Help! My Autoflowering Fem from Attitude. Are this Male?


Active Member
DSC00588.jpg pulled this off 2 of my plants out of 5 and the plants i pulled off are 2 x size of what i think are female have i been ripped off by attitude paying for fem and getting males ? neva ordering from them again if this the case


Well-Known Member
contact the breeder they came from as many people are goin to post "Attitude is a SEEDBANK and not the seed breeders" so you have to go direct with you problems also if you had any males in the area before or after and wasn't clean the pollen could have done it I'm not sure in this situation what strain is it?


Active Member
its Auto Ak47 by seedsman and ive neva had a male before so cant be that first time ive grown and my other plant is a big female budding


Well-Known Member
Yea, i wouldnt blame the tude' for this bad seed... Like derrick said, they are only a seedbank nothing more... So, to say that the tude' ripped you off is nonsense!!!

SHoot them an email, hell, they might send you a freebie with your next order...


Well-Known Member
I looked on attitude's site under seedsman Seeds however I didn't see Auto Ak47 could you provide a link to this strain so I can do further research on it


Well-Known Member
well nothing i can do but personally should i chop these now or give them longer to show there true colours ?
personally, if I didn't have anything else in my grow room then yeah keep it until you officially got an answer did you purchase more seeds? I find it easier to get like 3-4 seeds and grow out 2 and when they are done I grow the rest kinda saves some type of way


Active Member
what i cant understand if u look at the top of the plant of the male 1s with the balls on it looks like its starting to bud rather than male flowers


Well-Known Member
yeah i have another 3 of them but i do have females in my grow room yes at the moment
you could get rid of them and just start over watch you ph & temp my guess is that they hermie due to some stress of some type but i wouldn't be in a rush to dump them watch them for a few days


Well-Known Member
ok try to make them of the sites where you pulled the sacs off and other sites it looks like to me it's still vegging even though it's a autoflower they still have veg time just a very short time