Club 600


Well-Known Member
They will let you take a point and shoot but no slr. Amazing pics my friend. Happy memorial day weekend/ bank holiday from hearst castle. The sea otters say hello.
I don't know where my brain was (THC), but I re-read their rules and they leave it up to the artists as to allow cameras or not. And on the Rush website there's even a section devoted to pics taken by fans at the concerts. :-)
Damn! Need to get another battery pack and another 4GB memory card before June 28th. :-)


Well-Known Member
will give it a shot
and whodat no they are teens in vedge going outside
and how do i prevent from bringing them home i plant to get undressed in my front room thing i have outside and hit the shower and wash my clothes right away
You can do what cof says, iv never tried it but I trust his posts. If the plants arnt too big <~"I"~> would dunk them in a neem or azamax solution then vacuum and bomb the room then spray and scrub it down with more azamax then repeat in 3-6 days ,depending on the conditions and how fast they are reproducing, and then again in another 3-6. I also pull off badly damaged leafs because they are always COVERED in eggs. Iv never grown OD so there might be a better way of going about it... idk. Def change your cloths and take a shower before you go to your grow room, you most likely have some on you. Im also wondering if any of these things would ward off natural predators once they go outside? again, idk. The situation def sounds workable, STAY ON TOP OF THOSE MOTHER FKERS!

dont sleep on mites lol they will fk your garden up!


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Oh, man!
I know it's not cananbis related, but it's still way cool:



Well-Known Member
thats pretty crazy doob, I bet they were high so your prob safe

This is prob weed related because I bett a good amount of these people were stoned, but not by the time they ordered their food :lol:

edit: I'll prob be adding more vids I come across tonight, thanks now im in vid mode doob!

This is a very calm mofo lol

This lil girl has been hitting the heavy indicas a little too hard :lol:

:lol: this dude was high as hell.


Well-Known Member
thats pretty crazy doob, I bet they were high so your prob safe

This is prob weed related because I bett a good amount of these people were stoned, but not by the time they ordered their food :lol:

edit: I'll prob be adding more vids I come across tonight, thanks now im in vid mode doob!

This is a very calm mofo lol
That's crazy!
The people in line better have brought some doobies & snacks while they wait for their turn to order.
I feel sorry for the workers inside, too!

Holy crap! Almost missed the 2nd vid link!
Oh, man! Words escape me! I can imagine what my old man would've done to me if I'd killed his new TV. :-P


Well-Known Member
LOL I know right :lol: plenty of doobs to smoke before you order, only problem is the cop directing traffick :lol:

I added a new vid to my original post, I'll continue to update it :-)


Well-Known Member
Alex's gear (interview) for the Time Machine Tour:


...and his new Gibson signature guitar:


I'm too stoned (not!):




Well-Known Member
That kid falling asleep was brilliant!!!! She starts tucking right back in as soon as her eyes open...hahaha...then it's back to sleep.


Active Member
You can do what cof says, iv never tried it but I trust his posts. If the plants arnt too big <~"I"~> would dunk them in a neem or azamax solution then vacuum and bomb the room then spray and scrub it down with more azamax then repeat in 3-6 days ,depending on the conditions and how fast they are reproducing, and then again in another 3-6. I also pull off badly damaged leafs because they are always COVERED in eggs. Iv never grown OD so there might be a better way of going about it... idk. Def change your cloths and take a shower before you go to your grow room, you most likely have some on you. Im also wondering if any of these things would ward off natural predators once they go outside? again, idk. The situation def sounds workable, STAY ON TOP OF THOSE MOTHER FKERS!

dont sleep on mites lol they will fk your garden up!
cool will do glad its not my garden


Well-Known Member
Alex's gear (interview) for the Time Machine Tour:


...and his new Gibson signature guitar:

and i thought playing a guitar was just strumming some strings, :shock:


Well-Known Member
Hey glad you enjoyed the vid D,

ya damn right hopkins!


I need advice 600!

Some of my ladies 1 week into flowering are bigger than I expected them to get, a good problem I guess.
My question is, is it a good idea to transplant to bigger containers even though they are flowering? I dont want to stunt them at all but I might be able to do it smooth enough to where they dont notice. Heres some pics, they are in 3 gal pots... doh!
edit: thats 11.3562353 liters for you strange folk lol


Well-Known Member
IF it was me whodat I don't think I would bother repotting, but then I am lazy and you have more room than me. But I don't think there will be any problems potting up during flower, I just done 2 of mine yesterday that were in flower.......{EDIT: To clarify, the only real reason I wouldn't bother is due to the fact that they look fairly happy and the pot size looks good to me. - just thought I'd say, lol}

Hey glad you enjoyed the vid D,

ya damn right hopkins!


I need advice 600!

Some of my ladies 1 week into flowering are bigger than I expected them to get, a good problem I guess.
My question is, is it a good idea to transplant to bigger containers even though they are flowering? I dont want to stunt them at all but I might be able to do it smooth enough to where they dont notice. Heres some pics, they are in 3 gal pots... doh!
edit: thats 11.3562353 liters for you strange folk lol
I wouldn't worry too much 3eyes, the bloody Christian Democratic party may be out of power in the next election the kakker motha fukkas. The Maastricht Gemeente already told them to piss off and didn't want it. The Mayor of Amsterdam has also stated he doesn't think it's a good idea either. It's just politics and media mate. Happens every 5 years. My friend was interviewed last night by a French Radio channel regarding the news. He owns his own coffeeshop, he reckons realistically it will be at least a year and a hlaf before anything would happen.
Anyway, watch this space I guess. Bloody religious people are always spoiling it, and they pray to someone/thing/entity who has yet to be proven to bloody exist.

Right, calming myself down with joint. Think I'll go and do some work since it's Sunday and I can.

Peace, DST



Well-Known Member
I hope they don't cock it up, i look forward to my couple of days R+R with the boys every summer, it's also a strain hunting trip for me if it wasn't for a previous trip i might never of found my sogouda she's been sitting peeps down for 18 months now and long may she continue

curious old fart

Well-Known Member
You can re-pot with no problems. I always had qualms about re-potting in the middle of bloom until I saw Don re-pot a panama red that was 4 months into 12/12 and she exploded. Due to soil issues I just re-potted all of my bloomers with no loss.



Well-Known Member
Hey glad you enjoyed the vid D,

ya damn right hopkins!


I need advice 600!

Some of my ladies 1 week into flowering are bigger than I expected them to get, a good problem I guess.
My question is, is it a good idea to transplant to bigger containers even though they are flowering? I dont want to stunt them at all but I might be able to do it smooth enough to where they dont notice. Heres some pics, they are in 3 gal pots... doh!
edit: thats 11.3562353 liters for you strange folk lol

You should be fine with those plants in those pots.If it was me i wouldn't mess wit them.Nice plants by the way.