Pistols from Birth?


Well-Known Member
Day 10:

-Day 32 from seed
-Day 25 flowering
-Day 5 budding

:peace: & Pot:joint: To all!

This young lady is doing awesome!. Her preflowers are swelling. I gave her a little "finger loving" and her stem smells pungent. I haven't smelled that smell since my last grow a few years back (brought back memories)..
But I'm just sitting back and injoying the show.:blsmoke: Hope you guys are too..
Had to battle the wind to get these pics..:mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
Day 11:

Okay. Now I know I said that I would hault all side projects and give full focus to my 12/12 from seed girl (vegged 7 days)..But growing is like Pringles,
"Once you pot the fun don't stop":mrgreen: So with that being said..

I started another girl, she popped up in 3 days using the pot in a hefty bag method (very fast). I was going to do 12/12 straight from seed but then I remembered I had a couple cfls from a few grows ago. So I decided to do a small PC grow. I have two 26 watt 6500k daylight spectrum bulbs. That should be enough light for what I plan to do. Gonna try out the 24 hour light cycle for now.

I think my problem with my last seedlings was that I put them outside waay too early. So this time I'm going to veg in the PC until she is strong enough to be left alone outside and as soon as she seems strong enough I'll drop in another seed and do the same thing. (only have space for one pot)..

These are seeds from some very intense bagseed that I had a couple weeks ago. Very couchlocky so my intentions are to grow it the same way except it'll be sensi:blsmoke:. I have 3 seeds left after my last mishap so I'm bound to have a girl in there somewhere but I always hope they all are ..(send positive vibrations). So here she is.

3 days old

Just in case someone wanted to know..

She is 3 days above soil
It's cool watching them grow. I can't wait until my seedlings get a bit bigger. Glad I had the opportunity that came my way. Gives me a one month jump start making sure that nothing goes wrong on my plants. I am currently writing down everything I do, every step of the way.

kush fario

Well-Known Member
keep at it have you ever tryed cloning its easy and well worth it and the knowledge could pay out big someday.


Well-Known Member
keep at it have you ever tryed cloning its easy and well worth it and the knowledge could pay out big someday.
Not yet bro...but I do have some cloning powder on stand-by just in case. I'm glad you said that cause I might give it a try on this batch of bagseeds I have. Good looks.


Well-Known Member
It's cool watching them grow. I can't wait until my seedlings get a bit bigger. Glad I had the opportunity that came my way. Gives me a one month jump start making sure that nothing goes wrong on my plants. I am currently writing down everything I do, every step of the way.
Haha I know what you mean. They become your "life" after a while. This growing is fun especially in a great forum community like RIU.


Well-Known Member
Day 12: Update

-Day 37 from Seed
-Day 30 of Flowering
-Day 10 of Budding

Hit the oldest lady with some half strength nutes yesterday and she drunk that up like it wasen't nothing. Looks like I'll be giving her some fresh water either tomorrow or the day after.

Her little preflowers smell like some funk! She's starting to show her true colors now..Her cola is in it's 1st stages and she's off to a good start IMO.

-Day 6 from seed

This is the seedlings 1st day outside..I'm trynna get her used to the sunlight. I put another seed in germination yesteday. Hopefully she pops before the months out..if not oh well..I'll still give her TLC just like her older sisters. Just taking it one day at a time now.



Well-Known Member
not sure if its my comp or the thread but your photos arent loading....
says it been moved or deleted (photobucket)
It's me I deleted them from photo bucket bro..daaaam!!!!!.. I didn't realize it would take them off of here also.. I am so sorry to everyone that is subbed to this thread. I was trying to be cautious and screwed myself in the process. I'm working on that right now. I apologize peeps. DAMN!!


Well-Known Member
I Might have to start another thread with the next update guys. I'm so sorry for this. I will make It my signature when I do. Last time I use photobucket I'm gonna use the attachment tools here on roll it up from now on. Thnx LoudPac for bringing this to my attention. rep+



Well-Known Member
LOL I was wondering why there were no pics in this thread, I reallty wanted to see the baby plant with pistils >:(


Active Member
I Might have to start another thread with the next update guys. I'm so sorry for this. I will make It my signature when I do. Last time I use photobucket I'm gonna use the attachment tools here on roll it up from now on. Thnx LoudPac for bringing this to my attention. rep+

No prob and i appreciate it. I will stay tuned, anxious to see how your girls turn out.