Help with drying autos
my short riders will be ready in 2-3 weeks. My problem is I live in Florida and the heat and humidity is really high. Temps in the high 80's and humidity is 70's. Any ideas how to dry without getting mold. I can't bring them inside until they can go in jars. Thanks for help
yeh dehumidifiers work great outdoors....
Dehumidifiers don't work to well outside, and yes if you read it again, he said he CANNOT bring the harvest inside until put into jars, at which point they should either be burbed or sealed until use.
How in this case would a dehumidifier work if to be used at this point, inside the house in jars???
Sorry but dude even if he was wrong in his quote, why would you call him a loser??? Is it friction you are after, because those unkind words can cause friction.
Keep it real, but no need to be-little someone. A simple I think you might of misread it, would of been suffice.
Women on the rag and children act like this, sorry but those are my most unkind words that you may see.
Trust me I could cuss up a storm, too just like the rest of ya, but I believe over the net is childish and B.S. period. Face to face is the way I handle things if it must be that way, but to divulge yourself into petty comments, name calling, and bickering is STUPID.
I'm almost starting to believe there are alot of youngens on this site that need to be under moderation.
On a positive note once again,
Here are the Snowryders from yesterday.
Days 10 & 11
Help with drying autos
my short riders will be ready in 2-3 weeks. My problem is I live in Florida and the heat and humidity is really high. Temps in the high 80's and humidity is 70's. Any ideas how to dry without getting mold. I can't bring them inside until they can go in jars. Thanks for help
Controlled environment.... buy a dehumidifier
yeh dehumidifiers work great outdoors....
fail..... read his post again loser.
SNOWRYDERS i highly recomend this strain easy to grow, very good smoke, very good yields mine were between 26g and 49g, pretty good 4 a plant that states 18g-36g, and who ever said you cant TOP autoflowers is WRONG, in my new grow i have topped one of my snowryders because i decided to grow them again, and it is the pick of the bunch the best plant hands down its gonna double the yield of the others, so i no what im doin now with this strain, ill put a picture of it up shortly. Peace out!!!
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Here's the Picture of my new grow, with the picture of the topped snowryder, in this grow i have 5 snowryder there the 1s with developed buds in the picture, i also have 3 auto pinapple express, 1 onyx and 1 MI5, this is proof you can top autoflowers well atleast this strain, i find it very very resiliant, and it will quite happily be topped, see what ya'll think!! peace out!!