Ontario Legalization Bill

seed slaya

Active Member
its been all over the papers around here but for those who dont know a federal court judge was on a case about a man that needed medicinal marijuana but no docter was wiling to give him a lisence(due to docters moral issues against the idea) the judge was quite moved by the case and sent a bill to parlament stating that the govermant HAS to find a flawless system for people in need of medicinal to obtain it within 90 days and if they cannot from may 18th 2011 marijuana will be legalized in ontario

during that time the government was not even seated due to the election, (of course it is now though) i havnt heard alot of new updates on this topic but iv been watching it egerly,

topics up to debate, what do you think will happen?
what do you tihnk of the current medicinal marijuana system?
if ontario legalizes who will follow?


Well-Known Member
from south of the border(but close, ny), this is being watched closely
this looks like a very good opportunity for a legalization step that could be done without doing anything
kind of a back door deal, and no individual politician need take the fall
if nothing else, it may push the legalization issue back to the top of the public view

seed slaya

Active Member
yes and it looks even more possible now that ndp has alot of seats now as one of there platforms are to end the war on drugs,
ill keep looking for updates and post them


Active Member
This decision has already been appealed.The NDP's seats dont count for shit and stephen harper will never let legalization happen.He is pushing for mandatory minimum sentences for marijuana.


Active Member
This is just a repeat of what happened about 6 yrs ago.In a similiar court case in ontario it was ruled that the way the mmj setup was unconstitutional.Only last time the feds didnt appeal in the alotted time frame.So the judges just extended their decision and gave them more time and eventually the feds made the MMAR as we know it.So technically in canada marijuana is legal although judges just disobey the higher court and lock you up anyways.If you ever get busted use the POL COA defence.It means Parliament only legislates - Courts only Abrogate.heres a link if your interested http://www.ccldr.net/


Well-Known Member
Well you have it almost right, you can grow and possess but not smoke it time is just about up but Harper is a C_nt on this subject. He will bring back his crime bill S-10 will send people to Jail with a mandatory sentence of 1 year to 5 years! and spend 13 fucking billion on prisons he will need to fill up. You get what you vote for.

July High Times has an article on it.

Get legal before it's to late... :blsmoke:


This will never happen. I would like to believe but it won't. Until the USA decides to legalize Marijuana possession nothing in Canada will be changing.


Moderatrix of Journals
Well you have it almost right, you can grow and possess but not smoke it time is just about up but Harper is a C_nt on this subject. He will bring back his crime bill S-10 will send people to Jail with a mandatory sentence of 1 year to 5 years! and spend 13 fucking billion on prisons he will need to fill up. You get what you vote for.

July High Times has an article on it.

Get legal before it's to late... :blsmoke:
damnit, i would love to kick that asshat in the nutz so hard they replace his eyeballs... maybe he'd be less blind then.

and that goes for all the fucknuts who voted for him, too.

seed slaya

Active Member
This is just a repeat of what happened about 6 yrs ago.In a similiar court case in ontario it was ruled that the way the mmj setup was unconstitutional.Only last time the feds didnt appeal in the alotted time frame.So the judges just extended their decision and gave them more time and eventually the feds made the MMAR as we know it.So technically in canada marijuana is legal although judges just disobey the higher court and lock you up anyways.If you ever get busted use the POL COA defence.It means Parliament only legislates - Courts only Abrogate.heres a link if your interested http://www.ccldr.net/
this new to me, so basicly it means that all laws passed by current government that are considered un-constitutional they are invalid do to our charter of rights and freedoms?
say you bust that one out to a cop what exactly would they do? lmao


Well-Known Member
Right now the cops are being quite fair to most people who get caught with an oz or less. They just take your dope and leave. Recent personal experience from a family member in Toronto, took the oz but gave the papers and stuff back.


Active Member
this new to me, so basicly it means that all laws passed by current government that are considered un-constitutional they are invalid do to our charter of rights and freedoms?
say you bust that one out to a cop what exactly would they do? lmao
Well this is a defense you would use in a court after you have been charged so the cop would still arrest you.But basically if you use this defense you put the judge in a tough spot....if he finds you guilty he is disobeying the supreme court of canada because they ruled marijuana laws were unjust.But if he finds you not guilty he disobeys the federal government because they say its still illegal.But the way the law works is that once a judge rules a law is unjust new legislature must be written(by parliament) to enact new laws and that never happened therefore weed is technically legal.This is not a sure way to get off charges tho many people have still been imprisoned using this defense although there have also been alot of mistrials declared because of this too.