Organics Growing the Dirty Way


Well-Known Member
Why is the section on RIU called Organics Marijuana Growing... the clean way. (no chemicals) ?

It should be called "growing hte dirty way".

Hydroponics should be called "growing the sterile way".



And you should be called... ignorantly daft.

Plants never ever would have evolved in a sterile environment (nothing would have).


Well-Known Member
And you should be called... ignorantly daft.

Plants never ever would have evolved in a sterile environment (nothing would have).
OK, how about plants that grow on bare mineral substrates? Plants do this to this day. Ever see plants growing on straight rock?

Also, the most basic hydroponics is sterile. There are only nutrient salts added to the reservoir. In fact, I use 29% H2O2 to keep it sterile.

So I don't know what your point is?

You think hydro is unnatural or something?

Ignorantly daft? What am I ignorant of? And Why am I silly, stupid, or mad?

You are a fucking troll. Organics uses living things like beneficial bacteria, fungi, livings this like worms and dirt. It is not "the clean way". It never has been. It has always been outside and dirty.

Hydroponics has always been inside and sterile. Yes, people use additives and stuff in hydro, but it is generally sterile when talking about any major production system.

thanks, though, nullis, for calling me ignorant and silly. I'm glad you are so fucking astute. You are a real classy guy.


Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
"clean" = devoid of synthetic nutrients. Any form of growing in soil, whether organic or synthetic, is by nature "DIRT-Y."

I use soil, but have a very clean operation. I've seen hydro ops that look dirty.

You're getting your feathers all ruffled because someone pointed out you started a rather "senseless" thread...arguing about a sub-title for a forum category is pretty daft.


Well-Known Member
"clean" = devoid of synthetic nutrients. Any form of growing in soil, whether organic or synthetic, is by nature "DIRT-Y."

I use soil, but have a very clean operation. I've seen hydro ops that look dirty.

You're getting your feathers all ruffled because someone pointed out you started a rather "senseless" thread...arguing about a sub-title for a forum category is pretty daft.
OK Jerr. I didn't know that "clean" has become colloquial for "synthetic chemical free". So organics are clean, as in clean and sober, from chemical nutrients?

If that is so, that's cool with me. Go ahead and talk about clean soil, but to me, and to hydroponic growers, cleanliness is a concept we use. We have to keep sterile environments. So it just confuses things when we have to be officially clean and soil, to me, is full of dirt and dirty as you said.
I guess technically hydroponics is clean and sterile and organics are clean and free of synthetic stuff.

It's cool though, cuz bad is good and good is bad, right? It's the new lingo ya'll kids are bringin that's got me confused.


Well-Known Member
I grew up outdoors. I like dirt. I like the way it smells. I like running my fingers through my supersoil.
I like moving my plant outside for a sunny day, fresh air and some free Co2.

Hydro is for youngsters who grew up indoors playing with transformers and pokeman cards.


Well-Known Member
I grew up outdoors. I like dirt. I like the way it smells. I like running my fingers through my supersoil.
I like moving my plant outside for a sunny day, fresh air and some free Co2.

Hydro is for youngsters who grew up indoors playing with transformers and pokeman cards.
Yeah, pokemon card were all the rage in 1955 when hydroponics took off. LOLz

I grow in both. Why have to hate on either? I have 5 big soil plants next to 18 gigantic hydro plants in the same room.

Should I be ethnically cleansed?
Am I playing with transformers AND being a dirt lover?

How can I reconcile this. I am feeling schizo right now. All I can think of is Pikachoo and Optomos Prime.

Dirt is for people and so is hydro.


Well, how is growing in soil with bacteria, fungi, nematodes, protozoa and micro-arhtopods 'dirty'? So any produce grown outdoors is dirty? Setting aside that plenty of people grow orgnanically indoors, of course.

The troll accuses me of trolling, almost humorous. BTW not many plants grow on straight rock. I have a feeling you're referring to lichens or mosses which share a symbiotic bond with fungi; the fungi are the ones which produce acids that dissolve the rock.

Which brings me back to my first statement: plants, nor animals would have evolved were it not for bacteria and fungi, et al.


Well-Known Member
Well, how is growing in soil with bacteria, fungi, nematodes, protozoa and micro-arhtopods 'dirty'? So any produce grown outdoors is dirty? Setting aside that plenty of people grow orgnanically indoors, of course..
I think growing with those things is dirty because they are in dirt. I don't mean anything bad by "dirty" -- I just mean "involving dirt". The produce itself is not dirty - just the method by which it was grown. I grow in organic soil and live on an organic farm, so I do truly understand organics and soil life. I am also a Master Gardener in my state, which I think is a decent background in horticulture from which my POV comes.

When I talk about plants growing on rocks, I don't mean lichens necessarily, but they are in the short list of pioneer flora. I am talking about the concept of "primary succession" or "soil formation"

At the beginning, there was no soil. All that is present at the beginning of primary succession is mineral material; sand, volcanic ash, lava, bare rock, etc. Soil contains organic material (living bacteria, fungi, plant roots, animals, etc. and the dead and decomposing parts of these creatures). In primary succession the initial organic matter is added to the mineral substrate by the pioneer plants. Pioneer plants become established on the bare mineral substrate from spores, seeds, or other propagules that are blown, washed, or caried in by animals.

There are lots of pioneer plants out there that can pop out of bare mineral substrates like lava.

Other examples of non-soil substrates and their companion plants:
Barren rock- blue-green bacteria (cyanobacteria), lichen
Barren sand- lyme grass, sea couch grass, marram grass
Salt Water- green algae, marine eel grass, pickleweed
Fresh water- algae, mosses, freshwater eel grass

These things came around before soil and helped crack it up into smaller particles in which the bacteria and fungi eventually grew.

I have a great appreciation for organics and a great appreciation for hydroponics.

I wish people would chill on their personal agendas and look at how these systems are similar.



Well, I am glad you realized exactly what meaning 'clean' takes on in the context of the description of this forum. It's a pity you didn't notice the annotation in parentheses and piece that puzzle together yourself, but we can't all be perfect. Maybe you are an MG, but you come off like a pretentious pre-teen (sorry).

Why? You're making an argument out of nothing. Then you want people to "chill on their personal agenda's". You're actually trying to argue with me about something which I would agree upon, and in fact previously stated. Plants wouldn't exist without the aid of other organisms, and those other organisms just might not exist without plants. It's called nutrient cycling, it involves root exudation and a soil food web; but I am sure you're already aware of that. But does it mean that hydro is evil? I never said so. So, what are you trying to prove?

Nobody here really said anything bad about hydroponics. And who the heck starts a thread in an a forum about organic gardening just to bring hydro into it (besides a troll)? So they can assume they know exactly how everybody else feels and what everyone else knows (or doesn't know) about the subject(s) in question and then pull some debate out of their ass?

Hydro sterile? Hardly. Well, it can be, but you know people use beneficial microbes in hydroponics... don't ya? Plant's do their best to attract them into the rhizosphere, anyways.

In conclusion: this is a very daft thread for the organics forum. Yes, you just might be schizo. You could be using cannabis to self medicate.


Well-Known Member
I'd like to go back to daft from pre-teen schizo. It's just so hard being a pre-teen again. Not to mention, I just can't get into Bieber.

I should have left it alone when I figured out that you all meant clean as in clean living. I don't know what I was trying to argue, anyhow. I just love growing pot in soil, soiless mixes, in my field, and in expanded clay pellets in my systems.

I'm glad that you can at least express yourself better than a lot of folks on here and that you actually know what you are talking about.

Moving on, have you watched or read this lately: ? It is Michael Pollan giving a talk about, "Marijuana, Forgetting, and the Botany of Desire".


ps- you know, i picked a bad weekend to start drinking coffee again... caffeine intoxication may mimic schizo