Is it Ok to Draw Your Intake from the Same Room that You Exhaust To?

Assuming that a dehumidifier would be used to combat the obvious increase in humidity associated with this. Would there be a problem with a lack of CO2?


yes there be alot of problems Co2 being one of them Fresh air is key you have a floor vent or somthing in that room you could pipe air out ?


Well-Known Member
yes there be alot of problems Co2 being one of them Fresh air is key you have a floor vent or somthing in that room you could pipe air out ?

Hmm just how much co2 do you think your plants need to grow exactly?

How big is the room?
Actually, the room is in a basement. It might be possible for me to cut a hole in the floor and draw my intake from the upstairs. Ideally I would draw from the outside, but I live in a climate where temps get below zero Fahrenheit in the winter. I fear that would shock the plants.


A closed growing environment differs from the traditional grow room set-up in that it does not "connect" to the external environment and runs on a closed loop. Typically, grow room air is vented to the outside while outside air is drawn in to replace the CO2 being evacuated. This creates an "open door" for a host of problems, and can limit the amount of control you can take over your growing environment.

A closed Environment like you are talking about can work great, but supplementing CO2 is a must. For large areas propane or natural gas CO2 Generaters work great. For smaller areas the extra heat and humidity a Co2 Generator puts off could be problematic. Smaller areas would benefit more from using a simple regulator and compressed tanks of Co2.



i live in a cold regin to i just exast i dont have intakes most rooms and house are sealed very fresh air will find its way in ..


Well-Known Member
A closed growing environment differs from the traditional grow room set-up in that it does not "connect" to the external environment and runs on a closed loop. Typically, grow room air is vented to the outside while outside air is drawn in to replace the CO2 being evacuated. This creates an "open door" for a host of problems, and can limit the amount of control you can take over your growing environment.

A closed Environment like you are talking about can work great, but supplementing CO2 is a must. For large areas propane or natural gas CO2 Generaters work great. For smaller areas the extra heat and humidity a Co2 Generator puts off could be problematic. Smaller areas would benefit more from using a simple regulator and compressed tanks of Co2.

This is not what the thread is about. Its about venting. There is no venting in a CGE. Stay on topic...


have seen how mold grows when you dont bring in fresh air put a band new bud in a plastic bag with no new air and tell me what happens in a week .........
Basically I'm just wondering if there's going to be enough air exchange between the rest of the house (through the floorboards) to compensate for the exhaust air that is depleted of Co2.


Well-Known Member
The room is 21' by 11', btw
Should be plenty big enough. I'm in a basement also, a bit larger, but I exhaust towards the ceiling and draw from floor level.

Yes, there is enough air exchange for the C02. It's far from airtight. LOL



Well-Known Member
There is usually someone who flames me every time I mention this, but what the hell lol. Here is what I do for CO2. I have one of those small one mantle propane lanterns in my grow room. I use a hose so I can connect it to a grill tank which lasts about a month. I keep the lantern on during light hours. It easily doubles my CO2, from about 400 PPM to over 800. I know this because I invested in an expensive CO2 monitor.
There is usually someone who gives dire warnings about CO etc, but it really is not a problem. I have a CO monitor close by and it has never chirped once. Besides, gas and kerosene were the norm for lighting for many years, and still is in some places.
It does not give off much heat either.
This works well for me. It's cheap.


Well-Known Member
This is not what the thread is about. Its about venting. There is no venting in a CGE. Stay on topic...
He mentioned a lack of c02 problem and he got EXTRA advice on what to do in that situation. It sounds like your just mad that someone else just got AWESOME advice and you want to prevent the extra accurate advice. This is a community and you are equal as all of us so dont act like a Forum Enforcer. good day m8.


Well-Known Member
There is usually someone who flames me every time I mention this, but what the hell lol. Here is what I do for CO2. I have one of those small one mantle propane lanterns in my grow room. I use a hose so I can connect it to a grill tank which lasts about a month. I keep the lantern on during light hours. It easily doubles my CO2, from about 400 PPM to over 800. I know this because I invested in an expensive CO2 monitor.
There is usually someone who gives dire warnings about CO etc, but it really is not a problem. I have a CO monitor close by and it has never chirped once. Besides, gas and kerosene were the norm for lighting for many years, and still is in some places.
It does not give off much heat either.
This works well for me. It's cheap.
I heard about that. honestly I just wanna get a tank and use that shit but I hear tanks are expensive and buyers information gets put down on a list if ya buy from a place.


Well-Known Member
As for a tank, I just got a couple additional ones for free. Just find someone who has an old one; everyone tosses out grills and a new tank comes with the new one. Anyway, you take an old crappy tank and go to Home Depot after hours. They have a grill tank exchange that is DIY 24x7, kiosk with a credit card. Voila! New tank, filled with propane, for just the cost of the propane.


Well-Known Member
He mentioned a lack of c02 problem and he got EXTRA advice on what to do in that situation. It sounds like your just mad that someone else just got AWESOME advice and you want to prevent the extra accurate advice. This is a community and you are equal as all of us so dont act like a Forum Enforcer. good day m8.
Yes im furious lol. Go away kiddo :)

You also joined about 5min ago so please shut the fuck up when it comes to contributing to the community ok :)