compost craters.

Don't bash other people that are willing to put in the hard work for that type of yield, if you can't get off your lazy stoner ass and do the work too.

I'm closed minded to what exactly? There are no "real" professionals in this thread at all. Remember the video of the 10 pound plants? It took them over 18 MONTHS to grow those and you are telling me that a guy is going to get half what they got in less than half the time? Yeah....believe what you must. I am not saying that people can't get massive plants. All I am stating is 5 gallon container is enough for a standard 6-7 month grow. I am also stating that these guys that claim 5 pound plants right now have plant no bigger or better than mine. Given this information, I should get 5 pound too then. My soil and products are just as good as theirs. Also, there is no proof. No one has posted one root ball pic. Proof is not someone posting a few pics of a grow that you don't know when they were started. I can post my seed veg flowering...and my harvest! When someone does the same let me know. Not sure where in "the south" you are at, but other than Floridia I can't get any lower. As for your tilled soiled comment....Are you blind as well? These guys aren't tilling anything. Most are using containers or ammending the present soil just like I am. It takes a almost 60 days for dolemite lime to work in the soil good. I have done this. My holes were done in know...when the helicopters AREN'T flying over. My holes had Cow compost, Mushroom Compost, M. Fungus, Azomite, Earth Worm Castings, Panzy Mate, Dolimite Lme, Pearlite, and etc. then the holes were drenched in compost tea to kick up the biology. Thus, my soil is more than adequate. That was HARD work and my yield will show it....though it won't be 5 pounds dried. You talking all this shit about lazy? Bitch I am growing roughly 400 plants while these guys aren't even doing 50. Fuck outta hea'...You may have went through the thread, but you damn sure DID NOT READ IT!
Reading is fundamental. The pic is two weeks old. Learn how to read correctly. As for silly 3 gallon container non sense...Go to Wal Mart and you will so those same black buckets I have. Better yet, here is a pic of the same 5 gallon bucket with three 1 gallon jugs in the bucket. You can not put three 1 gallon jugs like this in a 3 gallon bucket....Damn, aren't you tired of me making you look stupid? LOL!

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Sure we can do a harvest compare. I'm all for competition. FYI, I never claimed Fox Farm to be the best, but it is what I use. IMO, there is no such thing as "the best" with nutes, but you can harp on all you want on how a product works for you. As for your guarantee....LOL...Soome people guaranteed the Lakers would get a 3 peat this year.....:mrgreen:...If I am proved wrong then atleast one of my plants in the ground should have massive roots that will fit in the same large containers that some of you use. Time will tell.

Dude, you don't stand a snowballs chance in hell of out yielding me that's for sure. Like I said, I'll get more off 1 plant than he'll pull off many, and I know it to be true, cause after listening to his bullshit, it is VERY obvious the guy don't know shit, and thinks he does, bottom line. Go spray some more neem oil on your plants cause they're growing sooo fast HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHA That's gotta be THE most stupid thing I have ever heard any grower say, aaahahahahahahahahahha your too funny you stupid fuck!
I already told him that. He won't do that, cause he'll be over there all by himself, cause NOBODY on here likes him at all, and everyone KNOWS he's sooooo full of shit it's ridiculous.

Wow, it's amazing how your thought work for the whole community...LOL...Just because YOU and a FEW don't "like" me...then no one does. LOL...OK. I guess marleyofbob and a few others that I have helped don't like me either....Talk about bitch-ass. I'll make a thread when I feel like it. Not when you suggest I do. I'm so full of shit, but I am posting pics as my grow goes instead of posting some pics that start out of the blue in veg season. Ok pimp!
hahah we all know that not even a plant in hydro can grow that big in 2 weeks! now who is the biggest bullshiter of all bullshit!!! and whos to say those are even 5 gal buckets! for all we know they could be 3 gal and you just saying they are 5 gal! even still yet a dolly is 5 times the size of a 5 gal bucket and minus the raised bed id still say some of my plants are more than half the size of the dolly! and im not just tryin to have a pissing contest im still saying that your the one on this site that has inadequate information to give people! and sir my garden may only have 18 plants but ill guarantee you they will all be larger fuller and produce way more than yours will due to the fact that i will get a larger root zone and will have more sunlight at the point of our summer solstice and just plane its just plain and simple. my area at the point of the summer solstice will get 15:05hrs of sunlight(and my girls are getting direct sunlight from 6am up until 8pm i dont move them to the shade) and no where in Georgia will get anything more than 14:25 at its summer solstice. o ya and again i dont have to use any nutrients up until they are close to flowering! because the soil i got is so rich in nutrients itself! so keep pumping your plants with fox farm or whatever the fuck weak ass nutes you use anyways! and when i do use nutes MAXSEA BEATS THE SHIT OUTTA FOXFARM! the proof is in the pudding and i will see you come the harvest time to show you that it is possible to grow huge plants in 1 grow season and i guarantee you again that doubejj, weezer, metasynth, and i will all be laughing because you will be proved wrong!!!
Dude, you don't stand a snowballs chance in hell of out yielding me that's for sure. Like I said, I'll get more off 1 plant than he'll pull off many, and I know it to be true, cause after listening to his bullshit, it is VERY obvious the guy don't know shit, and thinks he does, bottom line. Go spray some more neem oil on your plants cause they're growing sooo fast HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHA That's gotta be THE most stupid thing I have ever heard any grower say, aaahahahahahahahahahha your too funny you stupid fuck!

Dude, are you serious? Look at my old posts.....That is a pic from APRIL! I only posted that pic to show that I am using a 5 gallon bucket and not a 3 gallon bucket. See how you keep dick riding and cheerleading someone else while making yourself look stupid? Damn, do any of you fucking read? Guess not. Too busy FAILING at trying to shit on me. Sorry pimp, but it ain't working. You are reading shit out of context and trying to stick ya chest out for nada. None of your plants are bigger than that Mango, but you talking all this bs...LOL. So damn funny. I guess next you are gonna tell me that you are leaving for the 3rd time. HAHA!

What are you laughing at? I just shitted on that guy for what he said. Are you slow man or can't read fast enough? LOL...My girl is sitting here laughing her ass off at you guys. Talk about talking loud and saying nothing. Stay in your lane. I have no problem addressing each of you.
What are you laughing at? I just shitted on that guy for what he said. Are you slow man or can't read fast enough? LOL...My girl is sitting here laughing her ass off at you guys. Talk about talking loud and saying nothing.

I don't have to say anything dude, you do a fine job of showing your stupidity...what do mean middle of veg? hahahahha your fuckin retarded dude, I havn't even planted my outdoor yet, they're mostly still in 1 gallon pots hahaha what the fuck are you talkin about.. hahah your really fuckin stupid dude really!
I don't have to say anything dude, you do a fine job of showing your stupidity...what do mean middle of veg? hahahahha your fuckin retarded dude, I havn't even planted my outdoor yet, they're mostly still in 1 gallon pots hahaha what the fuck are you talkin about.. hahah your really fuckin stupid dude really!

The cheerleading dickrider/bandwagon jumper calls me stupid when I have been showing intelligence through out this entire thread. Others have been bullshit claiming 5 pounds plants in ONE grow season....Others have been saying the bigger the container...the bigger the yield...when it takes more than a big container to get big yields. Then we have guys that post bullshit videos and claiming he knew the guy that did the grow...then he also claims that the guy did it all in ONE grow....when it was written in High Times that is took over 18 months for each of those 10 pound gardens. Then you guys say you get half of what it took them 18 months to get in less than half the time....and I am stupid? Sure pimp. If you say so. you can say the sky is red and it is the truth to only YOU! Here you go talking this shit about not planting outside when you already posted outdoor pics in another thread....Again...I am the bullshitter and I'm stupid? Wow....Ignorance is bliss. I've been tearing each of you a new asshole and you all still don't get it. If you keep it REAL then this could not happen.
Oh your girl is'es a stupid fuck too eh?? hahhahhaha

Real manly of you. I won't talk about your chic because I don't know her, but I will talk about you. You ol dick in the booty pussy ass punk! Get a pair of nuts and address the MAN that is talking to your stupid ass directly instead of his woman that is in the background!
L. O. FUCKING L. Ha! I'm glad I subbed to this thread so I could come back to read this. Makin my day throwed, keep it up brah!

No prob pimpin'. You know I gotz to give it to these fake azz catz makin all these false claims! It's like so many of them don't know how to keep it one hundered. Rule 1. You don't have to lie to kick it. Do your thang, but no need to lie or bs.

In the words of Lil Wayne- "Men lie about women....Bitches lie about plenty"...Guess we have a bunch of bitches in this thread.

P.S. Let Wheezer tell it...No one likes me...LOL!