Anyone tried those new red star shaped microdots? Well, they might not be new... but they are to me. Anyways, they are incredible. I haven't had lucy that good in years. Thank you whoever produced them. And if you get the chance, JUMP on these suckers. Don't take as much as you normally do... I usually take 4 hits but was warned these are strong.... so I took 3... but thought I was dying for 5 hours (was thinking it was another chemical). When I started coming down I realized it was indeed lucy. Luckily I bulked up on these suckers, so next time I won't freak out during my trip. I'll probably still take 4 next time for shits and giggles... and screams.
Was my first experience with microdot. I would make a thread about it, but I'm terrible at expressing how a trip went, and explaining things in general. At least when it comes to writing it out...