Breaking Into The Business


Active Member
And i dunno why everyone keeps saying its too late, he said he is not in it for the money, it is never to late to get an honest collective in socal we need them because there are alot of people in it for the money, its their fault they get raided and go to federal prison... they are the reason people look bad upon medical marijuana... SMH


Well-Known Member
And i dunno why everyone keeps saying its too late
I'm just saying the gold rush is over in that people thinking they'll move to California and grow pot because there's all these clubs out here just waiting to buy it are in for one big disappointing surprise.

I couldn't really give a shit less if anyone believes me or not. You're all more than welcome to come out here and give it a try.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
I'm just saying the gold rush is over in that people thinking they'll move to California and grow pot because there's all these clubs out here just waiting to buy it are in for one big disappointing surprise.

I couldn't really give a shit less if anyone believes me or not. You're all more than welcome to come out here and give it a try.
^ this ^

There is a market saturation going on that's been holding for a year now especially with outdoor but to an extent indoor as well. You now have to grow twice as much as you did a couple years ago to get the same profit.

IMO - If you're not a very experienced commercial grower, forget about medical vending. There is no margin in it anymore.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Yay, let's propogate absolutely ridiculously priced weed despite the technical legality of it. Whooooo for profit driven lifestyles. Wish people would use more of their experience and knowledge to get people growing for free than to make a big buck off them :(
The vendors aren't making the huge profits they used to. I know it seems that way because dispensary prices are holding steady, but that's just the clubs making a higher profit margin. The vendors are making a much less and it's very competitive.

It's not being an asshole to say that it's very difficult to make it as a medical vendor these days. It's a fact. New people coming into it better be very skilled or they simply won't make it.


Well-Known Member
How hard do you think/know it is to break into the Marijuana business in California. I would love to open my own dispensary but then again it's hard to move half-a-country a way to take a chance. I will graduate next year with a business degree and let's just say I would love to see the business behind Marijuana.
Whoah there dude. If you are a year away from a business degree, why don't you write for US a 29 page report analysing the medical marijuana industry in CA?

Is this not what a business student would do?

I'm not going to lay into you any more than that :)

Tommyo Bachelor of Science in Management with a concentration in Marketing


Well-Known Member
no offense to your BS is Mngt, but i know ALOT of college educated idiots. not saying your one yourself, but just cuz you have a BS dont mean diddly in reality. its about a person drive and desire to succeed after the find something they have an solid interest in.

anyone can be a CEO of a multimillion dollar corporation. take bill gates, dan quale, or even gwb. just saying a paper on the wall only shows you followed the rules outlined by those making the rules, whether or not your good at what those papers say, is unique to each individual that has them. your milliage may vary.

with that said, your suggestion for the op, considering he IS in college, is spot on.

i have 13 inches of GirlOnly Surprise, but that doesnt mean i can use it, which i Can just to answer any of the girls finale questions. heh.

first and formost, Cannabis is a Weed, literally. It is in the Weed Family of plants. and like pretty much any weed, it grows naturally, wildly, and pretty much anywhere that can sustain pretty much any form of above water plant life. and if lef to do its thing, with the things it generally needs, it ll grow to fruition, propigate, and spreads its loving goodness the next growing season. then repeat the process. not much of a mystery if you ask me.

the only mystery to growing quality cannabis, is why everyone says its so hard to be a quality cannabis grower. which to anwer, is if you, jon q public, swallows the pill that it is hard to grow, then you're more likely to never try, thus not realize how incredibly easy it CAN BE to grow quality cannabis, thus take potential future profits away in 2 forms. 1st, you no longer need to buy, cuz you know growing isnt a mystery, and 2, any potential customers you help realize how non mysterious it is to grow cannabis, or worse yet, the stealing of money, by you fullfilling another persons medicinal needs, and making the money, instead of them, regardless of your fair of outrageous price as it may be. or whether you give it away after cost, and a fair cost of labor is deducted.

if you have ever grown a garden, and kept simple vegatative plants alive with relatively good health and have ate the harvest of that garden and liked what you ate, you can grow cannabis. of course it can be as complicated or as simple as you want it to be.

i agree calis ect is a harder area. other mmj legal states are newer, and more are voting to legalize in 2012s vote. its a fine time to enter the market imo. like any business, one of the major factors to success is location, location, location. and then business direction.

i ll leave you with one last thing to think about.

if mother nature was your mom, and she was growing any sort of above water plantlife, but doing it indoors, what would she do? find that out, and move it inside. apply your prior growing skills and start out slow/small at first.

i have 35 years into the college of life. plenty of paper on the walls, have it all painted light blue in this room.


Well-Known Member
no offense to your BS is Mngt, but i know ALOT of college educated idiots. not saying your one yourself, but just cuz you have a BS dont mean diddly in reality. its about a person drive and desire to succeed after the find something they have an solid interest in.
Well then, I get the feeling you've given that speach about college a lot in your life. You really took it too far thinking that I am some fat-headed gloating frat boy, since my only mention of college was to kick the kid in the ass for not being able to do a SWOT analysis for his weed business or do major research for himself. I don't care about my education. I went to a decent school and got average grades. I was just telling him, AS A PEER, that his major should equip him to precisely figure out what he asked us all here. That's all.. I wasn't being stuck up because I don't give a fuck about my diploma. I didn't even walk in my graduation because I was 30 and didn't feel like celebrating.

Next, and more importantly: the issue of cannabis being a weed. It is not. I cannot stand the misuse of the term "weed" for cannabis.
Everyone knows that cannabis is an annual dioecious flowering herb. It is not a "wild plant growing where it is not wanted and in competition with cultivated plants" (definition of a weed). Rather, Cannabis has been cultivated for 5000 years. Civilizations do not cultivate weeds, kind sir. Weeds are the burrs on my dog's fur. Cannabis is a pampered plant that has grown with the human race for 5,000 years giving us the ability to forget. (more on that in a minute). Dandelion in your cannabis patch, sir, is a weed. Cannabis is a weed as much as coffee and tea are weeds.
Cannabis is far from something of a nuisance plant. Cannabis gives the human race the ability to forget, which some argue is as important as the ability to remember. Know what I mean? It enables us to change the contents of our minds and our experience of consciousness. It can help take our minds off of our chronic pain. It can help us forget the horrible things we have gone through and achieve some brief respite. It has so much power that, I think, as cannabis enthusiasts, we must revere this plant.
That's why it grinds my gears to hear anyone call cannabis a weed.


Well-Known Member
ok, i guess the thousands and thousands of years cannabis was here before man was handled by martians?

and what i said, is a BS in anything really only says you can and will play the game for the piece of paper. it up to you to learn and diegest, which can be done without going to college. Ever hear of Nickola Tesla? Albert Einstein? Perhaps you heard of Pathagreus or maybe even Edgar Casey?

many "WEEDS" are flowering plants. Take the Dandilion for instance.


Well-Known Member
ok, i guess the thousands and thousands of years cannabis was here before man was handled by martians?

and what i said, is a BS in anything really only says you can and will play the game for the piece of paper. it up to you to learn and diegest, which can be done without going to college. Ever hear of Nickola Tesla? Albert Einstein? Perhaps you heard of Pathagreus or maybe even Edgar Casey?

many "WEEDS" are flowering plants. Take the Dandilion for instance.
Let me just reframe this here for you. Ultimately our context here is cultivating marijuana. That's our focus, our goal, the only plant we care about here.

Again, the definition of weed:
1 a wild plant growing where it is not wanted and in competition with cultivated plants.
[mass noun] any wild plant growing in salt or fresh water.

So in our context of growing cannabis and by it's very definition, the cannabis is the cultivated plant and the dandelion that blew in accidentally is the weed.

This is a fact and you cannot argue around it.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Well then, I get the feeling you've given that speach about college a lot in your life. You really took it too far thinking that I am some fat-headed gloating frat boy, since my only mention of college was to kick the kid in the ass for not being able to do a SWOT analysis for his weed business or do major research for himself. I don't care about my education. I went to a decent school and got average grades. I was just telling him, AS A PEER, that his major should equip him to precisely figure out what he asked us all here. That's all.. I wasn't being stuck up because I don't give a fuck about my diploma. I didn't even walk in my graduation because I was 30 and didn't feel like celebrating.
To open a dispensary these days generally you're going to need to buy a building, put ~20-75k into upgrades into the building because you need it to have very specific functions and to meet local regulations, then a stock pile of product or very good connections in the business so people will give you long consignment periods, and after that enough saved up for 6 months worth of operating expenses (which are ~15k-30k per month to get started).

Basically what you need is several hundred thousand dollars. If you've got the capital, then yes, it is viable to open a dispensary assuming you know how to successfully operate one. If you've got the coin and the knowledge, go for it!


Well-Known Member
To open a dispensary these days generally you're going to need to buy a building, put ~20-75k into upgrades into the building because you need it to have very specific functions and to meet local regulations, then a stock pile of product or very good connections in the business so people will give you long consignment periods, and after that enough saved up for 6 months worth of operating expenses (which are ~15k-30k per month to get started).

Basically what you need is several hundred thousand dollars. If you've got the capital, then yes, it is viable to open a dispensary assuming you know how to successfully operate one. If you've got the coin and the knowledge, go for it!
Very nice job, Dan Kone, of giving a brief summary of the startup costs of a dispensary. You are exactly right -- one needs to have hundreds of thousands of dollars to open a dispensary.

It is a great business to be in. There are many obstacles in entering the market in california.

As with anyone trying to break into any business, I would suggest a college student or graduate to find an entry-level position in the cannabis business to get a job at a dispensary. Get your foot in the door. Then you can learn the business.


Well-Known Member
As with anyone trying to break into any business, I would suggest a college student or graduate to find an entry-level position in the cannabis business to get a job at a dispensary. Get your foot in the door. Then you can learn the business.
You mean be a 'budtender'? You should also mention that it helps to be a young hippy chick with a flirty stoned smile and great tits. And I'm not sure what door that'll get your foot in, but you'll at least learn to lie to people about what you're selling them.


Well-Known Member
You mean be a 'budtender'? You should also mention that it helps to be a young hippy chick with a flirty stoned smile and great tits. And I'm not sure what door that'll get your foot in, but you'll at least learn to lie to people about what you're selling them.
That's what I'm saying... If you are a dude in the midwest at some business college and you have daydreams of going to california to open a dispensary, the best that could happen is you could move here and your little girlfriend could get a bud tending job... lolz
I was going to add that it would help if he had great tits, but I decided to keep it out in my first post.. maybe he does?


Well-Known Member
You mean be a 'budtender'? You should also mention that it helps to be a young hippy chick with a flirty stoned smile and great tits. And I'm not sure what door that'll get your foot in, but you'll at least learn to lie to people about what you're selling them.
Thinking about it a little, a bud tender could conceivably move up to bud buyer, in which case you'd learn how to tell people that their pot is shit, even though it looks better than what you've got on your top shelf.


Well-Known Member
Thinking about it a little, a bud tender could conceivably move up to bud buyer, in which case you'd learn how to tell people that their pot is shit, even though it looks better than what you've got on your top shelf.
Oh man, you'd be living the dream at that point.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Thinking about it a little, a bud tender could conceivably move up to bud buyer, in which case you'd learn how to tell people that their pot is shit, even though it looks better than what you've got on your top shelf.
You're killin me dude. Too true, too funny.