Midwest Weather Sucks!

Anybody else trying to grow outdoors in the midwest this year? Its been raining since the beginning of may and now tornados:cry:
well let me be more specific any iowans growing this year? Im going to do swiss cheese from nirvana and some bagseed let me know what you guys plan on doing and what strains work good for iowa.


Feel for ya. Here in Mid-Atlantic don't think we've had more than two days without rain since March. Rare to get a tornado though. Put two out this morning though I hold little hope for them. Soil is totally soaked and just by walking on it you compact it bad. I just put those out to do something.....anything. They are one a hillside though and will have drainage. Then I'll watch them fry when August rolls around with the drought. Ah, gotta love Climate Change.
I'm in with Bubblicious, NL, and Pure Power Plant. I'd go ahead and try to plant some bagseed with the hopes that you'll get something. Shoot we should have been in the ground May15th but with the rain..............and temps. So I'm sitting on 14 more plants, my indoor veg tent full, bud tent full, and cussing the sky.
Good luck to you. Keep safe
hey sparce yea i did get a few bagseed out in the beginning of may but there stunted as hell from all the rain and had some bug problems too but there doing alright i was suprised the other day when i went out there that they were still alive. well hope you get them ladys out soon and happy growing!
i hear ya subcriminal it looks like its going to be getting nice here in iowa suppose to be in the 80s for a week with no rain so im excited, what you planting this year?


Well-Known Member
minnesota grower here, weather blows here too! we had frost on wednesday and its been raining since about the begining of may here too.

we did have a few sunny days but they were short lived

it has also been very windy

i hate this weather, this is my first try at growing and i picked the worst year ever!!

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
I don't grow outdoors but I do a vegetable garden. In Iowa it sucks! Rain rain rain. I have all my vegetable starts out side and they have set fruit, but I have not gotten them planted into the garden itself. I started them inside early so I am still ahead of the game plant age wise.
I don't grow outdoors but I do a vegetable garden. In Iowa it sucks! Rain rain rain. I have all my vegetable starts out side and they have set fruit, but I have not gotten them planted into the garden itself. I started them inside early so I am still ahead of the game plant age wise.
yea i started a bunch of tomatoes from seed a while back and mine are in pots and some still in cups need to get them planted but this weather makes me lazy lol.


Well-Known Member
I feel for you guys in the south and mid-west..those tornados are nasty. I heard on the news in Portland Oregon which is 60 miles west of me and a hell of a lot wetter..That in the first 142 days of this year in Portland there have been 91 days of measurable rainfall. Sine Jan, 1 there has only been four days that it has hit 70 or above.

it's been pretty depressing..But I'd still take this over the tornados!
minnesota grower here, weather blows here too! we had frost on wednesday and its been raining since about the begining of may here too.

we did have a few sunny days but they were short lived

it has also been very windy

i hate this weather, this is my first try at growing and i picked the worst year ever!!
yea this is my first outdoor grow and now im wondering if its even worth it, but i think the weather is coming around. What you going to grow?


Active Member
Midwest here, cold and rainy. Been a real bugger trying to get farm crops in, thought I would be done by 15th of May, then I could transplant my girls, well still not done planting farm crops.

I planted out a few of my girls today, had to carry soil to plant them because the ground is just saturated. Chemo Iranian and Sweet Dreams.


Well-Known Member
same with us, i live on a farm and we have only got in half the corn, we still have all the soybeans to plant yet. this time last year we were done with all of it


Active Member
wisconsin grower here, the weather this year is terrible. Its the end of may and its still raining and shitty, such a bad season for us :(. Anyone else growing in WI?
I spent hours double digging a pretty nice size area hoping a day of pain would pay off later in terms of some good meds for my fibromyalgia and soon after planting my sprouts we got hit with tornado's and storms the only ones that made it where a few random transplants in a different patch. Ohio wasn't good this year and I wasted a lot of time and energy lol.

jimmy jones

Active Member
April was record rainfall for ohio. Most rain ohio has ever gotten in april. I got mine put out a few weeks ago and lost three to rain and wind. Now its been almost 90 for two weeks. One extreme to the next around here.