Club 600


Well-Known Member
Certainly looks like it is getting there bassman. Got a pic of the full plant?

I had some of the worms, they were like shells from prawns...but were worms. You can eat them but if there is an alternative I don't know why.


Well-Known Member
So, anyone from outside the US planning to travel to the US. Better read first. My sister in the US has been bugging me since 911 to come visit her but after my experience as a truck driver, before and after 911 it's really soured things for me and I refuse to cross. I have her and all my nephews, nieces, and even great nephews and neices and I haven't seen them for years and it kills me. I learned that since the first time I crossed and told them about my minor criminal offense back in the early 80's (breach of recognizance), that it will stay on their system forever, and now I have my pardon but they don't recognize it. It's never kept me from entering so it's not that serious but still I face risks. Anyway, this news just cemented my beliefs. Sorry my US friends, please know it's nothing personal, just the way it is.

British airline passengers flying to the United States face having their personal information, including addresses, phone numbers and credit card details, stored for 15 years under under a proposed agreement between the US and the European Union.
Details of millions of travellers from Europe, including addresses, phone numbers and credit card information, would be kept for the extended period by the US Department of Homeland Security, which also wants airlines to furnish the data up to 96 hours ahead of scheduled flight departures.


Well-Known Member
Certainly looks like it is getting there bassman. Got a pic of the full plant?

I had some of the worms, they were like shells from prawns...but were worms. You can eat them but if there is an alternative I don't know why.
I can try to take one right now before the darkness comes. Looks like a storm here, cloudy all day and now the wind is kicking hard!!


Well-Known Member
I would start giving it a flush, in about 3-4 days check the trichs (if you don;t have a scope try and get as good a pic as possible and just zoom in on your pc.) As I said, I think it looks like it is nearly done.


Well-Known Member
DST, the buds feel firm esp compared to the other strian girls out there. She is the only one that looks done and is hard.


Well-Known Member
Ok so I can leave a lower set of branches and then put her back on 18/6?

On a side note all my hot peppers from seed have sprouted.
Bhut Jolokia
Naga Morich
Trinidad Scorpion
Red Savina Habanerro
Devils Tongue

I can post pics upon request. I know this is not the thread for this so I wont post pics unless requested.

Thanx DST for the input man, gonna flush in the morning


Well-Known Member
So, anyone from outside the US planning to travel to the US. Better read first. My sister in the US has been bugging me since 911 to come visit her but after my experience as a truck driver, before and after 911 it's really soured things for me and I refuse to cross. I have her and all my nephews, nieces, and even great nephews and neices and I haven't seen them for years and it kills me. I learned that since the first time I crossed and told them about my minor criminal offense back in the early 80's (breach of recognizance), that it will stay on their system forever, and now I have my pardon but they don't recognize it. It's never kept me from entering so it's not that serious but still I face risks. Anyway, this news just cemented my beliefs. Sorry my US friends, please know it's nothing personal, just the way it is.

British airline passengers flying to the United States face having their personal information, including addresses, phone numbers and credit card details, stored for 15 years under under a proposed agreement between the US and the European Union.
Details of millions of travellers from Europe, including addresses, phone numbers and credit card information, would be kept for the extended period by the US Department of Homeland Security, which also wants airlines to furnish the data up to 96 hours ahead of scheduled flight departures.
Are we under threat from another British music invasion?
The homeland (in)security are the gestapo of the US federal government.
Them and the tsa.
Zieg, heil, baby...


Well-Known Member
Yes, that's true cof, and hopefully it doesn't happen. To me though, it's the idea that it's been given thought in the first place that disturbs me and make's me skeptical of things that our governments do. Just one more thing to keep an eye on.Problem is, with everything going on, I'd need my own agency to do that and I'm a little short on cash.

Ok, I guess to keep things in line with content requirements I should mention something about weed. Nothing really to say though right now but, I really, really, really like it. Oh, and billcollector, these Dieselberry are starting groove now!


Doobie et al, I liked your post because I thought it was funny, not because of the content. Don't need no Nazi misconceptions here thanks.


Well-Known Member
Yes, that's true cof, and hopefully it doesn't happen. To me though, it's the idea that it's been given thought in the first place that disturbs me and make's me skeptical of things that our governments do. Just one more thing to keep an eye on.Problem is, with everything going on, I'd need my own agency to do that and I'm a little short on cash.

Ok, I guess to keep things in line with content requirements I should mention something about weed. Nothing really to say though right now but, I really, really, really like it. Oh, and billcollector, these Dieselberry are starting groove now!


Doobie et al, I liked your post because I thought it was funny, not because of the content. Don't need no Nazi misconceptions here thanks.
Don't worry! :-)
I even hesitated to compare the aforementioned bullies to the gestapo. But they are eerily similar, and voracious for more power.

(*edit: the sad thing is, I was aiming the camera smack-on center to the blurry bud you almost see in the photo, but my camera seems to have a bit of a lazy eye, and focuses up and to the left...)
